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Suresh's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 1

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13 / 11 / 2022

I have designed an astable_multivibrator for a duty cycle of 63.7%. since it is an ideal one it generates a square wave signal. The design image can be seen at : '\' the output can be seen at: '\' the spice file can be downloaded from: '\' TASK-2 controlled the speed of a DC motor using L298-N dual-h-bridg have also applied the same where i built a MAZEBOT for participation in INSPIRON technical event ,(TASK_3)controlling speed of a DC motor is done by varying the gate voltages of the mosfet driver TASk_4) point turn of a 4 wheeler vehicle is achieved using L293-D(dual H-bridge) motor driver have 4 output control pins compared to L293-D having only two. (TASK-5)I have also built obstacle avoidance bot which takes turn at the right time when it encounters obstacle at a specified distanc his requires the use of ultrasound sensor it detects distances by measuring the delay between transmission and reception analogous to EM waves in RADAR but here the sound waves travel at speed of sound thus the DISTANCE is product speed of sound and the delay/2 since it travels 2 times the distance from obstacle ,this concept was also applied to the MAZEBOT as i mentioned above. TASK 7 -temperature humidity sensor was interfaced with arduin ut was not implemented with LCD-display TASK-8 HALL effect sensor was aslo implemented and the rpm values were seen as shown in image at also video is uploaded at I am very sorry that I tried to finish the other tasks but since due to the placements and academics there was huge shoratge of time due to which i was unable to finish them. MARVEL is playing a very important role in enriching the quality of knowledge gain in my journey of gaining makes me to know about things out of the box.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01