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Mahammad's D-P-001 course work. Lv 1


Blinking LED

17 / 4 / 2022

AIM : To understand the basic working of LEDs Brief description of tasks : Here I performed two types of LED connections Series connection and Parallel connection Note : 1) Most of the LED usually draws around 15 to 20mA of current to operate 2)A 9V battery can supply maximum of 2A of current(I used 9V Hi-Watt battery) Series connection : for a single led I used 1k ohm resistor in series with the led For multiple led in series : Since I sued 9v battery the maximum LEDs that I could connect is 3 with 500 ohm resistor connected in series Parallel connection: I tried 7 LEDs in parallel with 500 ohms of resistance Since a single LED only draws around 20mA of current Ideally we can connect may be around 15 to 18 LEDs for a 9V battery . Problems I have encountered : NA What I did to solve them : NA

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01