2 / 1 / 2025
3D printing is the process of creating a three dimensional object layer-by-layer using a Computer Aided Design (CAD) model.
Process of 3D Printing:
For this task, I 3D printed Thor’s hammer(Mjolnir)
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines a set of rules and protocols for how one piece of software can request services or information from another without needing to know the details of how each one works internally.
For eg: Food Delivery Apps use Google Maps API to track the location of the delivery partners instead of creating their own satellite based navigation system as it is more efficient and economical. A request is made by the app, the Google maps server processes it, and the data is returned to the user.
It improves efficiency, allows reusability, provides flexibility, adds security, and makes it easy to integrate with other services.
I created a recipe API which returns the recipe of the dish when we type the dish name.
I learnt about GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task.
I learnt about various commands on Ubuntu:
I familiarize myself with how the Kaggle platform works. Using machine learning, I created a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
I learned how to plot a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot along with a dataset of my choice, using Pandas and Matplotlib By applying the code provided, I was able to generate the respective visualizations, as shown in the images below:
Code: https://github.com/uditha229/panda-matplotlib
Line Graph: Bar Graph: Scatter Graph:
Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I created my own portfolio webpage that displays information about me.
Link to my code: https://github.com/uditha229/portfolio
My technical article is about Quantum Cryptography and how it can pave the way for future secure communications.
Link to my article: https://hub.uvcemarvel.in/article/9fa20a67-44fd-485b-a9ce-209e558e89b6
I created my own Tinkercad account and familiarized myself with the application.
Working principle:
Link to my Tinkercad Simulation: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/8lg0uUfzmbh-ultrasensor-without-servo-motor/editel?returnTo=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tinkercad.com%2Fdashboard
Introduction: In this task. I learnt how to control a DC motor using an Arduino and an L298N motor driver. This project helped me understand how to control a 5V DC motor and regulate its speed using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).
Working Procedure:
Link to video:
I learnt how to use the ESP32 microcontroller, which has built-in Wi-Fi, to create a simple web server. This server will let us control an LED connected to the ESP32 from your smartphone or computer by accessing the server through a web browser.
Working Process:
Link to video: https://github.com/uditha229/images/blob/main/VID-20241203-WA0005.mp4
Through this task, I learned how a soldering iron functions, along with the different accessories such as the sponge and flux, and understood the soldering process. After that, I successfully soldered an LED and a resistor together and powered the LED with a 9V battery.
I learnt the working of the IC and to design the 555 multivibrator in Astable mode at 60% Duty Cycle. The connections are made on the breadboard as shown in the circuit diagram below: By using the formula used to calculate Duty cycle, ratio of the resistors to be used while designing a astable multivibrator for a given 60% of duty cycle is: 1:2.
I used capacitors and resistors as a part of the external circuit and the got a 58.5% duty cycle result as shown in the oscilloscope below:
A burglar alarm should go off when there is unauthorized access, like when the door opens without the key. Let's make the following assumptions:
The door is represented by ‘D’: 1 means the door is open, and 0 means it is closed. The key is represented by ‘K’: 0 means the key is not on the door, and 1 means the key is on the door. The alarm is represented by ‘A’: 1 means the alarm is on, and 0 means the alarm is off. The alarm works based on the truth table below:
I have participated in Kagada 2024 organized by IEEE UVCE in the Poster Presentation Track.
Report on L293D Motor Driver
Introduction to L293D The L293D is a popular dual H-Bridge motor driver IC used for controlling DC motors and stepper motors in electronic projects. Its main purpose is to provide bidirectional control over motors, allowing them to rotate forward, reverse, or stop. The L293D is commonly employed in robotics, automation, and various electronic devices where motor control is required.
IC Specifications The L293D is a quadruple high-current half-H driver, capable of controlling two DC motors or one stepper motor. It is designed to handle up to 600mA continuous output current per channel, with a peak current of 1.2A per channel. The IC operates with a supply voltage ranging from 4.5V to 36V. The L293D comes in a 16-pin Dual In-line Package (DIP), with pins for motor power, logic control, and ground.
Pin Configuration:
Pins 1, 9: Output pins for motor A and B (connected to the motor). Pins 2, 7: Input pins for controlling motor direction. Pin 16: Vcc (supply voltage for logic circuits). Pin 8: Vcc2 (motor power supply). Pins 4, 5, 12, 13: Ground pins.
H-Bridge Configuration The L293D uses an H-Bridge configuration to control the direction of motor rotation. An H-Bridge consists of four transistors arranged in a bridge-like structure, allowing current to flow in either direction through the motor. By switching the transistors appropriately, the L293D can reverse the polarity of the voltage applied to the motor, enabling both forward and reverse rotation. This configuration is vital for bidirectional motor control.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique used to control the speed of motors by adjusting the duty cycle of the signal applied to the motor driver. The L293D accepts PWM signals at its input pins. By varying the duty cycle of the PWM signal, the effective voltage applied to the motor changes, resulting in different speeds. A higher duty cycle corresponds to a faster motor speed, and a lower duty cycle reduces the speed.
Electrical Characteristics The L293D can operate with a supply voltage (Vcc2) of 4.5V to 36V, suitable for various motor types. It can provide a continuous output current of 600mA per channel, with short bursts capable of handling up to 1.2A. The IC has thermal shutdown and overload protection features to prevent damage under excessive conditions. The recommended operating temperature range is -40°C to 85°C, with a maximum power dissipation of 1W.