2 / 1 / 2025
I was enthusiastic about 3D Printing and learnt the basics Creality Slicer software and utilizing PLA(Ploy Lactic Acid) filament. The technology used in Marvel labs is SLA(stereolithography). Slicer converts the model into a series of thin layers and produces a G-code file containing instructions tailored to specific type of 3D printer. I downloaded STL file and sliced it with proper dimensions. The printer is kept at constant temperature. Here is my model.
API stands for Application Programming Interface and developed an open weather API after generating API key. In this project, I used HTML, CSS and Java script to display current weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed and pressure.
I familiarized with github workflows and learnt to create and pull repositories. I forked the repository and cloned it and removed +1 error from the main.py file. Finally issued a pull request to adapt change in the code
Ubuntu allows users to interact through the command line interface. The steps followed
I launched Jupyter notebook in Anaconda Navigator and given path in VS code text editor and written a code. After that, I imported Pandas and Matplotlib python libraries. Pandas is used for data manipulation and Matplotlib is used for visualization. In this task, I wrote a code to plot line graph, and bar graph by giving specific values.
I created my first portfolio website using HTML and CSS. Here is my code link.
Markdown is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings ,URLs, images) without the use of HTML tags. Here is my article.
I created a tinkercad account and learnt how to use the application. I built a Radar System circuit using an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor to detect objects within certain range and stimulated it. The servo motor rotates the sensor to cover a wider area, providing a simple direction mechanism after giving simple code to it.
The speed of the DC motor can be controlled by varying the input voltage and the method used is Pulse Width Modulation(PLM). I uploaded the code in Arduino uno through Arduino IDE before connections and made the circuit connections with relevant circuit diagram. I learnt how to control the sped and direction of DC motor by L298N motor driver, Arduino uno.
ESP32 is a microcontroller, which supports wireless connectivity. After uploading the code to Esp32, I connected LEDs, resistors, and ESP32 on the breadboard. I entered my IP address and password which displayed on the serial monitor, controlled LED states and performed toggling. I learnt how to use the application in other IoT projects.
With the help 0f the coordinator, I learnt to use soldering equipment in the lab such as soldering iron, solder and flux and how to desoldered it. In this task, I soldered a Resistor and LED using perf board and lit it up with the battery.
Using 555 timer IC in the astable mode. The circuit was designed with a ratio 2:1 and with capacitors to get a duty cycle of more than 58.9%. I rigged up the circuit on the breadboard and connected it to the DSO using probes and observed the output waveform.
I derived the truth table for XOR gate which resembles the situation and derived a K-map. I designed a circuit using XOR gate. The buzzer will activate only when the door is open and the key pressed or the key not pressed and the door will be closed.
I have participated in KAGADA 2024 in POSTER PRESENTATION track on the topic called "THE FUTURE INDIA". It was a great experience and came to know about other technological tools to solve the problems. The certificate is given below:
Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user and accepts it as a real environment. I experienced virtual reality through two of five senses sight and sound. I was happy to experience the virtual reality in solar system.
The key integrated circuits (ICs) used within L293D are:
H bridge circuit inside L293D: The internal H-bridge circuits use four transistors(Q1,Q2,Q3, and Q4) respectively. Q1 and Q2 are the top resistors and Q3 and Q4 are bottom transistors(NPN and MOSFETs).By controlling the inputs (IN1, IN2) to the base/gate of these transistors, the direction of current flow through the motor is controlled.
To use PWM with L293D we need to