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Anusha's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 1


Level 1 - Report

9 / 8 / 2022

Task 1-Speed Control using Potentiometer L298N was used in this task. I assembled the circuit and the enable for the driver module was given. For this task had connected two motors to the driver module. Using Arduino I powered the driver module with 5V. The 12V was given using an adapter, Grounds were connected. A potentiometer(10K) was connected on the bread board and connected to the UNO. Code was fed through Proteus. By varying the potentiometer i could clearly see the speed of the motor varying as well. ### TASK 2-Direction Control of a Motor When the value of the potentiometer is in a range the motor should move clockwise once it crosses the range it has been rotating in the anti clock direction. For this task I connected the L298N module which was used for both speed and direction control. A potentiometer was connected to the arduino. The driver module was powered and connected to the arduino. By varying the potentiometer value i could vary the direction of rotation of the wheel. ### TASK 3-POINT TURN OF VEHICLE First the circuit was connected. The two motor wheels were connected to the outputs of the L293d and the 9v supply was given via a battery and the ground pin of the driver module and arduino are connected. The respective connections for the enable for each motor and input are connected from the pins of arduino. The code is fed into arduino and once we run the code the vehicle takes a point turn based on the coordinates given.(my case left turn). ### Task 4-Line Follower Bot First the circuit is built using the L298D module. The motor outputs are connected to the driver module outputs. The module is powered. The IR sensors were used to sense the line. A total of IR sensors were used. The sensors were connected to the arduino pins. Using 9v batteries the power was supplied. The code is uploaded to the arduino and when a track is made the bot follows the track.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01