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Ashwin's VFX-001 course work. Lv 1


VFX -001 Batch -002 Report by ASHWIN KASHYAP

7 / 1 / 2025

VFX-001 Level 1 Report

By- Ashwin Kashyap

  • Installing Da Vinci Resolve 19


DaVinci Resolve Link

I accessed the Blackmagic Design website (Link given above) and located the free version of DaVinci Resolve. There was a registration process which was followed by a straight forward download. The subsequent installation adhered to a standard format, after which I was able to open the application and start working on my projects.

  • The Media Page

Upon launching the application, I found myself in the project manager. I created a new project and went to the Media page, which was a bit complex to initially look at, but I figured out how to use it after playing around a bit. Here's what I learnt:

  • Importing Media: I learned how to import my video clips and images into the software. Dragging and dropping files seemed like the easiest way, but there's also a dedicated import function.
  • Organizing Clips: The Media Page lets you create "Bins" which seem like folders for grouping your clips. This looks helpful for keeping my project organized, especially when working with lots of footage. I mainly used 3 bins for my edit (Audio, Video, Composite)
  • Syncing Audio & Video: The Media Page has some features for syncing audio and video clips that aren't perfectly aligned, which was very useful for me when I used multicam editing for my edit page task.


  • Task: Edit page

For this task I went in YouTube to find the twixter clip to edit my video Clip Page. I used the channel mentioned for my twixter clip because he has one of the best clips with high quality. The song I used for the edit was Song. To enhance the over all edit I used cutout transition, zoom in & zoom out, Marker to know when the beat drop and where to put the transition and how it will look.

This is what the edit page looked like:


The raw footage:

Footage 1

Here is the Final result

  • Task: Cut page

I used the same footage as for task one and the transitions were added though cut page. As there were very few preset transition used it the video.


The raw footage:

Footage 1

Here is the Final result.

  • Assignment: Deliver Page

I proceeded to render the final product using the software's Deliver Page. This rendering process prepares the video for export by ensuring it adheres to specific technical specifications, such as resolution and file size, suitable for online platforms.


Once rendered, I exported my edit and transferred it to my mobile device. I then uploaded the video directly to my Instagram account.


  • Fusion Page

DaVinci Resolve 19 integrates Fusion, a powerful node-based compositing toolset for creating visual effects and motion graphics. Fusion allows artists to perform tasks such as keying, tracking, paint, rotoscoping, and 3D compositing within a true 3D workspace.


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