Level 1 Report
14 / 4 / 2023
Level 1 Tasks report
1. Javascript Essentials
To Learn the basics of javascript and create a small webpage which takes the names and marks of ten students and calculates the
- Percentage of each student
- Class average
- Rankings of the students

After entering the data:
Github Link for Source Code
2. Async JS
To Learn asynchronous javascript and implement a small callback based program that displays the steps of a food recipe (consisting of at least 10 steps).
Asynchronous Javascript allows us to use a callback function which is shown after the main function is implemented.The callback function is executed after the asynchronous parts of the function.
Github Link for Source Code
Task 3 - Promises
To implement the above recipe program with promises.
- Promises are used to execute the callback function once the function is resolved. This helps in easy catching of errors.
- It helps in easier implementation of asynchronous functions.
- They help in preventing callback hell which is the continuous nesting of callback functions which makes the code unreadable.
Github Link for Source Code
Task 4 - Get familiar with the command line in ubuntu
- Create a new directory called test.
- Using cd command, we access the folder.
- An empty text file is created using the touch command.
- The echo command is used to add text into the file.
- Another text file is created and text is added into the same.
- The files are concatenated using cat.
- ls lists out the files inside the particular folder

Task 5 - VI
Learn the basics of vi and create a markdown file in vi illustrating the various features of vi.
Vi is a text editor that is extensively used in most linux systems. It includes two modes-insert mode and command mode.
Command mode allows us to use commands to select or make changes to the text file.
The i command allows the user to insert text into the file.
To exit from insert mode, press Esc.
Using the v command and moving the cursor using the arrow keys allows the user to select a given text and can be copied or cut using the y and x commands respectively and using p to paste it.
The command dd deletes an entire line of text.
:wq command is used to write the file into the disk and exit the vi text editor

Task 6 - Learn the basics of regex and piping in Linux.
Using the knowledge gained from the above two topics, learn how grep works.
- Created a folder called logs.
- Last command gives the login times
- Grep is used to filter out the logins between specific periods of time on a particular date.
- The details about the login in added to a text file.
- The text file is directed into the newly created logs folder. Using the tar and gzip commands, the folder is zipped.

Task 7 - Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Cloud computing refers to the data and application run on external serveres rather than local computers.
- This task helped in learning about the different types of cloud computing and its subtypes. There can be 2 models- Deployment and service models- which includes Iaa aaS and Saas.
- We could learn about the different cloud service providers, namely AWS, Azure and GCP and the pros and cons of the same.
- The task provided an insight into sharing files over a local network.
The steps in sharing folder over a network includes making multiple changes in the network and sharing settings which allowing permissions for read/write which creates a path for the folder to be shared.
The folder which is shared is available under Network folder which shows that the folder is made available to share through the network used.

Task 8 - Introduction to Cybersecurity
- The task gave an introduction about the purpose of cycbersecurity- namely CIA(Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability)
- Through this task, I could learn about the different types of hackers, and the malwares that they inject in order to steal the data of the user, and the multiple ways to protect our data.
- The task allowed me to explore the various cybersecurity threats, including viruses, Trojans, phishing, and other methods of unauthorized data extraction. The study also delved into strategies to prevent data loss.
Different kinds of ciphers used in cryptography and encoding \Cybersecurity in Marvel" into these ciphers:
- Caesar cipher: Uses the method of shifting of letters(Here: shift 3)
Fbwdvxfwbuhlbq lp Qdwely
- Pigpen cipher: Letters are replaced by a symbol

- Morse code: Uses dashes and dots
-.-. -.-- -... . .-. ... -.-. ..-. .. - .... -.-- / .. -. / -- .- .-. ...- . .- .-. . .- .-..
- Railroad: cruy vyescrt nmrebeiial
- Polybius: 13 54 12 15 42 43 15 13 45 42 24 44 54 24 33 32 11 42 51 15 31
- Playfair: Taking MARVEL as the key word: