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Vrushank's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 3

Vrushank R Rao (0344)AUTHORACTIVE

Common Task Final report - Vrushank R Rao

13 / 4 / 2023

TASK 1: 3D Printing

Vrushank R Rao  
3rd Semester AI-ML
Report submission: 13/04/2023

Understand the working of a 3D printer, i.e., what's an STL file, and then learn to slice it (using ultimaker or creality slicer). Learn about bed temperature, infill density and other printer settings. Finally get an STL file from the internet, and slice it and put it for print.


  • Go to and search for the model that you want to print.
  • After selecting the model, Click on 'collect thing' and that generates an STL file.
  • All the required modifications for the STL file are done. i.e., resizing and moving the model to whichever location on the bed we want to.
  • Then we go ahead and slice it, using creality slicer.
  • After slicing it, we get a final draft link which shows the approximate time required to print the 3D model.
  • Copy that link on to an SD card and remove the SD card from the computer and insert it into the card reader, only in one particular way.
  • The extruder heats up to 200-220 degree celsius and bed heats up to 50-60 degree celsius.
  • After heating, we can see the 3D printer print out model layer by layer, intricately.
  • After the approximate time, we collect the 3D model and click on ok on the printer screen.

My 3D model:



What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. Interface can be thought of as a contract of service between two applications. This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses.

Here is a RealTime Weather App using Open Weather API:

Steps of Operation:

  1. We make use of the jQuery Plugin for displaying RealTime Weather data:
  2. Download and extract all the contents of the folder.
  3. Paste the contents into VSCode and run . code in cmd prompt.
  4. Open the folder named demo -> index.html
  5. Right click and open with Live Server
  6. Create a free account in
  7. Go to API Key and copy the given API key and paste it in the openWeather function.
  8. Make the API more dynamic by pasting the contents in a new function and make it accept the input from the user for name of the city, instead of the default.

Working Image of Weather API:


TASK 3: Working with GitHub

The main branch of this repository has an error and is failing tests. Your job is to open a pull request proposing to fix the issue.

Steps Involved:

Clone repository: To clone repository, firstly click on

fork-> Copy the DEFAULT BRANCH.

Now to clone this, click on code and copy the URL.

Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier. It will look like this, with your GitHub username instead of YOUR-USERNAME:

$ git clone< YOUR-USERNAME>/< name of fork>

Checking out to new branch:

git branch BRANCH-NAME
git checkout BRANCH-NAME

Find the error and fix it. To push the changes:

git add .
git commit -m \a short description of the change\"

To push changes into remote:

git push

The above procedures have been applied to the given git and here is the final fixed git:

Task 4: Ubuntu Command Line

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a popular free and open-source Linux-based operating system you can use on a computer or virtual private server.

Ubuntu Command line subtasks:

Create a folder - Use command

  mdkir < name of folder >

cd into that folder -

  cd < name of folder >

Creating a blank file -

  touch < name of file>

and ls to list all folders.

Create 2600 folders in this folder -

  mkdir -p a[1..2600]

where a is the common name of the folders.

Now list all using ls. Concatente 2 text files and display -

  echo \"< text content-1 >\" >> f1
  echo \"< text content-2 >\" >> f2
  cat f1 f2 > f3 

//Creating f3 to store values of f1 and f2

  cat f3 - Displays the Output

Worked example:


Above to showcase the first 5 tasks


Above to showcase the last task

TASK 9: TinkerCAD

What is TinkerCAD?

Tinkercad is an online collection of software tools from Autodesk that enable complete beginners to create 3D models. This CAD software is based on constructive solid geometry (CSG), which allows users to create complex models by combining simpler objects together.

Using ultrasonic/infrared sensors, estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor and display the results on a LCD screen:

Components Used:

  1. Arduino Uno R3 board
  2. Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
  3. 16×2 LCD I2C Display
  4. Jumper Wires.

Circuit Diagram:


  1. Connections are done as shown in the circuit diagram.
  2. Connect the Echo pin of the sensor to the D2 pin of the Arduino.
  3. Connect the Trig pin of the sensor to the D3 pin of the Arduino.
  4. Navigate to Tools and select board and port.
  5. Verify and compile the code, then upload the code to the Arduino Uno R3 board.

TinkerCAD link:

TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32

Learn the working of an ESP32. Use the arduino IDE to code and upload the program to the ESP32. Learn to configure the IDE to upload code to an ESP32.

Components required:

ESP32 development board – read ESP32 Development Boards Review and Comparison 2x 5mm LED 2x 330 Ohm Resistor Breadboard Jumper wires

Steps involved:

  • Using a microcontroller we build an led web server that controls the working of LED.
  • We use general input/output pins 26 and 27 and configure them to give the output.
  • Make sure to ground the ESP32 microcontroller.
  • The rest of the circuits are made as shown below:


esp32taskoff esp32taskboth esp32taskon

TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites

Soldering Equipment:

1. Soldering Iron: This handheld tool provides the heat source needed to melt the solder. Soldering irons are typically pencil-like in shape and consist of several different parts that work together to form a comfortable, practical and easy-to-use tool.

2. Solder Flux: Solder flux is a purifying agent. Flux serves three different purposes simultaneously. First, it purifies the components you're soldering by cleaning them of any rust. It also closes out any extra air that might come into contact with the material, thus preventing future rust. Finally, it improves the dripping individuality of the solder itself.

3. Perf Board: Perfboards are also called Perforated Circuit Boards, Prototyping Boards, and Dot PCBs. It's basically a bunch of copper pads on circuit board material, usually on one side but the copper pads can be on both sides.

4. Helping Hands: A helping hand is generally a stand with flexible clamps that hold objects in place which leaves you hands free to carry on with your work.

5. Precision Tweezers: Anti-magnetic stainless steel general purpose tweezers offer precision tip symmetry and balance with good corrosion resistance to most chemicals and acids.

6. Solder: Solder is a fusible metal alloy used to create a permanent bond between metal workpieces. Solder is melted in order to wet the parts of the joint, where it adheres to and connects the pieces after cooling.

The Soldering Process

Step 1: If the perf board is full, desolder it by using a desoldering wick.

Step 2: Place the perf board on the helping hand for better precision.

Step 3: Place the required LED on to the perf board, on a side without copper pads.

Step 4: Bend the leads to follow the path you want them to have. Add a bit of solder to both ends of that lead to hold it in place.

Image of soldered LED on perf Board:


Task 14: K-Maps and Deriving the Logic Circuit

Working Condition of Burglar System

Let us assume there are two switches, one for the door and the other for an alarm that they must remember to press. Assume that the door opened is 0 and closed as 1; Assume that the alarm pressed is 1 and not pressed is 0;

One would naturally assume that the burglar opens the door and forgets to press the alarm. So the underlying logic is that the buzzer must ring when both the door is opened and the alarm is not pressed. i.e., 0 and 0 case.

Only a NOR gate gives the necessary output of 1 when both the inputs are 0.

Implementation using TinkerCAD:

  • Take an IC 7432 for OR gate and an IC 7404 for Inverting and connect them in series to form a NOR gate. Make sure they are not grounded together.
  • Take 2 slideswitches to regulate the input. Give them as input to the OR gate.
  • Give the Regulated Power Supply and ground all the necessary components.
  • Connect the output of the entire NOR gate to the Piezo buzzer which gives the required output as an buzzer audio.
  • In the same fashion, connect an LED for additional safety.
  • Test out all the input conditions and verify its working.

TinkerCAD simulation:

Circuit Diagram:


Task 15 - Active Participation

As part of active participation, my team and I participated in two of IEEE's Impetus events.

  • AR Wizards and
  • Escape The Crash

About AR Wizards:

AR Wizards - The magic of virtuality

A technical treasure hunt with the components of augmented reality to make it really a fun and informative experience for you.

For the very first time in UVCE, we've combined the latest of technology and most fun course of treasure hunt to make one of a kind fun and technical event.

It's a simple single-round competition that just involves scanning an image on your phone to enter the world of immersive technology.

We participated and also secured the first prize in the event.

Participation Certificate:


K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01