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Yeshwanth's CL-CY-001 course work. Lv 2


1 / 3 / 2024

Task 1- OSI

In the realm of networking, the OSI architecture stands as a foundational framework, delineating the layers through which data traverses across systems.

The aim of this experiment is to learn the some basic structure of OSI architecture

Understanding this architecture entails delving into the intricacies of protocols, switching mechanisms, and routing strategies. Handshakes, crucial for establishing connections, are also integral components, alongside the fundamental concept of IP addressing. The overarching objective of engaging with OSI architecture is to grasp its fundamental structure and operational dynamics. Through the lens of web development, JavaScript emerges as the quintessential brainpower behind web applications. Operating on the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), JavaScript utilizes objects as its building blocks. Each object within this paradigm typically comprises properties such as name and marks. With each new entry, a fresh object is instantiated and then seamlessly integrated into an array for storage and retrieval purposes.

Physical Layer: The lowest layer of the OSI reference model is the physical layer. It is responsible for the actual physical connection between the devices.

Data Link Layer: The data link layer is responsible for the node-to-node delivery of the message. The main function of this layer is to make sure data transfer is error-free from one node to another, over the physical layer.

** Network Layer:** The network layer works for the transmission of data from one host to the other located in different networks.

Transport Layer: The transport layer provides services to the application layer and takes services from the network layer. The data in the transport layer is referred to as Segments. It is responsible for the End to End Delivery of the complete message.

Session Layer: This layer is responsible for the establishment of connection, maintenance of sessions, and authentication, and also ensures security.

Presentation Layer: The presentation layer is also called the Translation layer. The data from the application layer is extracted here and manipulated as per the required format to transmit over the network.

Application Layer: At the very top of the OSI Reference Model stack of layers, we find the Application layer which is implemented by the network applications.

ROUTERS: Routers are networking devices operating at layer 3 or a network layer of the OSI model. They are responsible for receiving, analysing, and forwarding data packets among the connected computer networks.

Task 2 - Serverless

The aim of this task is to learn serverless functions and deploy one.

Serverless are functions which are deployed on cloud. These provide more flexibility than classic server backends and scale easily when there is an overload of triggers, in this case, requests.

Its deployed on AWS Lambda in the free tier.

code link:

Task 3 - Sockets

The aim was to learn and implement sockets

Sockets are a way of implementing two way connection between machines to enable realtime communication. A chat app was built and deployed using sockets.

code link:

Task 4 - Make a Web App

The aim was to get familiar with Express and to build a library management app.

Express.js, or simply Express, is a back end web application framework for building RESTful APIs with Node. In this task, it was used to create a resource library web app.

code link:

Task 5 - Docker

The aim was to learn the basics of docker and to implement CI/CD.

Docker is way of deploying the code in packages. They provide platform flexibility as they run on any available platform and also reduce the latency.

AWS's Code Pipeline and Code Builder were used to implement continuous integration and deployment of the code pushed into the repository.

app link:

Task 6 - Docker file spyware

The aim was to learn the basics of Docker and how it can used to deploy spywares.

Spywares are softwares or just a simple script which is used to gather intelligence and spy on machines. Docker is a very effective way of deploying spywares as they are platform independent and can run on any machines.

code link:

Task 7 - Webscraping and Automation

The aim was to implement webscraping and to do automation based on it.

Webscraping is an important to gather the necessary data over the web and also to filter out the streams of data flowing through the system of internet.

Automation, on the other hand, help the system go smoothly as it helps with testing and also eliminates all the simple labor work.

code link:

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01