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Chuchi's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

13 / 7 / 2024

Task-1: 3D Printing

The task of 3D printing involved downloading an STL file, slicing it, and then printing it. This experience allowed me to understand the fundamentals of how a 3D printer operates, as well as the purpose of STL files and the slicing process.

For my project, I sourced an STL file from and used Creality software to resize and slice it. Observing the 3D printer in action and watching the object take shape was quite engaging.

3D printing

Task-2: API

This task introduced me to the concept of APIs and how they function. I explored various APIs and learned about the importance of API keys. Using the OpenWeather API, along with a tutorial, I successfully built a weather application.

Initially, the task seemed challenging, especially when I wanted to customize the interface. However, following a reference guide made the process much more manageable. For the weather icons, I utilized resources from FontAwesome, which also helped me learn about integrating kits.

Task-3: Working with GitHub

The objective of this task was to familiarize myself with the workings of GitHub, including integrated workflows, Issues, and pull requests.

This task was straightforward but informative. Since direct access to the main repository was restricted, I had to fork it to make the necessary code modifications. After identifying and resolving an issue, I submitted my changes via a pull request.

Task-4: Command Line Basics on Ubuntu

This task required me to get acquainted with the command line interface on Ubuntu. I completed a series of subtasks, such as creating directories, navigating between them, and listing their contents. Additionally, I scripted the creation of 2600 folders, each uniquely named.


  • Create a directory: mkdir folder_name
  • Change directory: cd folder_name
  • Create an empty file: touch blankfile.txt
  • List directory contents: ls
  • Create multiple folders: mkdir -p name{1..2600}
  • Write text to a file: echo "content" > file_name.txt
  • Combine file contents: cat file1.txt file2.txt

Task-5: Tinkercad

This task involved getting familiar with Tinkercad, an entirely new tool for me. I explored its features and learned how it could be useful in practical scenarios.

For this task, I created a radar system that utilizes an ultrasonic sensor and a servo motor to detect objects. The ultrasonic sensor measures distance using sound waves, and the servo motor rotates to cover a broader area.

How it works:
The sensor sends out a trigger pulse, then waits for the echo to return. The distance is calculated by measuring the time it takes for the pulse to return and using the formula:
Distance = (speed x time)/2

Task-6: 555 Timer Circuit Design

The 555 timer IC is versatile and commonly used for generating pulses, delays, and oscillations. For this task, I designed a 555 astable multivibrator with a 60% duty cycle, which refers to the proportion of time the output is in a high state.

The necessary resistor and capacitor values were calculated using the following equations:
t1 = 0.693 (R1 + R2)C
t2 = 0.693 R2 x C
T = t1 + t2 = 0.693 (R1 + 2R2)C

Task-7: DC Motor Speed Control

This task was centered around controlling the speed of DC motors using an L298N motor driver and an Arduino board. Being my first experience with an Arduino, it felt a bit overwhelming initially. However, with the help of online tutorials, I grasped the basics and eventually managed to get the desired results, despite some initial setbacks.

Task-8: Simplifying Logic with Karnaugh Maps

Karnaugh maps (K-maps) are a useful tool for simplifying Boolean algebra expressions. Although this topic was already familiar to me, I applied my knowledge to implement a practical application.

In this task, I designed an alarm system that activates when a door is unlocked without pressing the key (i.e., for the 1 (Door) 0 (Key) condition). By simplifying the logic with a K-map, the final expression was Door AND (Key)', which I implemented using a push-button, an alarm or LED, and a combination of NOT and AND gates.

Task-9: Soldering Practice

This task involved practicing soldering on a perf board (Perforated Circuit Board), where I soldered an LED circuit with a resistor. I set the soldering iron to 300°C and carefully soldered the components. The process was hands-on and quite enjoyable.

Task-10: Active Participation

I actively participated in the Electroauction event during Impetus with my friends, and we successfully secured 1st place. The event involved bidding on electronic components and then using them to create as many circuits as possible within the allotted time. Additionally, I am considering enrolling in a Python course soon to expand my programming skills.

Task-11: Kaggle

I worked on a project involving the Titanic dataset on Kaggle, where the objective was to build a machine learning model to predict which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck. This project provided me with valuable experience in using machine learning techniques and familiarized me with the Kaggle platform.

Task 12: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib

In this task, we used pandas and matplotlib to create a line graph, a bar graph, and a scatter plot from a dataset. The process involved loading the dataset, performing basic preprocessing, and plotting the graphs to visualize trends, compare categories, and examine relationships between variables.

Task 13: ESP-32

Learn to work with the ESP32, configure the Arduino IDE for it, and create a standalone web server to control an LED connected to the ESP32.

Level 1

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01