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Prajwal's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 2


EV&RV Level 1 Project Report

6 / 2 / 2023

Task 1 : LTspice and KiCad A........LTspice is a freeware computer software that implements a SPICE electronic circuit simulator, allowing users to design and simulate electronic circuits. In this experiment, an astable multivibrator using 555 timer was designed and simulated using LTspice. The 555 timer was configured as an astable multivibrator by connecting resistors and capacitors to its pins as specified in the datasheet. The simulation was then run and the output waveform was observed, showing the expected square wave oscillations. This experiment demonstrated the ability of LTspice to accurately simulate electronic circuits, making it a valuable tool for circuit design and analysis. B........KiCad is a powerful and user-friendly open-source software suite for electronic design automation (EDA). It enables users to design and simulate electronic hardware, as well as to create various manufacturing files. In KiCad, users can make use of an integrated environment for schematic capture, PCB layout, and SPICE simulation, all in one package. For the experiment, I used KiCad to design a simple LED blinking circuit. I was able to easily capture the schematic using the software's user-friendly interface and then proceed to layout the circuit on a PCB. I also utilized the SPICE simulation tool to ensure that the circuit would function as expected. Overall, KiCad proved to be a valuable resource in the design and simulation process of a simple LED blinking circuit. ### Task 2 : Speed control of DC motor The experiment was conducted to learn about the dual H-Bridge L293D motor driver and its ability to control the speed of a DC motor. A DC motor was connected to the L293D motor driver and the speed was controlled using pulse width modulation (PWM). The experiment showed that the L293D motor driver was capable of controlling the speed of the DC motor shaft effectively. The results confirmed that the PWM method provided a precise way to control the speed of the motor. The experiment was successful in demonstrating the use of the L293D motor driver to control the speed of a DC motor and provided valuable insights into the functionality of the device. ### Task 3 : Direction Control of a Motor The experiment aimed to learn the parts and steps involved in controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor using a dual H-Bridge L 293D motor driver with Arduino. The components used were an Arduino board, L 293D motor driver, DC motor, and power supply. The steps involved connecting the DC motor to the L 293D motor driver, connecting the driver to the Arduino board, writing a code to control the speed and direction of the motor using PWM, and finally, uploading the code to the Arduino board. The experiment showed that the L 293D motor driver, when used with the Arduino board, can effectively control the speed and direction of a DC motor. The results of the experiment provided a hands-on experience in controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor and demonstrated the effectiveness of the L 293D motor driver and the Arduino in motor control applications. ### Task 4 : Point Turn of a Vehicle In this experiment, the goal was to achieve a point turn of a vehicle. This task required the integration of knowledge accumulated from previous experiments, such as understanding of vehicle dynamics and control systems. A point turn involves the vehicle moving in a circular path with a small radius, with the front wheels turning in opposite direction to the rear wheels. To perform this maneuver, the vehicle's speed was controlled, and the steering angle was adjusted accordingly using feedback from sensors such as the wheel encoders and the yaw rate sensor. The turn radius was also monitored, and adjustments were made to maintain the desired path. The experiment was successfully completed with the vehicle completing a smooth point turn, demonstrating the ability to effectively use the knowledge accumulated from previous tasks in a new, more complex scenario. ### Task 5 : Ultrasonic Sensor The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a effective tool in creating an obstacle avoiding vehicle. The sensor works by emitting a high frequency sound and measuring the time it takes for the sound to bounce back, which then calculates the distance of the object. This information is then processed by the microcontroller and used to control the movement of the vehicle. In the experiment, the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor was connected to an Arduino board and programmed to control the movement of a small motorized vehicle. The vehicle was designed to navigate around objects in its path by using the sensor readings to determine the distance to an obstacle and adjust its direction accordingly. The experiment was successful in demonstrating the capabilities of the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor in creating an obstacle avoiding vehicle. ### Task 6 : Temperature Detection The LM35 temperature sensor is a widely used device for measuring temperature. In the experiment, an LM35 temperature sensor was connected to an Arduino board and used to measure the temperature around a soldering gun tip. The temperature readings were taken at intervals of 5 seconds and displayed on the serial monitor. The goal was to determine the temperature of the air around the soldering gun tip without making physical contact. The experiment also aimed to turn a LED on using a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) as a switch when the temperature crossed a certain threshold. The results showed that the LM35 temperature sensor was able to accurately measure the temperature of the air around the soldering gun tip, with the readings displayed on the serial monitor in real-time. The LED was also successfully triggered when the temperature crossed the set threshold, providing a visual indication of the temperature change. The experiment demonstrated the effectiveness of using an LM35 temperature sensor and an Arduino board for temperature monitoring and control applications. ### Task 7 : Temperature and Humidity Detection The DHT11 is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor that was used in an experiment to measure and display temperature and humidity readings on a LCD display. The DHT11 sensor works by utilizing a capacitive humidity sensing element and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air and determine the relative humidity and temperature. The readings were then displayed on a LCD display, allowing for easy and convenient monitoring of the temperature and humidity levels. The experiment was successful in demonstrating the functionality of the DHT11 sensor and its ability to accurately measure and display temperature and humidity readings. The use of the LCD display made the readings easy to interpret and understand, making it a useful tool for various applications where temperature and humidity monitoring is required. ### Task 8 : BLDC Motor And Hall Effect Sensor The experiment was conducted to measure the speed of a Brushless DC (BLDC) motor using a Hall effect sensor and display it on the serial monitor. The Hall effect sensor was used to detect the position of the rotor and determine the speed of the BLDC motor. The readings were then transmitted to a microcontroller and displayed on the serial monitor. The experiment was successful in demonstrating the ability of the Hall effect sensor to accurately measure the speed of the BLDC motor and the functionality of the microcontroller in displaying the readings on the serial monitor. The results showed that the Hall effect sensor was able to detect the position of the rotor and determine the speed of the BLDC motor with high accuracy. The display on the serial monitor allowed for easy monitoring and analysis of the motor's speed. This experiment highlights the importance of precise speed measurement in the design and optimization of BLDC motor systems. ### Task 9 : Battery Capacity Measurement The experiment aimed to construct a battery undercharge monitor for a Li-ion battery connected to a load. The monitor was designed to measure the voltage of the battery and cut off the current to the load in case of undercharge, to protect the battery from damage. A MOSFET was used as a switch to cut off the current in case the voltage dropped below the desired threshold. In addition to undercharge protection, the monitor was also designed to provide overcharge protection and current protection. The experiment involved connecting the Li-ion battery to a load and monitoring the voltage using a microcontroller and a voltage sensor. The microcontroller was programmed to monitor the voltage and cut off the current to the load using the MOSFET switch in case of undercharge or overcharge. The results showed that the battery undercharge monitor was able to accurately monitor the voltage of the Li-ion battery and cut off the current to the load in case of undercharge, providing effective protection for the battery. The addition of overcharge and current protection further enhanced the functionality of the monitor and made it a useful tool for ensuring the safe and efficient use of Li-ion batteries in various applications. ### Task 10 : Battery Charging The experiment aimed to explore the capability of charging a Li-ion battery using solar panels. Li-ion batteries are widely used due to their high energy density and long cycle life. The experiment set up involved connecting solar panels to a Li-ion battery through a charge controller, which regulated the flow of current from the solar panels to the battery. The results indicated that the solar panels were able to efficiently charge the Li-ion battery, and the charge controller protected the battery from overcharging and other potential hazards. The experiment concluded that using solar panels to charge a Li-ion battery is a practical and eco-friendly solution, particularly in remote locations with limited access to grid electricity. The findings of this experiment underline the significance of renewable energy sources such as solar power in fulfilling energy needs in a sustainable manner. ### Task 11 : Understanding 555 Timer And LDR The experiment aimed to construct an automated headlight setup using an NE555 timer IC and a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). The NE555 timer IC was used to control the switching of the headlight, while the LDR was used to detect ambient light levels and trigger the headlight when necessary. The LDR's resistance decreases in response to increased ambient light levels, which was used to trigger the NE555 timer and turn on the headlight. The experiment was successful in demonstrating the functionality of the automated headlight setup, with the LDR accurately detecting changes in ambient light levels and the NE555 timer effectively controlling the switching of the headlight. The results showed that the automated headlight setup was able to turn on and off the headlight in response to changes in ambient light levels, providing a convenient and energy-efficient solution for automotive lighting. The experiment highlights the potential of combining simple electronic components, such as the NE555 timer and LDR, to create functional and practical systems. ### Task 12 : Solar Panel The experiment aimed to construct a simple solar panel setup using diodes. Solar panels convert sunlight into electrical energy, but they also generate electricity when there is no light, which can lead to reverse current and battery discharge. To prevent this, diodes were used in the experiment as a protective element. The experiment involved connecting the solar panel to a battery through diodes, which allowed the flow of current from the solar panel to the battery only in one direction. The results showed that the use of diodes effectively prevented the reverse flow of current from the battery to the solar panel when there was no light, ensuring that the battery was not discharged. The experiment demonstrated the importance of using diodes in a solar panel setup to protect the battery and optimize the performance of the system. This simple and low-cost solution provides a valuable alternative for individuals and communities seeking to harness renewable energy. ### Task 13 : Solar Tracker The experiment aimed to design and implement a system that uses a servo motor to control the orientation of a solar panel, maximizing the energy absorbed by the panel by following the sun's movement. The servo motor was connected to the solar panel and was programmed to track the sun's position throughout the day. The system utilized sensors to detect the sun's position and used this information to control the servo motor, adjusting the orientation of the solar panel to face the sun directly. The results of the experiment showed that the servo-controlled solar panel was able to effectively track the sun's movement and increased the amount of energy absorbed by the panel, compared to a fixed panel. This demonstrated the potential for servo-controlled solar panels to improve the efficiency of solar energy systems, by ensuring that the panel is always oriented towards the sun, maximizing the energy absorbed. The experiment highlights the importance of accurately tracking the sun's position for optimizing the performance of solar energy systems.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01