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Vidhathri's AI-ML-001 course work. Lv 1

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Vidhathri\'s report

13 / 4 / 2023



Branch: CSE 2nd year


API stands for Application Programming Interface .

In this task I learnt about API and to with it. I got to know about rapid API, where we can find ,test and connect to thousands of API's by using API key. Firstly I created an account in OpenWeatherMap and got API key. Then I created a website using HTM S SON. After making website I put API key in the code authorisation and fetched details from OpenWeather API. Then we can get details about temperature, humidity, windspeed of different places by entering the place name .

Now a days API's are most commonly used in Twitter bots, Log-In using XYZ, Weather snippers, Pay with payPal, Google maps, Travel booking, E-Commerce.


WhatsApp Image 2023-04-11 at 11 31 08 PM ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-11 at 11 31 09 PM](

TASK-2 :- Ubuntu

In this task I learnt about the basic commands in Ubuntu like mkdir, ls, c m, cp, :q, cat, touch and many more. Firstly created a folder named test using mkdir command. Created a new blank file using touch command . Then changed its directory to other using cd command. Then listed all the files in that folder using ls command. Then created two folders and put some random text in it using cat command and concatenated it.

Ubuntu Is a Stable Operating System and is free , provides better security, privacy, accessibility and better customisation.

Some of the images of this task [image] ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-22 at 9 23 25 PM]( ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-22 at 9 23 27 PM (1)]( WhatsApp Image 2023-04-22 at 9 23 27 PM ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-22 at 9 23 28 PM](

TASK-3 :-3D Printing

3D printing is the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model.

we used Thingiverse software to get idea over 3D model. In this website we will get varieties of 3D models. Using this website we can download models for 3D printing. After downloading the model we pasted it in Creality software to slice the 3D model. Creality works by slicing the user’s model file into layers and generating a printer-specific g-code. Once finished, the g-code can be sent to the printer for the manufacture of the physical object. Extrude temperature, Bed temperature and time requirements for printing model will be decided in creality by default. 3D printing has developed significantly and can now perform crucial roles in many applications, with the most common applications being manufacturing, medicine, architecture, custom art and design.

Some pictures of this ask is given below WhatsApp Image 2023-04-22 at 9 37 34 PM

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-13 at 12 11 24 AM

TASK-4 :- Portfolio Webpage

As per the task I created a portfolio webpage which contained about myself, interests, projects, social media links. For this project I learnt HTML and basics of CSS from Udemy platform. I did website using various basics tags and few concepts of CSS. After completion of the website I created a new repository in a github and pushed the portfolio folder to it. Then I went to settings of this repository and deployed it from branch to get webpage link.

The github repository-"\"

The webpage link-"\"

TASK-5 :-Working with Github

In this task firstly I forked the repository given by Marvel to my github account . Then I cloned the repository to the directory needed by using git clone command in gitbash. Once done with cloning I created a new branch by using git branch command in gitbash. Then I corrected the error in the the file and commited the changes using commit -m command in gitbash. Later pushed the changes by using git push command. Then at last I created pull request.

In this task I learnt about Git and how to use it by using commands. I Learnt to create repository , pull request and many more.


TASK-6 :-Tinkercad

Firstly I created a tinkercad account . I took too much time to understand this application. I looked thoroughly on the circuit given in a example and tried to implement it to estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor using Ultrasonic sensor and displayed the reults on LCD screen . I used Arduino Uno R3 board , Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04), 16×2 LCD I2C Display and Jumper Wires .

Applications of Ultrasonic Distance Measurement: Used in RADAR system, to measure distance without physical contact with measuring instruments, used in object detection for security purposes.

The code and the images I used to run and implement this circuit-

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 12 32 55 AM (1) ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 12 32 55 AM]( ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 12 32 56 AM](

TASK-7 :-Speed Control of DC Motor

In the first we controlled the speed of the motor using a potentiometer and change the rotation direction using a push button. Firstly we framed a circuit in tinkercad using L298N motor driver, a DC motor, a potentiometer, a push button and an Arduino board. we used the C++ code given in a reference to implement and run the circuit. Later we made the circuit connection practically using DC motor ,potentiometer, breadboard, joystick. Then we uploaded code in Arduino IDE to run and implement..

The image and code of this task- WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 12 49 43 AM ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 12 49 43 AM (2)]( ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 12 49 43 AM (1)](

TASK-8 :- : LED Toggle Using ESP32

In this task we created a standalone web server with an ESP32 to controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs or output using the Arduino IDE. We made a circuit as shown in reference using ESP32 development board , 2x 5mm LED, 2x 330 Ohm Resistor, Breadboard, Jumper wires. Then connected ESP32 board to PC via micro USB cable. Next selected ESP32 board and COM port in Arduino IDE . Used the code given in reference and pasted it in Arduino IDE to implement it. Uploaded the code to ESP32 by clicking upload button in IDE.

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 06 03 AM

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 06 04 AM

![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 06 02 AM](

The link of the circuit i created-

TASK-9 :- Soldering

Soldering is a process of joining two metal surfaces together using a filler metal called solder Soldering is commonly used in the electronics industry for the manufacture and repair of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and other electronic components. It is also used in plumbing and metalwork, as well as in the manufacture of jewelry and other decorative items.

Some images of this task-

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 22 31 AM WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 22 30 AM

TASK-10 :-Active Participation

I actively participated in many technical event conducted in our college. I also volunteered for a Impetus fest and organized a event in Inspiron fest. During this I learnt many skills, improved my communication ability, got to involve with many people.

Certificates :-

![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 29 22 AM](

![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 31 02 AM]( ![WhatsApp Image 2023-04-14 at 1 31 02 AM (1)](

I enrolled for a Udemy course and completed it . In this course I learnt about HTM SS in 4hours.

Certificate: "\"

TASK 1-Linear and Logistic Regression - HelloWorld for AI-ML

Linear Regression is a machine learning algorithm that determines the relationship between one dependent variable (y) and one or more independent variables (x). It models a target prediction value based on the dependent variable, using this determined relationship.

A linear regression line has the equation Y=mX+b

Logistic Regression:-Logistic Regression is a classification algorithm. It models the probability of an event taking place by plotting the logarithmic sigmoid (to bring the output between 0 and 1) of a linear combination of independent variables.

TASK 2-Matplotlib and visualizing data

Data Visualization is the process of presenting data in the form of graphs or charts. It helps to understand large and complex amounts of data very easily. It allows the decision-makers to make decisions very efficiently and also allows them in identifying new trends and patterns very easily.

TASK 3-Metrics and Performance Evaluation

  1. Regression Metrics - used to evaluate performance of regression algorithms

The regression model predicts continuous target values. These are different from the classification metrics because they should be able to work on continuous values.

  1. Classification Metrics - used to evaluate performance of classification algorithms

Classification is one of the widely used models in Machine Learning. It mainly involves predicting classes depending on the input we have. Binary classification is the type of classification where only two classes are involved.

Task 4: Linear and Logistic Regression

linear regression is a machine learning algorithm that determines the relationship between independent and dependent variables. It models a target prediction value determined from this relationship. There are two main concepts involved in implementing this - cost function, gradient descend.

logistic regression : works using the sigmoid function to return a probability curve using the sigmoid function. This logistic function returns a probability value which then leads to either one of two discrete classes. The sigmoid function keeps all values between 0 and 1 and is given by the equation.

TASK 5 K- Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

K-Nearest Neighbour is one of the simplest Machine Learning algorithms based on Supervised Learning technique. K-NN algorithm assumes the similarity between the new case/data and available cases and put the new case into the category that is most similar to the available categories. K-NN algorithm stores all the available data and classifies a new data point based on the similarity. This means when new data appears then it can be easily classified into a well suite category by using K- NN algorithm.

TASK 6- : An elementary step towards understanding Neural Networks

Blog on Neural Networks and types like CNN, AN n

Building GPT 4

TASK 7-: Mathematics behind machine learning

Curve fitting-Curve fitting is an optimization problem that finds a line that best fits a collection of observations.

It is easiest to think about curve fitting in two dimensions, such as a graph.

Fourier Transforms-Fourier Transform is a mathematical technique that helps to transform Time Domain function x(t) to Frequency Domain function X(ω).

TASK 8-: Data Visualization for Exploratory Data Analysis

Data visualization is an important component of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) because it allows a data analyst to “look at” their data and get to know the variables and relationships between them. It gives an idea about the data we will be digging deep into while analyzing.

TASK 9 - Decision tree.

A decision tree is a non-parametric supervised learning algorithm, which is utilized for both classification and regression tasks. It has a hierarchical, tree structure, which consists of a root node, branches, internal nodes and leaf nodes. The decisions or the test are performed on the basis of features of the given dataset.

TASK 10 -: Exploration of a Real world application of machine learning


K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01