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Prajwal's IOT-001 course work. Lv 1

This Report is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

2 / 4 / 2024

Prajwal D P
2nd sem

Task - 1 : SIMON SAYS

Its a memory game where players have to remember or memorize the sequence of glowing lights and press the same sequence using push buttons. for this i used ESP32 , few LED's and push buttons. and aurdino UNO R3 can also be used instead of ESP32 with minor changes in the circuit.

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Task 2 - Basics of MQTT protocol and other communication protocols

MQTT, or Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for low-bandwidth, high-latency networks, ideal for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication in IoT environments. It operates on a publisher/subscriber principle through a central broker, where data sources publish messages on specific topics and subscribers receive those messages based on their interests. MQTT topics organize messages hierarchically, and a broker manages message distribution among clients. Messages consist of a topic and payload, with clients able to publish and subscribe to topics. MQTT facilitates efficient communication in IoT by reducing network bandwidth and resource requirements. It's commonly used in various IoT applications, connecting devices to cloud environments.

Task 3 - Basics of creating a website

a website is to be created using HTML, CSS and java script witha toggle button to switch the colours of the webpage
# Task 4 - ESP32 Cam ###### The ESP32-CAM is a development board that integrates a camera module with the ESP32 chip. This makes it a popular choice for building internet-connected projects that involve capturing images or videos.\nIssues faced: I tried the working with the CAM available in MARVEL, but unable to get the result and I will try to do it again. # Task 5 - Control ESP32 Cam from Node-Red using MQTT protocol. ###### Capture an image from the esp32 cam using Node-Red on the PC. Send the image back to the Node-Red interface using MQTT protocol. As the cam was not working i tried to do this task with wokwi simulation with ESP32 and DHT22 temperature sensor. task includes: + Installation Node-Red. + Creating circuit with Wokwi using ESP32 and DHT22 temperature sensor + Uploading the code \n+ Make few block connections in Node-Red as required. [wokwi simulation link](

simulation and code connection in node red nodered NODE-RED

Task 6 - Sending data to ThingSpeak

Using Esp32 post the data of a temperature sensor to the Thingspeak Website using its api and display the graph of temp vs time and humidity vs time and after processing retrieve the data back from the website.
  • ___ created a ThingSpeak account___
  • Simulated circuit in Wokwi
  • link


Task 7 - Communication using I2C protocol

Send data from Esp32 to Arduino via I2C protocol and display a message on the lcd screen by typing the message using the webserver hosted on the esp32


Task 8 - Flashing Morse Code

Morse code is a method used in telecommunication to encode text characters as sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes, or dits and dahs. Morse code was widely used in the past for transmitting messages via telegraph systems and is still used today in some applications like amateur radio communication.Here is the Morse code for the letters of the alphabet, digits, and some punctuation marks:- Alphabets

  • A: .-
  • B: -...
  • C: -.-.
  • D: -..
  • E: .
  • F: ..-.
  • G: --.
  • H: ....
  • I: ..
  • J: .---
  • K: -.-
  • L: .-..
  • M: --
  • N: -.
  • O: ---
  • P: .--.
  • Q: --.-
  • R: .-.
  • S: ...
  • T: -
  • U: ..-
  • V: ...-
  • W: .--
  • X: -..-
  • Y: -.--
  • Z: --..


  • 0: -----
  • 1: .----
  • 2: ..---
  • 3: ...--
  • 4: ....-
  • 5: .....
  • 6: -....
  • 7: --...
  • 8: ---..
  • 9: ----.


  • . (Period): .-.-.-
  • , (Comma): --..--
  • ? (Question Mark): ..--..
  • ! (Exclamation Mark): -.-.--

To transmit a message in Morse code, you would represent each character in the message using its corresponding Morse code sequence, separating each character with a space and each word with a forward slash (/). For example, "SOS" would be transmitted as "... --- ..." in Morse code. morse

Task 9 - Soil Moisture Sensor

Measure the moisture level of the soil in the pot using the capacitive soil moisture sensor and display the moisture level on the serial monitor or on the LCD screen. Give an alert to the user if the soil moisutre level is below a certain level.

soil live readings"

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01