30 / 3 / 2024
I was very new to programming, coming from a biology background. Learning a new language was an exciting task, but was not easy at the beginning. With the guidance of Marvel Coordinators and some seniors, I delved into level 2 tasks of Cybersecurity/Cloud Computing, where I learned JavaScript from scratch, covering topics including asynchronous programming and promises. Additionally, I installed Linux on a virtual machine and gained knowledge of basic command prompts, vi, regular expressions, grep, and piping in Linux. These tasks helped me lay a strong foundation.
In this task, I learned the basics of JavaScript and created a small webpage that takes the names and marks of 10 students and calculate percentage of each student, class average and rankings.
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In this task, I learned about asynchronous JavaScript and implemented a small callback based program that displays the steps of a food recipe (consisting of at least 10 steps).
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In this task, I implemented the above recipe program with promises and listed the potential benefits and improvements of using promises.
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Promises are easy to read and understand. Promises have .catch() method which helps in erorr handling. Promises have .then() method which organises code. Promises are structured way, hence code is easily manageable. Promises help reduce the problem of callback hell.
Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is used in a wide variety of settings, including personal computers, servers, and embedded devices.
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In this task, I learned the basics of Vi and created a markdown file in Vi illustrating the various features of Vi that I found to be fascinating. Here is an example of a markdown file created in vi that illustrates the various features of vi that are fascinating
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Vi has different modes like command mode insert mode, and visual mode, allowing for efficient editing.
Use of h, j, *k nd l keys to move left, down, up, and right respectively.
Press i to enter insert mode at the cursor position.
In command mode, press x to delete the character under the cursor, or dd to delete the current line.
Press u to undo your last change, and (Ctrl + r) to redo.
Press / followed by the search term to search forward, or ? to search backward. Press n to find the next occurrence.
In this task, I learned the basics of regex and piping in Linux. I used grep to extract login times within a date/time range from the login logs using the last command. Then piped this information into a text file and put it into a folder named logs. Finally, I zipped this folder using gzip and tar.
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Introduction to cloud computing, understanding its basic concepts, benefits, and components.
Dive into the three main cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and explore their characteristics and examples.
Learn about the various deployment models (public, private, hybrid, community clouds) and when to use each.
Research major cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, GCP) and their offerings.
Hands on:-Objective of the task is to get familiar with the process of setting up a local file sharing solution. At the end you should be able to share files between devices, and access shared files from different devices. Document the process along with necessary photographs.
Basics of cybersecurity: confidentiality, integrity, availability (CIA)
Common types of cyber threats: malware, phishing, social engineering
Hands on:-The objective is to introduce Cryptography . At the end you should be able to understand various ciphers and be able to decode them. Convert & document the following text into Caesar cipher, Pigpen cipher, Morse code, Rail fence cipher, Polybius cipher & Playfair cipher: Cybersecurity in Marvel