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Manjesh's EV-RE-001 course work. Lv 1


Project report

3 / 5 / 2022

Task-1 speed control of dc motor I made it by using aurdino Uno, motor driver-l293D and using a potentiometer for the speed control of the dc motor. Circuit connections: Enable pins of 1293d to PWM pins of Arduino and IN , pins to d 9 pin of Arduino. OUTput pins of 1293d is connected to motor directly. Task-2 Direction control of dc motor. In this task i used of if condition where it contains not statement in it. Using this statement i changed the direction of dc motor. Task-3 Point turn. For this task i used the same L293D where i coded such that IN1 and IN2 will be low and the other IN3 and IN4 will be high so that the vehit will take a sharp turn on the same vertical axis. Task-4 In this situation i made the IN1 as high, IN2 as low, IN3 as high and IN4 as low. This code will make the bot to turn sweeply on the ground. Task-5 Line follower bot In this task i used 2 IR sensors, aurdino nano, L293D. I made the bot such a way that if anyone of the IR sensors detects the light then that side motors will stop work and it will take a turn until IR sensor will show 0 on the serial monitor. In this manner it follows the black lane. Task-6 Obstacle avoiding robot. For this robot i made it using aurdino Uno, ultrasonic sensor, servo motor and driver-l298N. I coded in such a way that if any obstacle comes infront of the bot then it comes into if condition and checks the range. If the condition satisfies then it will stop and goes backwards and the servo motor turns left and right and the ultrasonic sensor again check the range and goes on the safer side. Task-7 Bluetooth controlled car. In this task i made a car using blutooth module, L293D, and motors. The car will be controlled by a Android app via bluetooth. At first we have to connect or pair the bluetooth module and Android app. And once it pairs then we can automatically controll the vehicle.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01