22 / 4 / 2023
I have printed a Batman Ring, I took its STL file from Thingiverse and modified the dimensions based on my requirement using Creality slicer and transferred it to an SD card. Later the SD card was inserted into the 3D printer and it started printing. The bed temperature and time requirements for printing model was be decided by Creality. After the print is finished, I removed support structures that were used and also polished the object to give it a smooth finish.Image : https://github.com/Skanda-gowda/3D-model/blob/main/3D%20model.jpeg'
I learnt how rapid API works, where we can find, test and connect to thousands of API's by using API key. I created an account on OpenWeatherMap and got API key there. Then I created a website using HTM SS and JSON. I used bower JSON to manage and install client side libraries. After making website I had put API key in the code authorisation and fetched the details from OpenWeather API. Now anyone can access the API and get the details about Temperature, humidity, windspeed, sunrise and sunset timings by entering the place name.
Code: https://github.com/Skanda-gowda/apimarvel.git
To start with the task, firstly I forked the MARVEL repository to my Github account using git clone command in cmd.
git clone https://github.com/UVCE-Marvel/git-task
Since access to the main repository was restricted it has to be forked to make a changes in code. I found an error and debugged the code and proposed to the main project through a pull request.
The changes done and the debugged code has been given in the following git:
From this task I learnt about usage of Ubuntu OS on windows and the applications of different commands like mkdi ouc ch at etc. The main task was to create a folder and in that folder create two files, concatenate those files and display the content in a single file. Later I was supposed to create 2600 folders in that folder.
Following are the commands I have used to perform this task:
Initially as I am using Ubuntu on windows I used the following command to navigate through C drive on windows
cd /mnt/C/
mkdir skanda
- To create a folder named Skanda in C drivecd skanda
- To change directory to skandaecho >skanda
- To create a file named skandaecho >nithin
- To create a file named nithin echo 'Skanda and Nithin' > nithin
- To write content nithin fileecho 'are best friends' > skanda
- To write content in skanda filecat nithin skanda
- To concatenate two files and to display output on screenmkdir m90{1..2600}
- To create 2600 folders at a timels
- To list all the files and directoriesAll the images are in this git: https://github.com/Skanda-gowda/ubuntu.git
I have built the portfolio website using HTM SS and Javascript. It is a basic website which contains details about me and skills I possess. I have even implemented the Javascript to redirect that page to my social media page when corresponding social media link is clicked. I have also created a git repository and officially hosted the website through Github.
Website link: https://skanda-gowda.github.io/marvel-portfolio/
Tinkercad is a software tool that allows users to design and simulate electronic circuits. It is a web-based platform that provides a user-friendly interface and a range of electronic components that can be used to create circuits. With Tinkercad, users can drag and drop components onto a virtual breadboard and connect them using wires.
Here a circuit has been built to estimate the distance between the obstacle and the sensor. By following the instructions in the resource article, the connections are made, the code is taken from it and it is compiled and uploaded to the Arduino R3 board to obtain the output.
The components used are:
1.Arduino Uno R3 board
2.Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
3.16×2 LCD I2C Display
4.Jumper Wires
Video of working of circuit has been uploaded in the following git:
First I made the circuit connections as shown in reference using necessary components. Then connected ESP32 board to PC via micro USB cable. Next selected ESP32 board and COM port in Arduino IDE . Used the code given in reference and pasted it in Arduino IDE to implement it. Uploaded the code to ESP32 by clicking upload button in IDE. Once done with uploading, we will get IP address . By opening that IP address in a browser we will be able to control the LED's state using buttons in webserver.
The components used are:
The code used and images of this task: https://github.com/Skanda-gowda/toggle
Soldering is the process of joining two or more electronic parts together by melting a filler element called solder, around the connection. The soldering process involves heating the surfaces to be joined and melting the solder, which is then allowed to cool and solidify, creating a strong and durable joint. Firstly I inserted the leads of the LED into the holes of the circuit board. Flipped the board over and bended the leads outward at a 45′ angle. Turned soldering iron on and kept it to 400’C. Later applied the soldering to the joint. Removed the soldering iron and allowed it to cool.
Images of this task: https://github.com/Skanda-gowda/soldering.git
Certificates: https://github.com/Skanda-gowda/active.git