8 / 1 / 2025
Having interest in cooking something good and loving to eat things that taste great,I know how difficult it gets to think of what to cook with the available ingredients.Using Spoonacular API,built an web page.Through this journey of building the page I learnt about API,how it works,what is it's use and importance
LINK: https://monikargowda.github.io/foodapi/
This helped to understand and to explore the github features which would help in the long run.Solving problems in code, cloning and forking repositories and other basics were learnt.
To command the computer with different codes is something that I learnt.It was helpful in getting to know how powerful command prompts can be and how they could come handy.
AIML is a powerful tool.Learnt how it is different from the normal codes that I was using.Used Random Forest to solve the problem of finding who survived in the ship wreck.Depending on many factors like coach,gender,age,family together,etc. Gave an accuracy of 81.01%
Plotting graphs manually were hassle.Having found a new way to plot them I created a bar graph that shows the most spoken language in India.It makes creating graphs easier by collecting the data required for the graph.
Presenting myself through a web page to show the skills I have learned and the projects I have done so far was a nice way to learn how to use and build the front end of any page.Using HTML and CSS
LINK: https://monikargowda.github.io/MonikaRGowda/
To be able to edit and present the reports,articles and any write downs in a very presentable ad organised manner by a code is a easier way of writing.This helped in understanding markdown and it's features in a better way.
LINK: https://github.com/MonikaRGowda/neuromorphic
To learn how different electronic components work and how they are used, we made an oblect sensor using simple circuit using an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor to estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor.This helped to find many components and learn what they are used for.
Through this task I understood the control of DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board. This was great experience as I learned about how an Arduino board functions.Implemented speed control using pulse-width modulation (PWM) to regulate motor speed and Enhanced motor control by incorporating additional features like direction control or closed-loop control.
Learnt the working of an ESP32 microcontroller and created a standalone web server to control the LED.The web server was developed to allow control of the LED via a web browser interface, enabling the LED to be turned on and off remotely. This project provided hands-on experience with the ESP32.Using the Arduino IDE, I understood how to upload code to the ESP32.
This task helped in learning about soldering.Soldered an LED and resistor to the circuit using the soldering equipment and checked it's working by connecting it to a battery.It showcased how electrical connections are done using soldering and how it could be helpful.
Through this task, I designed a 555 astable multivibrator with a duty cycle of 60%. Duty cycle refers to the proportion of time the output signal is in the high state compared to the total period of the signal.This involved selecting appropriate resistor and capacitor values, setting up the circuit on a breadboard, and observing the output waveform using a Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO).
In this task, I designed an alarm system that activates when a door is unlocked without pressing the key i.e., for the 1 (Door) 0 (Key) condition. By simplifying the logic with a K-map, the final expression was Door AND (Key)', which I implemented using a slide switch, an alarm or LED, and a combination of NOT and AND gates.Karnaugh maps (K-maps) are a useful tool for simplifying Boolean algebra expressions.
Took part in the Kagada 20- a Technical student conference conducted by IEEE UVCE.Participated in poster presentation competation ,presenting a poster on Microbots in Neurosurgery,which is a potential takeover that could happen in the field of neurosurgery.This helped me in doing research over one of the newest and intriguing technology that has arrived.
For writing down a report on datasheets seemed to be a difficult task,but once after understanding aout the MQ135 Gas sensor and knowing how markdown could simplify report writing, it made it easy and interesting to know about MQ135 Gas sensor and write down the report.
LINK: https://github.com/MonikaRGowda/MQ135-Gas-sensor
Learning about command prompts was a very interesting and intriguing thing to do.This was a fun way to learn about the commands.This made me more curious about the different commands that are present,which makes me want to explore more about them.