Apoorva Teli

Apoorva Teli

APOORVA 'S GENERAL TASK REPORT TASK1:3D PRINTING 3d printing is also called as additive manufacturing, where 3d objects are created from stl file. i have printed a giraffe in 3 steps: 1 i have downloaded giraffe image from online. 2 this stl file is imported to slice ang it generates g-code instruction. 3 printer printes layer -layer following G- code instructions. materials that can be used plastic or resins ,Bed temperature plays vital role ,it depends on materials that we use ./n file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/3d%20printing.jpg /n TASK2:API Application programming interface in this task i learnt how to create an api , api draws data from one application ,that data can be used in other application. first i generated an key from open weather app and created an open weather application. file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/apl%20 weather.jpg/n TASK3: GET FAMILAR WITH COMMAND LINE UNBUNTU Unbutu is a powerful tool that is used for executing commands and managing system. 1 created a folder named test8 2 cd(changed directory) of the folder 3 created a file 4 listed a files (ls) 5 concatenated two text file containing a random text. 6 finally displayed on terminal. file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/unbutu.jpg file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/unbutu3.jpg /n TASK4: KAGGLE CONTEST First created an account in kaggle ,participated in Titanic ML competion, task was to find a prediiction which passengers will survive . file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/kaggle.jpg/n TASK5: WORKING WITH PANDAS AND MATPLOTLIB First i installed a python ,then using pip insatalled a matploilib in command prompt, plotted a line chart, bar chart, scatter chart. file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/bar%20graph.jpg file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/line%20graph.jpg file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/scatter%20graph.jpg/n TASK 6: CREATE A PORTFOLIO WEBPAGE Using html, css i have bilided my portfolio file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/portfolio%20.jpg/n TASK7: TINKERCAD In this task i learnt how arduino works , it consist of three section digital pin ,analog pin, arduino uno pin out ./n file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/tinkercad%20.jpg TASK8: CONTROLLING A DC MOTOR I involves managing its speed ,direction, torque. PWM(pulse-width modulation ) technique involves switching a motar supply voltage on and off at a high frequency, controlling voltage and hence speed./n file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/dc%20motar.jpg/n TAK9:555 IC IC(Integrated circuit) used in various applications like timers, pulse generation and oscillators. It can be in monostable ,astable, bistable./n 1Astable :oscillator 2 Monostable:one shot-timer 3 Bistable: filp-flop It totally consist of 8 pins Ground pin: connects to ground Trigger pin: triggering a timer Output pin: output of IC Reset pin: resets the timer Control voltage: modulates timing of IC Threshold pin: ends a timing interval Discharge: dicharges atimimg capacitor VCC: powers a IC (5v), i obtained 555 multivibrator with duty cycle 56%. file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/dc%20555.jpg file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/dc%20dutycycle.jpg /n TASK10: SOLDERING I lerant how soldering is done ,came across various accessories used like soldering paste. Isoldered led and resistor together and light up using battery. file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/dc%20soldering.jpg/n TASK11: ACTIVE PARTICIPATION I Took part in tech talk and tech paper presentation competation held by FCI( fund a chlid in India) .Tech talk on sustainable innovations,tech paper on Blue eyes technology. file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/dc%20techtalk.jpg file:///C:/Users/apoorva%20teli/Documents/dc%20techpaper.jpg

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