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RESOURCE · 9/12/2023


In this article we will discuss about the particles that are faster than light in specific mediums and the Cherenkov radiation that is emitted by them.

Anwayi Suchita
Anwayi Suchita
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Cherenkov Radiation\n\n### As of our current Sceintific belief , we know that nothing can travel faster than light in vaccum. yet. but there are certain particles that can travel faster than light in certain mediums. In this article we will discuss about the particles that can do so and Cherenkov radiation.\n\n## what is it?\n### Cherenkov radiation is a form of energy that we can perceive as a blue glow emitted when the electrically charged particles that compose atooms are moving at speeds faster than that of light in a specific medium. Cherenkov radiation is named after the 1958 Physics Nobel Prize laureate, Pavel Cherenkov, who shared the award with Ilya Frank and Igor Tamm, for being the first to experimentally demonstrate and explain this glow.\nimage\n\n## How is it possible to travel faster than light?\n### Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. However, in other mediums, particles can potentially move faster than light. For instance, while in water, light would instantly slow down to 75% of its normal speed, but there are other particles that don’t slow down as much and end up moving faster than light. Whenever that happens, a blue or violet glow occurs.\n\n## The Particles\n### The particles that emit cherenkov radiation are mostly charged particles such as protons and electrons. However even the recently discovered neutrino particles (subatomic particles that are so insubstantial that their rest mass was long thought to be zero. They do not interact with matter) react with the atomic nuclei to produce leptons which emit the cherenkov radiation. The Earth is constantly being bombarded by neutrinos, but most originate in the sun , supernova stars and the atmosphere.\nimage\n\n## How can it be observed?\n### The cherenkov radiation usually occurs in radioactive materials immersed in water. it cab be observed in nuclear reactors , laboratories and neutrino Observatories. infact there are only 3 in the world - \nicecube observatory ,antartica\nimage\nKamiokande 2 , Japan\nimage \nIMB , USA\nimage\n\n## Applications\n### Nuclear material, of which radioactive material is a by-product, can be used for peaceful purposes (such as energy production), but also for nuclear weapons.Cherenkov radiation, when produced at significant levels, can be employed for the efficient measurement of radioactivity.\nimage

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