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BLOG · 9/12/2023

Marvel General Tasks Final Report

This is the documentation of the marvel general tasks that i completed as a part of level 0 tasks.

Anwayi Suchita
Anwayi Suchita
Marvel General Tasks Final Report
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Task 1: 3D Printer

Printer: Creality Cr10 Smart Pro \nThis was one of the most interesting tasks. I decided to print a F-22 Raptor. Firstly, I downloaded the STL file from thingiverse. Then downloaded creality slicer and sliced it. Then I uploaded the gcode into the SD file , put it in the SD card holder and inserted it into the printer. The printer prints in all 3 axes and uses PLA filament. The bed temperature was 60°C and the extruder temperature was 210°C. After 1 hour 20 mins the print was completed.

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Task 2: Tinkercad

Created a tinkercad account and explored the application. Then i went through the resourse article and learned about the arduino (Consisting of ATmega 3288-bit Microcontroller) , ultrasonic sensor , the LCD display and the working principle of ultrasonic sensor. Then made the circuit on tinkercad and simulated it.

! image here is the link:

Task 3: Soldering Prerequisites

Firstly i went through the reference article given and learned about the soldering tools. then under the supervision of a coordinator soldered a simple LED circuit. the soldering pen tip was at around 200°C-250°C. solder is a metal alloy (usually composed of lead and tin) which creates a strong electrical bond on being heated by the iron tip and then cooled down. usually used to make connections in electrical aplliances.

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Task 4: Kaggle Contest

Participated in the Kaggle contest to create a model that predicts the death toll of the titanic shipwreck. created a Kaggle account. performed the task on kaggle notebooks and acheived an accuracy score of 77%.

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Task 5: LED Toggle using ESP32

This task was quite Challenging but fascinating. To proceed with this task i went through the reference material first and learned the working of ESP32 and created a standalone webserver with ESP32 that controlled the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs.
I used Aurduino IDE to code and upload the programme to the ESP32. at my first attempt in this task , the IPS adress given by the aurduino IDE was showing error. turned out that the GPIOs were not properly numbered in the code. at my second attempt , i was able to fix the error and was able to finally control the LED through the standalone webserver.

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Task 6: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the Logic Circuit

Determining the karnaugh map for burglar alarm using the following 4 cases(assuming only the owner has the access to the key) -

door lock/key pressed - no burglar alarm ( maybe system malfunction ) door open/ key pressed- no burglar alarm door lock/ key not pressed - no burglar alarm door open/ key not pressed- burglar alarm Based on these 4 cases the truth table , K map and Logic Circuit are determined- image\nTinkercad simulation- image link for the tinkercad simulation:

Task 7:555 ( Astable multivibrator with Duty cycle 60%)

To proceed with this task i first went through the reference Material. The 555 Oscillator is a type of relaxation oscillator for generating stabilized square wave output waveforms of either a fixed frequency of up to 500kHz or of varying duty cycles from 50 to 100%. The circuit is shown below. The re-triggering is basically achieved by connecting the trigger input (pin 2) and the threshold input (pin 6) together. During each cycle capacitor, C charges up through both timing resistors, R1 and R2 but discharges itself only through resistor, R2 as the other side of R2 is connected to the discharge terminal, pin 7. Then the capacitor charges up to 2/3Vcc (the upper comparator limit) which is determined by the 0.693(R1+R2)C combination and discharges itself down to 1/3Vcc (the lower comparator limit) determined by the 0.693(R2*C) combination. This results in an output waveform whose voltage level is approximately equal to Vcc – 1.5V and whose output “ON” and “OFF” time periods are determined by the capacitor and resistors combinations. In our circuit R1=3k ohms and R2=6k ohms.

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Task 8: Speed Control of DC motor

After going through the reference material i Explored the basic techniques for controlling DC motors, understood the control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the arduino board. Simulated it on tinkercad. but on tinkercad L298 was not available so used L293D instead to simulate. then performed the same in hardware using L298N motor driver.

image image image video\nlink for the tinkercad simulation:

Task 9:Writting Resource article using markdown\n##### wrote an article using markdown on the topic : CHERENKOV RADIATION

here is the link to it:

Task 10: Command line on Ubuntu

I understood the ubuntu command line. created a folder named test. then created 2600 folders named bspl using touch command. and then i created 2600 folders named M using the ls command.

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Task 11: Github

created a github Profile. learned about repositories, branching, making pull requests and forking. then i forked the given repository and cloned it. after that i created a new branch and fixed the error. after that i commited the changes and pushed the new branch into the cloned repository, then i generated a pull request to merge with the main branch.

image link to my github profile:

Task 12: student portfolio

created a responsive student profile webpage using html in vs code.

image link in github:\n\nlink for the profile: file:///C:/Users/anway/OneDrive/Desktop/Student_portfolio.html

Task 13: Working with pandas and Matplotlib

i did this task on jupyter notebooks. generated a data of revenue , expenses and Profits over months and plotted the Line, Bar and Scatter Plots using pandas and matplotlib.

! image ! image\n\n! image ! image link :

Task 14: Active Participation

participated in KAGADA 2023 for poster making. also partcipated in the KAGATHON 2023. Enrolled for an online data science course from iit madras.

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K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01