MARVEL Coordinator Probation common tasks [Part 1]
Bhavid A
MARVEL Coordinator Probation common tasks- Documentation [Part 1]\n\n\n## 1. Getting familiar with Ubuntu and complete the following subtasks\n\nTask initiated: 14th March 2023, 20:00.\n\nThe above mentioned task was one of the easiest tasks to implement. I have previously worked on an e-yantra competition . So for getting into the basics, a couple of Google searches and Ubuntu Documentation helped me revise the basics.\n\nFollowing this I went through the Task Description and noted some commands for the task.\n\n15th March, 2023 09:30\n\nJust typed the commands after opening the terminal\n\nThe implementation of the task was in the following order.\n\n- Create a folder:\n\nCommand: mkdir test\n\n\n\n- Cd into the folder:\n\nCommand: cd test\n\n\n\n- Create a blank file without using any text editor:\n\nCommand: touch test.txt\n\n\n\n- List the files in that folder:\n\nCommand: ls\n\n\n\n- Create 2600 folders in this folder where each folder is named:\n\nCommand: mkdir M{1..2600}\n\n\n\n- Concatenate two text files containing any random text and display them on the terminal:\n\nCommand: cat text.txt text1.txt > text2.txt\n\n\n\nTask Completed: 15th March, 2023 10:20\n\nProblems Faced:\n\nThe Ubuntu OS was a little buggy in the lab.\n\n## 2. LED Toggle Using ESP32\n\nTask initiated:14th March 19:45\n\nThis is a task which I had already completed in MARVEL under the Batch 2 Student Track of the IOT Domain. So I had just opened my code at github which I had stored and made a few changes to make it more robust.\n\nCode\n\n\n\n15th March 2023, 13:40\n\nAt the MARVEL Lab, I had collected the components from the coordinator and began the circuit connections as per the code.\n\nSchematic:\\n\n\nThe connections include-\n\n- Connecting the resistor to the output pins of ESP32\n\n- Cathode to the resistor\n\n- Anode to the Ground\n\nOnce the connections are done the code is uploaded using the Arduino IDE by selecting the DOIT DEVKIT Board and the appropriate Port.\n\nThe Serial Monitor generates the IP address where we can access the web server.\n\nThe toggling of LEDs is shown below.\n\nPictures:\n\n\n \nCode and Web Address\n \n \n\nWeb Server and Toggling\n\nVideo:\n\n<iframe height="\582"">\n\n\nTask Completed: 15th March, 2023\n\nDifficulties:\n\nWeb formatting and developing the Hardware code were not that hard.\n\nBut to interface the both was a challenge.\n\n## 3. DC motor speed control using a microcontroller\n\nTask initiated:14th March 2023, 20.00\n\nDuring my time at MARVEL as a student, I got more familiar with Arduino by looking at my fellow mates working on their EV tasks. Also taking part in Kagada helped me get proficiency with the microcontroller.\n\nI had typed the code in the Arduino IDE using simple map function and defined the pins\n\n16th March 2023, 10.30\n\nI implemented the code by making the necessary connections using Arduino Uno, l293d H bridge motor driver BO motor pot. The speed was tuned by varying the pot.\n\nCode\n\n\n\nSchematic:\n\n\n\nPictures:\\n\n\nFig. Circuit\n\n\n\nFig. Code with output\n\nVideo:\n\n<iframe height=""582"">\n\nTask completed: 16th March 2023 12.30\n\nDifficulties faced:\n\nLoose connections in the circuit wasted my time.\n\n## 4. Write a technical resource article on a topic of your choice and post it on the MARVEL website\n\nTask initiated: 14th March 202 20.30\n\nSince I was already familiar with markdown, I could focus more on the content of my article.\n\nI chose the topic as Challenges in 5 nm process as this topic is something I wanted to explain where the future of the semiconductor industry is headed. So I just searched the web for some challenges and typed out the article in word document.\n\n16th March 202 16.00\n\nI pasted the above article in markdown and added pictures in the documentation. Then I added some resource links in the footnotes for better understanding of the article.\n\nGithub Link\n\nArticle Link\n\nTask completed: 16th March 2023, 16.50\n\nDifficulties faced:\n\nNone .\n\n\n\nFig. Article in MARVEL Website\n\n## 5. TinkerCAD\n\nTask initiated: 16th March 2023, 19.00\n\nTinkerCAD was the place where I started my hardware journey. So there were no issues with the interface. I also was familiar with Ultrasonic Sensors.\n\nI first chose the components that are Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic sensor and LCD display. I used the Pot to adjust the brightness. Later using the in built functions typed a simple code which calculated the distance using ,\n\ndistance = speed x time = 0.01716 x time.\n\nThen the simulation was run and the output is shown below.\n\nSchematic and working:\n\n\n\nVideo:\n\n<iframe height=""582"">\n\n\nSimulation Link\n\nTask Completed: 16th Marc 20:00\n\nDifficulties Faced:\n\nConfiguring the pins of the LCD Display.\n\n## 6. Working with an API\n\nTask initiated: 16th March 2023, 15.30\n\nThis was one of the most challenging tasks I have worked on since I didn't know the basics of Javascript. \n\nSo first I browsed a few resources for Javascript and API's and understood terms like queries.\n\nI knew the very basics of HTML and CSS.\n\nSo with the above knowledge I went through the resource and the execution went smoothly without any hiccups.\n\n\n\nFig. Code Snippet\n\n\n\nFig. API Implementation\n\nVideo:\n\n<iframe height=""582"">\n\nTask Completed:17th March 2023, 07:00\n\nDifficulties Faced:\n\nI have never worked with Javascript before so found it difficult to grasp at start but now familiar how it works.\n\n## 7. Working on Github\n\nTask initiated: 14th March 2023, 19.30\n\n- I wanted to learn Git for a long time and finally I could get started with it.\n\n- I just watched a few videos to get to know the basics of Git.\n\n17th March 2023, 20.00\n\n- So I started with Cloning the repository git-task\n\nCommand: git clone**\n\n\n\nThen I Created a new branch named Bhavid/fix\n\nCommand: git checkout -b Bhavid/fix**\n\n\n\nThen I corrected the error in the code.\n\n\n\nThen I committed the file using the following commands\n\nCommand:\n\ngit add\n\ngit commit -m "Fixed Error"\n\n\n\nThen I encountered issues where I couldn't push my file into the repository. So, after some research I found that I should have forked the file (should have been explicitly mentioned in task description) and worked on that instead I worked on the original repo. I asked the admins edit access and completed the following steps. The admins later reverted it back to the previous commit once I forked the repo once I completed the tasks.\n\n\n\nThe created commit was pushed into the repo\n\nCommand: git push - - set-upstream origin Bhavid/fix\n\n\n\nOnce done, I created a new pull request.\n\n\n\nThe fixed code passed the test.\n\n\n\nThen I merged the branch.\n\n\n\nThen deleted the Bhavid/fix branch.\n\n\n\nFinally, I forked the repo.\n\n\n\nTask Completed:18 March 2023, 08:00\n\nDifficulties Faced:\n\nThe description should have included forking the repo as it would be difficult for a newbie to know it though it sounds very simple."