I was often excited about 3D printing as it was one of the equipment I first saw in the lab and with this task, I first chose my model, sliced it into the allotted time, and executed it, I also learned about the concept of 3D printer and how to use it effectively Learning - saw how a 3D printer works and how the settings are done, how to glue the model right so that it doesn't fall apart
API OR Application Programming Interface was a task where I built an interface where a weather of any given place could be checked alongside various parameter like sunrise, sunset etc and it is a user friendly model . It helped me understand JavaScript , HTML and css better and their implications and how to combine work with the three and run the program. The challenges faced were to get the cities changed while using the application Leaning was to use the languages efficiently https://github.com/Avantikalal5805/Weather-API
GitHub was relatively a newer platform for me to code and its features were very easy and collaborative to use , the task with GitHub was comparatively simple with rectifying an error of +1 but somehow with so many actions that GitHub provides , one has to create a GitHub profile and learn its workflow of creating repositories ,issues , etc https://github.com/UVCE-Marvel/git-task/pull/140
I've got a good understanding of Ubuntu and have learned the basics of using its command line. So far, I've created and combined text files, and even managed to generate 2,600 files just through the command line
Kaggle contest was designed to propose the best estimate to guess the probability of survival of passenger on Titanic based upon the data provided. I created my profile and participated in the contest and using python created the model to predict the survival https://www.kaggle.com/code/avantikaaaa5805/avantika-s-solution-for-titanic-model?scriptVersionId=215292661
this was a task explaining the mathematical approach to problem with the help of various kind of graphs and charts .With certain commands in python (pip) one can intall this function , represent variables alongside choosing in which format to present it in
I made my portfolio using basics of HTML ,CSS and JavaScript and it was a fun task as I got to add about my interests and projects but the challenge I faced was to get the proper url as GitHub couldn't give me a link to get access my profile. I primarily used GitHub for the codes https://github.com/Avantikalal5805/myportfolio https://raw.githack.com/Avantikalal5805/myportfolio/refs/heads/main/index.html
I researched on my topic of interest which was Astronomy , mainly blackholes and it helped me learn the usage of markdown and its fonts and adding pictures which was mostly uploading a picture on postimage and copying the markdown link. https://hub.uvcemarvel.in/article/7ad7e53e-d52d-4bc3-8823-48fbed9d2eaa
Tinker card was the most fun task I did. I created an ultrasonic sensor with certain formulation using codes and mathematical formula. I picked up equipment and wires and designed a sensor which tells the distance. I created a tinker card account for the same and used it for Kmaps too
I learnt the theory of speed motor and with the help of circuit diagram , created connections after which the dc motor worked . on the basleline of it . I learnt about PWM , H board ,etc and how each one would contribute
Being mechanical engineer student , this task was fun as I got to solder components with the help of tools and got the desired output. This task was studied and performed carefully
Though this task wasn't a complete success , id still like to mention it . I did this task twice and despite the connections being right , I could get the effiency of 70 percent which was way higher than the margin
this task majorly has 4 potential outcomes to it which can be interpreted with ones logic . it involves a key ,door and alarm and the task is to basically figure out under which circumstance the alarm goes off . this whole model is also supported by tinkercad , I learnt logic gates for the same
I recently participated in kagada poster making and SJCCMUN
I learned about L298 as the same was used in the task of DC motor and here is the link to it
vr is the upcoming future and reserching about both the topics and jotting it down was very insightful and a good learning experience