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RESOURCE · 14/4/2023

Common tasks report

A report on tasks done and the things learnt

Shreesha Bhat
Shreesha Bhat
Common tasks report

Task 1: 3D printing: \n- Got to know what is STl file.\n- Sliced STl file a=using slicer app and converted it to G-Code.\n- Understood the workings of 3D printer.\n- Made a 3D model \nSharingan\n\n## Task 2: API\n- Created an API using openweatherAPI in which we can make calls and it can provide various details.\n- API\n\n## Task 3: Working with GitHub\n- Cloned the main repository of git-task to my local device using command - git clone\n- Corrected an error\n- pushed it into my own repository and then pulled a request to merge with main branch.\n - See my pull request details here\n\n## Task 4: Get familiar with command line on ubuntu \n- Created a folder named 'marvel' using command - mkdlr.\n- Used various commands like echo, cat, ls.\n- Using touch command I created 2600 folders like vel000 vel0002...vel2600\n- ubuntu\n\n## Task 5: Kaggle contest:\nGot familiar with Kaggle and signed up. Participated in Titanic regression model problem where we have to predict who survives in titanic based on given data.\n\nYou can see my model here\n\n## Task 6: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib:\n- Using Matplotlib and pandas and iris.csv dataset I plotted a line graph, bar graph and\na scatter plot.\n- Access the code and work with it yourself here\n\n## Task 7: Portfolio Website:\nGive a watch to my portfolio website - here\nThe repository to build the website - here\n\n## Task 8: Resource article using Markdown language:\n- Got to know about markdown language\n- Came to know how to put an image, link, quotes etc and also how to write various kinds of headings.\n- Access my resource article here\n\n## Task 9 : Karnaugh maps and Deriving Logic circuit:\nThe burglar alarm which consists of a circuit of 2 IC’s. The first switch resembles the switch on the door hinge and the second switch is the one inside the room. On opening the door, switch a is turned off, hence turning on the alarm. On pressing the switch b, the alarm can be switched off. In any other case, the alarm won’t be turned on. Hence an intruder who does not have the knowledge of the switch b inside sets the alarm causing immediate attention. The logic includes the usage of Boolean operators. On using the Karnaugh map and sorting out the equation. The logic results to the usage of two operations(OR ,NOT). \nLink to Tinkercad sim of burglar alarm\n\n\n\n# Thank You \n\n\n\n\n\n\n

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01