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BLOG · 14/4/2023

Akanksh\'s IOT-001 course work.

common task report by akanksh k

Akanksh K
Akanksh K
Akanksh\'s IOT-001 course work.
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

---\nMarvel Report\n---\n\n1.Task 1: 3D Printing\n-\nWe had to 3d print from an existing online resource. Take the STL file from Thingverse and modify the scale and size according to our preference using criality .We sliced it and put in for print \n* Understood to use criality and to scale the object\n* Understood how to put the STL file for print\n* Understood about temperature of bed to remove print etc.\nExample Image\n\n2.Task 2: API\n-\nI had to make a website using api I choose rapid api and used it by using fetch command\nand to display its elements by element id .I built a website of stock by using alpha vantage api \nLink:\n* To use fetch api in html javascript\n* To call the api to display info\n* To make a website\nExample Image\n\n3.Task 3: Git Task\n-\nLogged in into git we had to fork a repo after forking clone the repo using it clone command \nAnd then make the change in python and commit the changes and push the file into the repo\n* Learnt how to fork, clone\n* Learnt how to push the repo\n* Learnt how to use Git\nExample Image\n\n4.Task 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu\n-\nCreated directories by make dir command cd into that folder made text file by touch command\nAnd cat 2 txt file to one txt file\n* Learnt how to make directories and cd into ti\n* Leant how to make txt files and combine them\nExample Image\n\n 5. TASK 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage\n-\nCreated a portfolio webpage using css and html .Portfolio was about me, my projects, social media profile displayed it is pushed into git repo\nLink:\n* Known more tags about css and \n* Learnt how to make a definitive website\n* Learnt how to make link in png \nExample Image\n\n6. TASK 9: Tinkercad\n-\nCreated a tinkercad account, got familiar with the application, understand the example circuits Given. Made an ultrasonic/infrared sensors, estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor and displayed the results on a LCD screen. \n* Learnt the basics of ardunio and learnt to make the connections in tinker cad\n* Learnt how to make the ultrasonic sensor to led display connections and code for it.\nExample Image\n\n7. TASK 10: Speed Control of DC Motor \n-\nUnderstood the control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board. Using an UNO and H-Bridge L298N motor driver, controlled the speed of a 5V BO motor and simulated on tinker cad and done physically\n* Learnt about the breadboard\n* How to make connections in breadboard \n* Known about the L298N motor driver\nExample Image\n\n8. TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32\n-\nUnderstood the working of an ESP32 and used standalone web server with an ESP32 that\ncontrols the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs. Used the arduino IDE to code and upload the\nprogram to the ESP32. \n* Learnt the connection of the led and ardunio\n* And learnt tocode for it\n* Got to know about the ESP ports\n* Used the webserver to check the on off of the leds\nExample Image\n\n9. TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites\n-\nLearnt about the soldering equipment present in our lab, the solder, the soldering iron, soldering\nwick, flux, etc and performed basic soldering on a circuit board LED and resister circuit\n* Learnt how to soldering basics in circuit\n* Learnt how do the led and resistance circuit.\nExample Image\n\n10. TASK 15: Active Participation:\n-\nTook part in impetus tech roadies and we got second palace in it .\n* How to make a website using fetch api and made a website for calculating aqi.\n* Learnt to use tinkercad and made a ciecuit for the water moisture sensor.\nExample Image\n

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01