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BLOG · 26/8/2023

CL-CY Level 1 Task Report

Raviteja M
Raviteja M
CL-CY Level 1 Task Report
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

CL-CY: Level 1\n\n## Task 1 - JavaScript\n\nIn this task we were asked to learn about the basics of JS and create a small webpage that takes the names and marks of the students and calculates the \n\n- Percentage of each students\n- Class average\n- Rankings of the students\n### What did I learn?\nHere, I learnt the basics of HTML, CSS and JS. Because without HTML we cant use JS in website. I learnt different tags, their functions and in JS, I learnt about different data types, loops, conditional statements, functions, objects and many more .\n\nHere's the output of my website:\n\nWhatsApp Image 2023-08-26 at 12 14 17\n\n## Task-2 Async JS\n\nHere, I learnt the basics of Async JS and created a small webpage the prints the recipe of Biriyani using Callback and Async\n\n\n- Source Code\n\nWhatsApp Image 2023-09-14 at 09 58 44\nWhatsApp Image 2023-09-14 at 09 58 45\n\n## Task-3 Promises\n\nIn this task we were asked to implement the above completed task using Promises.\n\n#### Advantages of Promises over Callback\n\n- Easy debugging\n\n- Easy readability of the code\n\n- More organised program\n\n\n- Source code\n\n## Task-4 Getting familiar with Ubuntu \n\nGetting familiar with Ubuntu and completing the following subtasks\nThis was a new experience because I have never used any OS apart from Windows on PCs. At first I found it very hard to understand the basics of Ubuntu commands. \nBut later on following the resources and few Youtube videos I got some idea regarding ubuntu commands. \n\n- Creating a folder :\n\nCommand: mkdir testR\n\n- Cd-Change directory:\n\nCommand: cd test\n\n- Creating 2600 folders\n\nCommand: mkdir M{1..2600}\n\n\n- Concatinating 2 file contents and then displaying contents of file raviteja and testR and printing them in a file named output\n\nCommand: cat raviteja.txt testR.txt>output.txt\n\n- Displaying the concatenated contents\nCommand: cat output.txt\n\nimage\nimage\nimage\nWhatsApp Image 2023-09-14 at 10 33 08\n\n

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01