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BLOG · 18/11/2023

Level 2

Mathew Abe
Mathew Abe
Level 2
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Task 1 - SPI Communication\n\n## Overview\n\nSPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a synchronous serial communication protocol commonly used for communication between microcontrollers and peripheral devices.\n\nScreenshot 2024-03-08 210734\n\n## Key Components\n1. Master: The device initiating the communication.\n2. Slave: The device responding to the master's requests.\n3. MOSI (Master Out Slave In): Master sends data to the slave.\n4. MISO (Master In Slave Out): Slave sends data to the master.\n5. SCLK (Serial Clock): Clock signal generated by the master to synchronize communication.\n6. SS/CS (Slave Select/Chip Select): Signals used to select the target slave device.\n\n- Tinker cad link to SPI Protocol\n\n\n## Task 2 - I2C Protocol\n## I2C Communication with Arduino\n\n\n### Overview\nI2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a serial communication protocol commonly used for communication between microcontrollers and peripheral devices. It utilizes two wires - one for data (SDA) and one for a clock signal (SCL). Devices on the I2C bus are identified by unique addresses.\n\n### Key Components\n- SDA (Serial Data Line): Used for bidirectional data transfer.\n- SCL (Serial Clock Line): Provides a clock signal for synchronization.\n- Master: The device controlling the communication.\n- Slave: The device responding to the master's requests.\n\nI2C protocol\n\n\n### Wiring\nConnect SDA and SCL pins of the Arduino to the corresponding pins on your I2C device. Additionally, connect the power and ground pins as required.\n\nI2C Protocol tinker cad\n\n\n## Task 3 - BLDC Speed Control\nHave made the connection and code - just need to get upload the code.\n\nimage\n\nimage\n\n\n\n## Task 4 - Build chasis\nimage\n\n\n\n## Task 5 - BMS\n## Task 6 - Make a lithium ion battery pack\nWhatsApp Image 2024-03-07 at 3 27 35 PM\n\n\n## Task 7 - Working with multiple sensors\n

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