This task was the easiest among all the tasks. The resource helped me understand the types of moisture sensors. ESP32 was used for reading the value from the moisture sensor. The moisture value calculated was calibrated and the circuit was able to determine whether the soil is dry or wet.
Understanding the capacitive soil moisture sensor
This task introduced me to a new sensor,; MAX30100,; which has the ability to measure the heart beat and the blood oxygen levels.The 3.3V supply provided by the ESP32 board will not be sufficient to power the sensorso changes had to be done by soldering. But later I learnt that this issue could be sorted out by just using the ARDUINO UNO board to power the sensor(instead of the 3.3V pin of ESP32).
First,; I created a webpage on which the readings are displayed and then this webpage was called by the app using the WEBSERVER element available on the APP INVENTOR