I successfully created a Simon Says game using the ESP32, pushbuttons, and LEDs. The game generates a random LED sequence, and the player must press the corresponding buttons. If the input is incorrect, the game restarts with a clear indication. This project helped me improve my understanding of the ESP32 and basic game logic implementation.
I have gone through the basics of the MQTT protocol and various communication and networking protocols used in IoT. It was a lot of theory to absorb, and while I got a general understanding, some concepts are still unclear. I feel that more hands-on practice is needed to fully grasp how these protocols work in real applications.
I successfully completed the task of building a website with both front-end and back-end elements, creating an interactive webpage with a button that toggles the background color. This project strengthened my web development skills, laying a solid foundation for creating and managing web servers in future IoT applications.
I implemented MQTT publishing and subscribing using MQTT-LENS to control three LEDs individually. Publishing "LED 1 ON" or "LED 1 OFF" activates or deactivates only the specified LED, with similar commands for LEDs 2 and 3. This demonstrates effective, targeted IoT device management using MQTT.
I learned to post temperature data from an ESP32 to ThingSpeak, visualizing it as a temp vs. time graph and retrieving it for local analysis with Matplotlib. This experience deepened my understanding of IoT data flow, remote monitoring, and versatile data visualization techniques.
code for esp 32 and python matplotlib
I have successfully sent data from an ESP32 to an Arduino via the I2C protocol. I hosted a web server on the ESP32, where I could type a message that was transmitted to the Arduino. This task helped me understand how to establish wired communication between two microcontrollers using the I2C protocol, allowing data to be efficiently shared between them.
code for aurduino and esp32
I successfully set up an ESP32 to flash Morse code using an LED, with messages sent through a web server hosted on the device. This project shows a practical use of web server communication in IoT, illustrating how digital inputs can control physical outputs.
I learned to use a capacitive soil moisture sensor with a microcontroller to monitor moisture levels, display data on an LCD, and trigger alerts when levels drop below a set threshold, enhancing my IoT skills in environmental monitoring.
I attempted to measure heart rate and blood oxygen levels using the MAX30100 sensor and display the data on an Android app with alerts for abnormal readings. However, I faced challenges in establishing consistent data communication between the ESP32 and the app.
I completed the ESP32-based fire alarm system with email alerts, following setup guidance for safe, supervised testing in an open area. This version excluded the buzzer, focusing solely on email notifications for fire detection.