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BLOG · 14/9/2023

akanksh iot level 1

Akanksh K
Akanksh K
akanksh iot level 1
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TASK 1 - SIMON SAYS\n--\nTo create simon says game using ESP32 as given in the resources is of the ardunio code and simulation we had to make that in ESP32.Create a simon says game using ESP32, pushbuttons and LEDs. Blink the leds randomly, asking the user to push the corresponding buttons. If the user has failed, then give a clear indication and restart the game.The code was to just to change the pins and to remove the buzzer and the lwd module given in resources.\n\nTakeaways-I understood more about the ESP32 and how to use it and how to make a simon says game.\n\nExample Image\n\n\n \n\n\n---\n\nTASK2 - BASICS OF MQTT POTOCOLS\n---\nMQTT is a light weight efficient protocol devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unreliable networks made for M2M (Machine-to-Machine)\ncommunication. MQTT uses a publish-subscribe model where clients can publish messages to topics, and other clients subscribe to topics to receive messages other is \nHTTP protocol is a request-response protocol, where clients send requests to servers, and servers respond with data.\nCoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is an iot protocol for iot devices offering efficient communication\nAMQP is a message queuing protocol that focuses on reliable message delivery and queuing mechanisms.\n\n*Takeaways-Learnt about different protocols \n\n---\nTASK3-BASICS OF CREATING WEBSITE\n---\nWe had to make a website which changes color when we click. We learnt how to create a website both front-end and back-end. Create a webpage with a button that when pressed changes the color of the webpage. I had to learn javascript and html css to make the website . \n\n\nExample Image\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nTakeaways-This helped me to create a webserver which was useful for comming tasks.\n---\nTASK4-ESP32CAM\n---\nWe had to Set up a CCTV camera system that streams/records video footages as a measure to heighten the lab security. So we had a ESP32cam which is like esp with camera module and we get some what of a decent quality. Task was to make that work and use it .So we had the code the esp32cam with a FDTI Programmer and we will get a webserver id in the serial monitor using that webserver id we can access the the fotage to esp32 cam and we can take photos and videos using the cam and putting sd cards in it .\n\nExample Image\n\n\nExample Image\n\nTakeaways-Understood to use ESP32CAM\n---\nTASK6 - TO SEND DATA TO THINGS SPEAK\n---\nWe had to send data to thinks speaks using esp 32 so using the temperature sensor and that data is sent to things speaks and made a graph on the basis on that and second was even to use random numbers and generate a graph at different times.\nFirst we had to make the api key in things speaks and then to use the key in the code and the both will link and provide data at the website of the api ang it will read the temperature or the numbers sent and it will make a graph or any kind of mat lab vizulization you like.\n\nExample Image\n\nTakeaways-Understood the protocol to send data to matlab\n\n----\nTASK7 - COMMUNICATING USING I2C\n--\nWe had to send some data through I2C from an ESP32-CAM to an Arduino based board.ESP32 is acting like a sender(slave) with the address 0x04 and Arduino is the reader (master).We had to make a website to write the data. The code included the including the slave and sender as making a hedder file program as slave and link to main program by which while sending data in the webserver we get that data included in the serial output in the ardunio part\n\nExample Image\n\nTakeaways-This gives us knowledge about real life communication or as of the working of webservers around the world\n---\nTASK8-MORSE CODE\n--\nWe had to set up an ESP32 to flash morse code using an led making use of the message sent by the webserver hosted on the esp32.We had to make connections using led and esp32 to display the morse code data as the leds can blink to give the letters according to the morse code when we put the data in the webserver as the morse code will blink and give the output as we had to code the normal inputs and convert it to morse code and led lights up on a morse format depending on the letter \n\n\n \n\n\nTakeaways- A bit of morse code and making of the whole circuit as it can be used in emergency situations \n\n---\nTASK9-SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR\n--\nWe had to measure the moisture level of the soil in the pot using the capacitive soil moisture sensor and display the moisture level on the serial monitor or on the LCD screen. Give an alert to the user if the soil moisture level is below a certain level.\nso we had to connect esp32 to capacitive soil moisture sensor as it says how much water is present in the soil and giving the input if it is dry or it is wet . We had to write the code for it like if less then 150 it is dry more than that it it is wet . We can use it for irrigation and automate the process of watering plants.\n\nExample Image\n\nExample Image\n\nTakeaways-understood about the capacitive soil moisture sensor\n\n---\nTASK10 - READ AND DISPLAY VITALS\n--\nHow the MAX30100 sensor works and how to integrate this data on the mobile app\nThis works as a MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heart-rate monitor sensor solution (Like the device that doctor put in our finger to measure heart rate).This sensor includes two LEDs like RED color & IR LED, to detect heart pulse rate signals. So in the code we have to link the output to an app\n\nErrors-As couldnt complete and just saw how it works.\n\nTakeaways-By this we can understand how we can use IOT in medical fields and use graph for better understanding.\n\n---\n\n

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01