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BLOG · 18/8/2024

LEVEL 3 Report

Chandan S
Chandan S
LEVEL 3 Report
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Task 3 - Interfacing RTC time module with ESP32


Our main task was to display Real time data on a OLED using DS3231 (RTC) module along with ESP32.

The list of Components that I used To perform this task include:


RTC DS3231 module


jumper wires


1.The DS3231 & the OLED Display both are I2C Module. So we just need 2 pins for connection. So, I have connected the Serial Data (SDA) pins to ESP32 GPIO21 pin & Serial Clock (SCL) to ESP32 GPIO22 pin. Supply 3.3V to OLED & RTC Module through 3.3V pin of ESP32.

2.A precision temperature-compensated voltage reference and comparator circuit monitor the status of VCC to detect power failures, to provide a reset output, and to automatically switch to the backup supply when necessary. Circuit diagram

Circuit diagram

Task 8 - Alexa Light Control


Our main task was to turn on leds by sending instructions/commands to alexa or any other communication protocol

Below figure shows The process of Controlling Lights through Alexa and ESP32 :

Circuit diagram


1.Voice Command: You say, "Alexa, turn on LED."

2.Echo Dot: Receives the voice command and sends it to Alexa's cloud service.

3.Alexa (Echo dot): Processes the command and triggers an action linked to the ESP32.

4.Communication: Alexa communicates with the ESP32 via Wi-Fi using MQTT/HTTP.

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): A lightweight messaging protocol often used for IoT devices, allowing efficient communication over low-bandwidth networks.

5.ESP32 Processing: ESP32 receives the command and processes it.

6.GPIO Control: ESP32 controls a GPIO pin to turn the LED on or off.

7.LED Activation: The LED turns on or off based on the GPIO pin's state.

Task 2 - Introduction to RFID


The main objective we had was to read a RFID (radio frequency Identification).

The components That I used to perform the above mentioned task include :

ESP32: Since arduino are not featured with bluetooth, wi-fi etc , Esp32 is used .

RFID (Radio Fequency Identification)

Leds (to display the visual output)

Breadboard .

img source


1.RFID Reader Module: Connected to the ESP32 via SPI or I2C for communication.

2.Power and Initialization: ESP32 powers the RFID reader and initializes communication.

3.Card Detection: The RFID reader generates an electromagnetic field, and the card transmits its UID when in range.

4.UID Transmission: RFID reader captures the card's UID and sends it to the ESP32.

5.Data Processing: ESP32 processes the UID, possibly comparing it with a list of authorized UIDs.

6.Action Trigger: Based on the UID, the ESP32 triggers an action (e.g., unlocking a door, turning on a device).

7.Continuous Monitoring: ESP32 loops back to monitor for more RFID cards. image image

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01