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BLOG · 31/10/2024

Asshray's EV-RE Level 2 Report, Part-2

Continuation of MARVEL Level 2 Report....

Asshray Sudhakar
Asshray's EV-RE Level 2 Report, Part-2

Task 10 - Battery Charging


Charge the Li-ion battery using solar panels.

General Working:

The solar panel will generate DC voltage when exposed to sunlight, which will then charge the Li-ion battery. The TP4056 charger board is used to manage the charging process safely, by controlling the charging voltage and current. Using a multimeter, we can measure the output voltage.

The 1N4007 diode plays a critical role in preventing reverse current. When there is little or no sunlight, without the diode, the TP4056 module could draw power from the batteries or external devices back into the solar panel, which could damage the panel and waste battery power.

Circuit Connections:

Actual Connections:


  1. Circuit Diagrams & Explanation
  2. Chat GPT for working of the circuit

Task 11 - 555 Timer & LDR


Construct an automated headlight setup, using an NE555 (IC1) and a LDR (Light dependent resistor).

Learning & Working:

LDR(Light dependent resistor):
Resistor which is light dependent and changes its value based on the intensity of the light. It's resistance varies from 1 Mega Ohm (absence of light) to 5 Kilo Ohm (full brightness) & the 555 timer IC  is used to control the operations of the circuit.

Also, I∝1/R​

I - Intensity of light falling on LDR

R- Resistance of LDR

Circuit Connections:

Actual Connections:


  1. Website
  2. LDR YT

Task 12 - Solar Panel


Make a simple solar panel set-up using diodes.


We used 1N4148 Diodes (Signal Diode) as solar panels in this task in order to attain voltage output from sunlight. These diodes are primarily operated in forward bias and also called as run-of-the-mill diodes as it is a standard, commonly available, and widely used component in electronics. In order to attain maximum voltage output the diodes are connected in series.

Actual Connections:


  1. Overall Website

Task 13 - Solar Tracker


Design and implement a system using servo where the solar panel follows the sun to maximize the energy absorbed by the solar panel.


A servo motor is a specialized type of motor designed to provide precise control of angular or linear position. Unlike regular motors, which are generally used for continuous rotation.

Circuit Connections:

Click here to view my TinkerCad circuit simulation, since my components were not working as expected I did this task using TinkerCad


  1. CKT diagram
  2. Chat GPT for working of Servo Motor

Task 14 - Simple Electric Circuits Simulation on MATLAB


Task Description: Learn to use MATLAB and to simulate circuits using Simulink on MATLAB.


I became familiar with the interface of MATLAB and also learned how to make & simulate a particular circuit. I made a 3 Bit Asynchronous counter the below is the screenshot of the same.

Circuit Connections:


Task 15 - Blinking LED with STM 32


Introduction to STM32 microcontroller, its uses and applications, setup the LEDs and blink them (ON/OFF).

General Working:

A10 pin of the STM32 is connected to the Tx (Transmit) pin, this allows the STM32 to receive data from the computer or programmer.A9 pin of the STM32 to the Rx (Receive) pin, This allows the STM32 to send data to the computer or programmer via the USB-to-TTL converter.

Circuit Connections:

STM32USB TO TTL Converter
A9Rx (Receive)
A10Tx (Transmit)

Actual Connections:


  1. CKT Diagram & Explanation
  2. Code

Task 16 - Automatic Door Opening System


An automated door opener system that detects individuals or objects using a PIR sensor and smoothly opens and closes the door using a servo motor, providing convenience and accessibility.

General Working:

A PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor is an electronic sensor used to detect motion by measuring the infrared (IR) radiation emitted by objects in its field of view. It’s commonly used in security systems, automatic lighting, and other applications that require motion detection.

Linear Range5-10 m
Angular range90-120°


Circuit Connections:

Click here to view my TinkerCad circuit simulation, since my components were not working as expected I did this task using TinkerCad


  1. CKT Connection & Code
  2. Chat GPT for working of PIR sensor

Task 17 - Automatic night lamp for EVs


Construct an automated headlight setup, using a transistor and a LDR (Light dependent resistor).

General Working:

Since this task was very similar to Task 11, I've done this task on an online simulator called as Tinkercad. Here the transistor acts as a switch where it turns the LED ON/OFF based on the intensity of the light on LDR.

Circuit Connections:

Click here to view my simulation.


  1. Chat GPT For CKT Diagram & explanation.


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Bengaluru 01