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BLOG · 11/2/2024

kunal Desai
kunal Desai
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

TASK 9:Tinker CAD\nWhat is TinkerCAD?\nTinkercad is an online collection of software tools from Autodesk that enable complete beginners to create 3D models. This CAD software is based on constructive solid geometry (CSG), which allows users to create complex models by combining simpler objects together.\n\nUsing ultrasonic/infrared sensors, estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor and display the results on an LCD screen:\nComponents Used:\nArduino Uno R3 board\nUltrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)\n16×2 LCD I2C Display\nJumper Wires.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01