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BLOG · 5/9/2023


Level 1 tasks

Jack And jill
Jack And jill
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

TASK1\n\n#### JAVASCRIPT :\n\nAfter learning the basics of javascript..the given task is to create \na small webpage which takes names and marks of students and displays \nthe percentage , rank , and class average ;\nusing queryselecto event listener and other tags taking input and calculating\nthe percentage and using sort function to sort the students according to their \npercentages and give ranks and also find the class average . \nlink for code and execution:\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n## TASK 2\n\n#### ASYNC JS :\n\nLearning about asynchronous javascript and implementing a small \ncallback function which means a function which is passed as an \nargument to another function , when the outer function is called \nthe inner function is also called . \nfor large programs due to complex nesting as arguments the program\nbecomes difficult to debug and creates a situation called callback hell.\nhere is a program which displays recipe using callback function.\nlink for code and execution :\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n## TASK 3\n\n#### PROMISES :\n\nAs the callback programs create callback hell ,PROMISES\nsolve this issue.promise is an object returned by async function\nwhich represents the state of the operation ,also promises are \neasier to nest and easier to identify the errors in the code.\nthe same recipe program is implemented using promises.\nlink for code and execution :\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n## TASK 4 \n\n#### Get familiar with the command line \n\nIn this task we get to know the command line and do the following tasks:\n\n>1)create a folder named Test \n>$mkdir test \n>2)cd into that folder \n>$cd test \n>3)create a blank file without using any text editor \n>$touch blank.txt \n>4)list the files in that folder \n>$ls \n>5)create 2600 folders in this folder where each folder is named like . For example, M90 or B56. \n>$mkdir S{1..2600} \n>6)concatenate two text files containing any random text and display them on the terminal. \n>$cat one.txt two.txt > three.txt \n>$cat three.txt \n\ngithub link :\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n## TASK 5\n\n#### VI :\n\nvi is a text editor which is included in all linux machines even the minimal ones.\nunlike easy to use nano , vi is a modal text editor which has a command and insert mode.\nto open a file in vi editor we just type teh command in the terminal : $ vi \filename".\nwhen we open vi the editor will be in command mode. \nsome of the commands :\n>pressing 'x' key to delete the letter under the cursor.\n>typing dd deletes the entire line.\n>to save the file enter escape key to get into command mode then type :wq to save and exit. \n\ngithub link :\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n## TASK 6\n\n#### LINUX CONTINUED :\n\nIn this task we learn about regular expressions(regex) and grep.\nthen we take the login info with the command last an dwith the tag -s which means 'since'.\nthen this information is piped (|) and using grep we find the logins of the month of august and the\noutput is saved in a file called loginfo.txt .\nthen it is moved to a folder named logs and then it is zipped using the tar cvzf command ,which combines tar and gzip.\ngithub link :\n__________________________________________________________________\n## TASK 7\n\n#### INTRODUCTION TO CLOUD COMPUTING:\n\nIn this task we understand the basics of cloud computing .\nvarious types of cloud services including Saa Paa Iaas etc.\nvarious cloud service providers such as AW Azur GCPetc.\npublic , private and hybrid models of cloud service.\ncomparision of various cloud service providers.\nin the HANDS ON task we learn how to share files between connected computers on the same network.\n\n___________________________________________________________________\n## TASK 8\n\n#### INTRODUCTION TO CYBERSECURITY:\n\nThis section provides brief introduction on CYBERSECURIT \ndifferent types of hackers(blackha greyha whiteha etc).\nvarious types of attacks including but not limited to malwar \nphishing, sql injection ,etc.\nalso to introduce cryptography and convert the text Cybersecurity in Marvel into \ncaesar cipher : Jfilyzljbypaf pu Thycls \nmorse code : -.-. -.-- -... . .-. ... . -.-. ..- .-. .. - -.-- / .. -. / -- .- .-. ...- . .-.. \nrailfence cipher : Cbreuiyi avlyescrt nMre \npolybius cipher : 135412154243151345422444542433321142511531 \nplayfair cipher : MCCHIYHDRYGSSRONVALOEV \n\n"

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01