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RESOURCE · 4/4/2023

Aryan\'s Report on Coordinator probation tasks

This is a post on my tasks that were given at coordinator probation period

Aryan Aithal
Aryan Aithal
Aryan\'s Report on Coordinator probation tasks

Task 1: 3D printing \n#### Objective: To understand basics of 3D - printing and to familiarise ourself with 3D printing equipments in the lab\n#### Description: \n- Learnt basics of obj files and stl files.\n- \tLearnt about the printer in the lab ie Creality CR10 Smart Pro.\n-\tLearnt about different parameters to be handled while slicing. \n- Got a stl from web, scaled it down and sliced it.\n- PLA printing temprature 215 C.\n- Printed the ear.
\nMy model\n### Task 2: API \n#### Objective: Learn the working of an API and its applications\n#### Description:\n- Learnt about API endpoints, how to make an API call, API parameters while calling.\n
API used :
\n -\n\t-\n\t-
\n - Used kanya api to build an application that displays a random quote that was once said by kanya.\n - Used ISS api to get the location of international space station and to send an email if its above a given coordinate.\n- Github link\n\nMy Application that uses API\n\n### Task 3: Working with Github\n#### Objective: Familiarize yourself with GitHub\n#### Description:\nCloned the repo into my pc using git clone
\nOpenrd it up in the editor using code filename
\nEdited it and commited the changes using git commit -a -m \\"
\nPushed it to github usin git push
\nMade a pull request in the original reop
\nMy pull request\n### Task 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu\n#### Objective: Familiarise with CLI\n#### Description: \n- Learnt application of touch, cat, ls, cd, pwd, code, start .\n- Made a folder and removed them:\nMaking multipul folder\n- Concatinated two files\nConcatinated two files\n### Task 5: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib\n#### Objective: Using pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset of your choice, plot a line graph, bar graph, and\nscatter plot.\n#### Description:\nI chose a data set from my dads office regarding the data of satalite.
\nI used pandas to convert the data from an excel to csv and to select a subset.
\nI used matplotlib to plot the following.\nline graph\nScater plot\n### Task 6: Create a Portfolio Webpage\n#### Objective: Create a website to showcase your portfolio\n#### Description:\nI used css and html to build my portfolio. (I did not ge a png of myself so added a random image)
\nGithub page\n<iframe height=""405"">\n\n### TASK 7: Writing Resource Article using Markdown\n#### Objective: Write a technical resource article on a topic of your choice and post it on the MARVEL website.\n#### Description:\nRefer to basics of python which i wrote using markdown
\nPython basics\n\n### Task 8: Tinkercad\n#### Objective: Estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor.\n#### Description:\nCreated an account in tinkercad.
\nLearnt basics of Arduino.
\nDesignied the following circuit that measures the distance from a sensor.
\nDid the connection according to instruction.
\nCopied the code to the code section and started the simulation.
\nLink to project\n### Task 9: Speed Control of DC Motor\n#### Objective: Explore basic techniques for controlling DC motors\n#### Description:\nUsed L298N moter driver, and an uno to controle the speed of a DC motor.
\nWe vary the duty cycle using a potentio meter sue to which the speed is controlled.
\n<iframe height=""405"">\n\n### Task 10: LED Toggle Using ESP32\n#### Objective: To build a stand alone web server to toggle LED using esp32\n\n#### Description:\n-\tLearnt briefly about ESP32.\n-\tUnderstood working of a breadboard.\n-\tStarted the Connection\n-\tGPIO 26 to +ve of LED\n-\tResistor between negative of LED and ground of esp32\n-\tGPIO to +ve of second LED \n-\tResistor between negative of LED and ground of esp32\n-\tSet up Arduino IDE for ESP32 boards \n-\tResolved port issue by installing appropriate drivers.\n-\tCopied code for LED toggling and uploaded to the board.\n\n\n\n\n\n### Task 11: Soldering Prerequisites\n#### Objective: Learn about the soldering equipment present in the lab.\n#### Description:\n-\tLearnt about puff board and its use.\n-\tLearnt basic soldering technique \n-\tLearnt how to use copper wire to desolder. \n-\tLearnt about copper solder.\n-\tLearnt the use of flux.\n-\tSoldered a basic circuit for lighting up a led.\n<iframe height=""720"">\n\n### Task 12: Use IC555 as a switch to get a duty cycle of 60%\n#### Objective: Design a 555 astable multivibrator with duty cycle 60%, rig up the circuit on a breadboard and by using the probes observe the output of your circuit on the DSO.\n#### Description:\n- Learnt how to use a breadboard power supply.\n- Connect the 555 timer IC in an Astable mode to produce a very stable 555 Oscillator circuit for generating highly accurate free running waveforms whose output frequency can be adjusted by means of an externally connected RC tank\n- Duty cycle = (R1 + R2) / (R1 + 2R2) \n- During each cycle capacitor, C charges up through both timing resistors, R1 and R2 but discharges itself only through resistor, R2 as the other side of R2 is connected to the discharge terminal\n\n\n\n- Varid the duty cucle using a potentiometer.\n<iframe height=""352"">\n\n### Task 13: : Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit\n#### Objective: For 4 cases, based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed. Determine the\nkarnaugh map and make a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits\n#### Description:\nThe alarm system consists of a circuit of 2 IC’s. The first sliding(a) switch resembles the switch on the door hinge(similar to the one in the refrigerator) and the second switch(b) is the one inside the room. On opening the door, switch a is turned off, hence turning on the alarm. On pressing the switch b, the alarm can be switched off. In any other case, the alarm won’t be turned on. Hence an intruder who does not have the knowledge of the switch b inside sets the alarm causing immediate attention.\nThe logic includes the usage of Boolean operators. On using the Karnaugh map and sorting out the equation. The logic results to the usage of two operations(OR ,NOT). The equation ▁AB is the one which is used in the given cicuit. This equation was found out using Karnaugh map.
\nLink to Tinkercad sim of burglar alarm\n\n### TASK 14: Active Participation\n#### Objective: Take part in any technical event. Enroll for a MOOC and complete the course.\nI took part in Debug feaver, AR Wizards and Escape the crash during the recent IMPETUS 23.0
\nI also enrolled to a course on git and github on udemy and compleated it.
\n\n\n\n### Thats my report on 14 of 15 tasks.\n## Thankyou.\n"

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01