BLOG · 17/3/2024
The main branch of this repository has an error and is failing tests. Your job is to open a pull request proposing to fix the issue.
\nSteps Involved:\nclone repository: To clone repository, first click on\n\nfork -> Copy the DEFAULT BRANCH.\nNow to clone this, click on the code and copy the URL. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier. It will look like this, with your GitHub username instead of YOUR-USERNAME:\n\n$ git clone< YOUR-USERNAME>/< name of fork>\nchecking out to the new branch:\n\ngit branch BRANCH-NAME\ngit checkout BRANCH-NAME\nFind the error and fix it.To push the changes:\n\ngit add .\ngit commit -m \a short description of the change"\nTo push changes into remote:\n\ngit push"