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BLOG · 4/4/2023

MARVEL Common Tasks (CP) - Part 2

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Prajwal G
Prajwal G
MARVEL Common Tasks (CP) - Part 2
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

---\n#### Daily Report in Document Format : Prajwal G\n\n---\n# 12. Soldering Prerequisites\n### Date : 28/03/2023 \n\n### AIM : \n#### To learn about the soldering equipment present in the lab, the solder, the soldering iron, soldering wick, flux, etc. Learn to use them and perform basic soldering on a perf board. \n\n### Materials Required : \n#### 1.\tSoldering Machine \n#### 2.\tSoldering Gun\n#### 3.\tSolder\n#### 4.\tLED bulb\n#### 5.\tPerf Board\n#### 6.\tSponge\n#### 7.\tSoldering Flux\n#### 8.\tSoldering Wick\n#### 9.\tSoldering Iron\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\t First gather the necessary materials.\n#### 2.\t Heat the soldering iron to the appropriate temperature. Apply a small amount of flux to the joint to be soldered.\n#### 3.\t Place the tip of the soldering iron at the joint and apply a small amount of solder. The heat from the iron will melt the solder.\n#### 4.\t Allow the joint to cool and solidify before handling it. \n\n### Image(Reference) :\n Image\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\n### Resources Used : Soldering\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence learnt about the soldering equipment present in the lab, the solder, the soldering iron, soldering wick, flux, etc. Learnt to use them and perform basic soldering on a perf board.\n\n---\n# 13. 555 Astable Multivibrator\n### Date : 28/03/2023 \n\n### AIM : \n#### To design a 555 astable multivibrator with duty cycle 60%, rig up the circuit on a breadboard and by using the probes observe the output of your circuit on the DSO.\n\n### Materials Required : \n#### 1.\t555 Timer IC \n#### 2.\t1K ohm resistor\n#### 3.\t2K ohm resistor\n#### 4.\t 0.01 x 10^-6 F\n#### 5.\t 10 x 10^-6 F\n#### 6.\t Connecting wires\n#### 7.\t Breadboard\n#### 8.\t Digital Storage Oscilloscope\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\tCalculate the frequency of the output waveform.\n#### 2.\tCalculate the high time and low time of the waveform.\n#### 3.\tChoose the capacitor and resistor values.\n#### 4.\tBuild the circuit as shown.\n#### 5.\tVerify the duty cycle: You can use an oscilloscope to measure the output waveform and verify that the duty cycle is indeed 60%.\n### Calculations : \n\n##### R1 = 1000 ohm\n##### R2 = 2000 ohm\n##### C = 10 x 10^-6 F\nimage\n\nimage\n\nimage\n\nimage\n\nimage\n \n\n### Image(Reference) : \n image\nWhatsApp Image 2023-03-28 at 21 11 23\n\n \n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\n### Resources Used : 555 Timer IC\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence designed a 555 astable multivibrator with duty cycle 60% and observed the output of the circuit on the DSO.\n\n---\n# 14. 3D Printing\n### Date : 29/03/2023 \n\n### AIM : \n#### To get an STL file from the internet, and slice it and put it for print.\n\n### Materials Required : \n#### 1.\t 3D Model\n#### 2.\t PLA \n#### 3.\t Slicing Software\n#### 4.\t 3D Printer\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\t Create a 3D model of the object you want to print in STL file.\n#### 2.\t Using slicing software slice the model into layers.\n#### 3.\tNow Download the Gcode file and put it into the 3D printer and print it.\n\n### Image(Reference) : \nCharizad \n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\n### Resources Used : 3D Printing\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence got an STL file from the internet, and sliced it and printed the model.\n\n---\n# 15. Active Participation\n### Date : 29/03/2023 \n\n### AIM : \n#### To take part in any technical event, inter or intra college and submit the issued certificate of participation.\n## Certificates(Reference) : \n### A. Technical Events Certificates\n#### 1. Marvel Batch 2 Level 1 Completion (Student)\n\nimage\n \n#### 2.\tImpetus 2022(Volunteer)\n\nimage\n\n#### 3. Kagada Participation 2022\n\nimage\n \n#### 4. Kagada Winner 2022 (Poster Presentation)\n\nimage\n \n#### 5. Inspiron 2022(CODM Organizer)\n\nimage\n\n### B. Course Completion Certificates\n#### 1. Digital Marketing by Google\n\nimage\n \n#### 2. Android Nougat Mobile Apps Training by EDUCBA\n\nimage \n\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence took part in the technical event and submitted the issued certificate of participation.\n\n---\n\n# 16. Marvel Batch 2 Students Video\n### Link : Video

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01