This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.
TASK 1.3D Printing\nIn this task our aim was to print a 3d model, with the help of websites like were we have predesigned structures. But these were the STL files.\n\nSTL is a file format commonly used for 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD).\nThe 3d printer understands only one language that is G-code. \n\nG-code is a language that humans use to tell a machine how to do something.\n\nTherefore we have to slice ( convert STL file to G-code) using a software know as Creality. In this software we can set the necessary conditions also required for printing.\n\nThe printer I used in MARVEL lab was Creality Smart 10 Pro. \n
\n#### The models I printed were\n\nsh\n1.Lion\n
\n\n\n> ## TASK 2: API\nAPI stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols.\n\nWe were asked to use an weather API and make a program. So I used Open Weather API and jquery plugin for this task. I copied the key from the Open Weather API webpage and used it in my program. I written code using html , css and js which fetches the city name from the user and displays the current weather information about particular city.\n\n\n\nHere are some photos of the task\n
\n\n\n> ## TASK 3: Working with Github.\n Git is a tool that's used to manage multiple versions of source code edits that are then transferred to files in a Git repository, GitHub serves as a location for uploading copies of a Git repository.\n\nThis task was to learn the basics of git and git hub and to rectify the error given in the repository of the coordinators.\n\nFirst I learnt all the basics of Git and Git hub by watching one short lecture of Code with Harry . After learning I went to marvel repository and copied the clone URL.\nThen using Git bash command git clone I cloned the repository to my system.\nRectified the error in the python code, then pushed it by using git push . But this did'nt work for me so i directly done this task on git hub.\n\nFirstly I forked the marvel repository , --> Rectified the error --> Committed it --> Contributed it. Then then the code was approved by coordinator.\n
\n\n\n> ## TASK 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu:\nUbuntu is a linux based operating system used in computers . As I have seen it is more \nresponsive than windows, and as it all the compatibility of linux commands it is more efficient than windows.\n\nI have used the following commands to carry out this task:\nsh\n1. Creating a folder named test : mkdir test.\n2. Change directory: cd.\n3. Knowing the current directory: pwd.\n4. To create empty folder : touch file name.\n5. For creating 2600 folders: mkdir M{1..2600}.\n6. Concatinating 2 files _file1.txt_ _file2.txt_ and displaying contents in another file \n _output.txt_ : cat file1.txt file2.txt>output.txt\n7. Displaying the concatenated contents Command : cat output.txt\n
\n\n\n> ## TASK 5: Tinkercad\nTinkercad is an amazingly powerful easy-to-use tool for creating digital designs that are ready to be 3D printed into super-cool physical objects. We can also desing electronic circuits, implement code into it and run it.\n\nThe task was to design an electronic circuit that would estimate the distance between the object and sensor.\n\n#### Components required are :\nsh\n- Arduino Uno R3 board\n- Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) \n- 16×2 LCD I2C Display\n- Jumper Wires\n
\n\nI followed the resource article, using the above components I connected them accordingly, gave the required code in tinkercad and runned it. It estimated the distance successfully.\n
\n\n\n<iframe height="\315"">\n\n\n\n> ## TASK 6: LED Toggle Using ESP32\n\nIn this task we have to Learn the working of an ESP32 and create a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs. Use the Arduino IDE to code and upload the program to the ESP32. Learn to configure the IDE to upload code to an ESP32.\n\n#### Components required for the task are :\nsh\n- ESP32 Micro controller\n- Bread board\n- 2 LEDs\n- 2 Resistors\n- Jumper Wires\n- USB cable\n
\n\n#### Circuit design\n
\n\n- I made the connections as shown in the above picture using the above mentioned components, then connected the ESP-32 board to my computer using a USB port.\n
\n- Go to Arduino IDE and select your board in Tools>Board and then select COM port in Tools>Port\n- Press the Upload button in the Arduino IDE and wait a few seconds while the code compiles and uploads to your board. Wait for the Done Uploading message\nAfter few steps, you will get an IP address, paste that IP address in your web browser you will see the following page.\n<iframe height=""315"">\n\n\n> ## TASK 7: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit\n K-map is the visual method used to simplify the algebraic expressions in Boolean functions without having to resort to complex theorems or equation manipulations.\n\nIn this task using K-map and simple logic circuits I have to design a burglar alarm for that I built a "Light intensive burglar alarm".\nWhen the light intensity increases the LED glows and the alarm will go off. \n\n#### Components used : Power supply\nsh\n-Bread board\n-Buzzer\n-74HC08 IC\n-LED\n-Jumper wires\n-Sliding Switch\n-Photoresistor(LDR)\n-Resistors\n
\n\nThe circuit diagram designed in Tinkercad is :\n
\n<iframe height=""315"">\n\n\n\n> ## TASK 8: Active Participation:\n#### 1.Certificate\n\n
\nThe certificate displayed is issued by IEEE UVCE for participating a technical event named AR WIZARD conducted in a fest IMPETUS in UVCE.\n\n#### 2.MOOC COURSE\n\nI completed the 7 day course on Artificial Intelligence conducted by devtown and here is the certificate issued by them.\n
\n\n\n> ## TASK 9: Writing Resource Article using Markdown\nMarkdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags.\n\nOur task was to create a resource article of our choice. I created a resource article about Processors. It was quite fun learning about the basics of markdown and implementing it.\n\n#### Link of my resource article \nclick here\n\n##### Here are some pictures of my article:\n