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BLOG · 4/1/2024

Common Task Report

= by Kannika KR

Common Task Report
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.


What is an API ?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. Application means any software with a function. Interface is the contact of service between two applications. This interaction takes place using requests and responses.

RealTime Weather Application using Open Weather API :

First in the VSCode I have created the file with name index.html and I have created the separate files for css and js. finally linked the files of css and js to the html file. I have learnt HTML before and learnt the code of css ans js in this application.

Difficulties faced:

It was bit difficult me to understand the code of CSS and JS but with the help of the resources given and by referring few websites I have understood the code and how it is working.


TASK 2 : Working with GitHub

I have heard about the git and GitHub before, but I have just used GitHub has the hosting platform. Sending poll request and working with git was new for me. I have downloaded the zip file. opened my GitHub account and corrected the python after that I was able to send the pull request.

steps :

1.fork = Copy the DEFAULT BRANCH.
2.$ git clone< name of fork; [ use GITHUB user name instead of USERNAME].

Checking the new branch :
  1. git branch BRANCH_NAME.

  2. git checkout BRANCH_NAME to change the errors and fix it.

to find the error and to fix the error :
  1. git add.
  2. git commit -m "description of the changes need in short".
to push the changes :
  1. git push.

Difficulties faced :

It took me a long time to work with git as it was very new for me. I have faced a lot of problem in sending the poll request and to correct the python code. I have seen few videos to get familiar with GitHub.

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TASK 3 : Ubuntu Commands

Ubuntu id the open source Linux based operating system. I knew the basic of ubuntu before and this is the task which was easy for me and the first task i have done.

steps I followed :

  1. To create the directory. mkdir test {test is the name of the folder }.
  2. cd into the folder.
  3. To create the blank file
    new-Item - Itemtype File - name Blank_file.txt.
  4. To get the files in thw folder
  5. 1..2600 forEach-object {new-item directory }.
  6. echo "random text for file 1" | out-file file1.txt.
  7. echo "random text for file 1" | out-file file2.txt.
  8. get-content file1.txt, file2.txt.

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TASK 4 : Kaggle Contest.

I was new to kaggle. initially I have watched the youtube videos along ith the resource given in the website. When I entered into the kaggle website, it was completely new for me and It took me very long duration to get familiar with the webpage. I have tried to understand the code and it was bit difficult for me to understand the python code. I have learnt few basics things about Machine learning by doing this task.






TASK 5 : Working with Pandas and Matplotlib.

Objective : To explore the functionality of pandas and matplotlib libraries in Python and we will use the sample dataset to create the line graph, bar graphs, chart and scatter plot.

  1. line graph

  2. Bar graph

  3. Pie chart

  4. Scattered plot WhatsApp Image 2024-01-07 at 11 18 43 PM

Task 7 : Writing the Resource Article using Markdown.

I am new to this Markdown and I created some of the comments that I have used and learnt in this markdown. The link for my article is given below.

syntax of Markdown:

1.Introduction to Markdown: Understand the basics of Markdown and its purpose.\nLearn why Markdown is widely used for creating formatted text on the web.
2.Text Formatting: Headers: Learnt how to create headers using # (hashtags).\nUnderstood how to make text bold using ** or __. Learnt how to italicize text using * or _. 3.Lists: Ordered Lists:Learn how to create ordered lists using numbers followed by a period. Unordered Lists:Learn how to create unordered lists using *- or +. Nested Lists:Understand how to create nested lists. 4.Links:Learn how to create hyperlinks using text.
5.Images:Understand how to embed images using ![alt text](image URL).
6.Blockquotes:Learn how to create blockquotes using >.
7.Code:Inline Code: Understand how to use backticks ` for inline code.\nCode Blocks:\nLearn how to create code blocks using triple backticks (```). 8.Horizontal Rules:Create horizontal lines using --- or ___ or ***.
9.Tables:Learn how to create tables using pipes | and hyphens -.
10.Escaping Characters: Understand how to escape special characters using a backslash

TASK 8 : Tinker cad.

Tinkercad is a free web app for 3D design, electronics and coding. Learn by doing with hands-on projects, explore circuits, code blocks and discover the thrill of invention with Tinkercad.

Equipment's used :
  1. Arduino UNO R3 board.
  2. Ultrasonic sensor.
  3. 16x2 LCD I2C Display.
  4. Jump Wires.
Connections from LCD to Arduino :
  1. GND of LCD to the GCD of Arduino Board.
  2. VCC of LCD to 5V.
  3. SDA to SDA.
  4. SCL to SCL.
Connections from Ultrasonic sensor to Arduino.
  1. VCC to 5V.
  2. GND to GND.
  3. TRIG to Digital PIN 3.
  4. ECHO to Digital PIN 2.

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TASK 9 : Speed Control of DC Motor.

I have read the resource article provided in the marvel understood the circuit diagram and how to control speed of motor by controlling the PMW output along with I have learnt about L298N motor driver which allows speed and direction control of two DC motors at the same time.

Process I followed :

  1. Made the circuit connections as given in the diagram.
  2. Opened Arduino ide.
  3. copy and pasted the code given in the resource.
  4. Increase/ decrease the value of potentiometer to get the speed of the DC motor altered. initially there was some problem in the connection. I have changed the connection in the push button and by the help of the coordinator I have corrected the circuit and I was able to complete my task.



TASK 10 : LED Toggle Using ESP32.

We are supposed to build the web server that controls ESP32 output pins. Here we are using LED's for executing the task along with Resistors.

Steps involved :

  • We build the web server that controls the working of LED using ESP32 microcontroller.
  • We are using i/o pins 26 AND 27 and connecting them to the LED's Using resistors, jump wires and breadboard.
  • ESP32 Microcontroller should be grounded.
  • Copied the code given in the resource material and uploading it to the Arduino IDE.
  • modify the code by replacing it with our network Credentials.
  • Upload the code to the microcontroller by plugging ESP32 to the computer.
  • you will get the IP address and search for the IP address in any of the browser.
  • We will get the web page in which we will get the options to ON and OFF the 2 LED's.

Difficulties faced :

I have tried to get the output web server and to understand the code was bit difficult for me as the code involved both C++ and HTML. one of the coordinators explained the basics and how the working takes place. I have faced difficulty in getting access to the web server. we had mismatched the polarity of the LED's and with the help of the coordinator we got the output.

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WhatsApp Image 2024-01-08 at 5 17 19 AM

TASK 11 : Soldering Prerequisites.

This was the first task I have done in the marvel lab and I took the help of one of the coordinator and I have done soldering process for the gps and gsm module which we were using them for our kagada project. I have learnt the importance of soldering and the required materials for soldering along with the process of soldering.

Equipment's required :

  1. Soldering Iron.
  2. Solder Flux.
  3. Perf Board.
  4. Solder.
  5. Helping hands.
  6. Precision Tweezers.

1.Soldering Iron: Description: Handheld tool for melting solder. Features: Pencil-like shape, ergonomic design.

2.Solder Flux:Purpose: Cleans components, prevents rust, improves solder flow. Functions: Purifying agent, air barrier, enhances solder properties.

3.Perf Board:Alias: Perforated Circuit Board, Prototyping Board. Composition: Circuit board material with copper pads. Variation: Pads can be on one or both sides.

4.Helping Hands: Function: Holds objects in place for hands-free work. Design: Stand with flexible clamps.

5.Precision Tweezers: Material: Anti-magnetic stainless steel.Attributes: Precision tip symmetry, corrosion resistance. Use: Handling small components.

6.Solder: Definition: Fusible metal alloy for creating permanent bonds.

Process: Melted to wet joint parts, solidifies upon cooling.


TASK 12 : 555 Oscillator.

Circuit Configuration:

Pins 2 (trigger) and 6 (threshold) are connected to enable re-triggering for astable operation.\nThe timing resistor from the monostable circuit is split into two resistors R1 and R2.

Waveform Generation:

The capacitor charges through both R1 and R2 during each cycle but discharges only through R2. Output waveform voltage level is approximately Vcc−1.5V.

Charge and Discharge Times:

Charge time (t1) and discharge time (t2) determine the frequency of oscillations.

Total periodic time (T) is the sum of t1 and t2 (T = t1 + t2).

Output Frequency Equation:

Frequency (f) is given by f = 1 / T = 1 / (t1 + t2).

Duty Cycle Adjustment:

Duty cycle the ratio of the "ON" time to the "OFF" time can be adjusted by changing the ratio of resistors R2 to R1.

Summary Points: The 555 IC in astable mode generates a stable square wave output. Duty cycle can be adjusted for specific applications. Achieving a 50% duty cycle requires modifying the circuit configuration. Changing resistor and capacitor values alters the oscillation frequency.



TASK 13 : Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit.

To create a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits, we have to define the different cases based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed. Here are the four cases:

  1. Door locked, key not pressed.
  2. Door locked, key pressed
  3. Door unlocked, key not pressed
  4. Door unlocked, key pressed
Case 1 :

Door locked, Key not pressed. Door 0 | 1
Lock 1 | 0

Case 2 :

Door Locked, Key Pressed. Door 0 | 1
Lock 0 | 1

Case 3 :

Door unlocked, Key not pressed. Door 0 | 1
Unlock 0 | 1

Case 4 :

Door Unlocked, Key pressed. Door 0 | 1
Unlock 1 | 0

Truth Table

Door = D.
Key = K.
Buzzer = B.
D : 1 | 1 | 0 | 1
K : 1 | 0 | 1 | 1
B : 0 | 1 | 0 | 1

Logic of the circuit :

  1. Door Lock Unlock : Use a push button for the door and connected one side of power and the other side to an input pin(D input).
  2. Key Pressed : Use another push button for the key. connect one side to power and the other to the input pin(K input).
  3. Buzzer : Use an AND gate to combine the D input and K input.

TASK 14 : Active Participation.


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K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01