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BLOG · 10/3/2023

Datasheets are your friends!

Anish Krishnakumar
Anish Krishnakumar
Datasheets are your friends!

A close cousin of the datasheet is the humble user manual. Datasheets provide all details about the component/system you are using. The datasheet is generally written by the manufacturer of the component. For common/unbranded components such as LEDs, resistors etc. it is suggested that you collect the most important parameters(Power rating, supply voltage, operating temperature etc.) during purchasing. For most ICs/transistors, a datasheet is a god send. It eliminates ambiguity from your design and allows you to design proper circuit topology, identify errors in your circuit etc. So how do you interpret a datasheet? Datasheets for each component are read differently. There is no set format or guideline that every datasheet follows. However, a good datasheet always contains the following: 1. Description of the component 2. Maximum and minimum parameters 3. Physical dimensions 4. Pinout diagrams+pin function descriptions If you have any questions regarding datasheets, ask one of your co-ordinators. User manuals for all the equipment available in MARVEL are stored in the lab. Ask the co-ordinator on duty if you want to use any of the documents. Datasheets are freely available online. If the datasheet for a particular component has not been listed below, find it on the internet. # List of datasheets: ### 1. 555 ### 2. IC 7447 ### 3. BC 547

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