###Elegance and Aesthetics Whilst designing anything, hardware or software, a stroke of elegance in it shall make a huge difference. The beauty of nature and its critically self-similar elegance is inspiring indeed. Mathematics has given us vast treasures of quintessentially elegant patterns and relations that can be found almost everywhere, right from the turbulence in clouds to the roots of a tree. Nature is uniquely a self emanating engine of mathematics. They are intertwined in every ways and inspire us to make better everytime we design anything. > Paul Rand — 'Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.' In this blogpost, we shall learn a few elegant principles of math in nature. ###Fractals Fractals are infinitely recurring patterns that are self similar across different scales. Self similarity across scales gives it a chaotic image. Fractals are in many ways, concise representations of chaos. It forms an important aspect in chaos theory. Examples of fractals : - Branches and roots of trees - River Deltas and Catchment basins - Blood circulatory system in body - Fern leaves - Sierpinski triangle - Mandelbrot set - Hindu yantras
###Golden Ratio In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. a+b / a = a / b = 1.618............. Golden ratio is an irrational number (1.618033.....). It is considered as the most aesthetic ratio in mathematics. The ratio of consecutive higher to lower fibonacci numbers tends to the golden number. The golden ratio has been used in ancient Greek and Egyptian temples to enhance their aesthetics. Eg., Parthenon in Athens. The shell of nautilus almost has a perfect golden spiral. Such elegant mathematical expressions express themselves everywhere in nature in one of the most beautiful ways.
Parthenon and the golden spiral ##Few prominent design elements which have used mathematics for enhancements
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