Task 1 - Javascript\n Learn the basics of javascript and create a small webpage which takes the names and marks of ten students and calculates the\n- Percentage of each student\n- Class average\n- Rankings of the students \n\n#### By learning the concepts of java script I developed a website which will perform the given task\nGit hub link for the source code\n\n
sh\n Images of the website\n
\n#### Interface of the website\n\n\n#### Entering the value\n
\n\n#### Output of the website\n
\n\n\n> ## Task 2 - Async JS\nLearn about asynchronous javascript and implement a small callback based program that displays the steps of a food recipe (consisting of at least 10 steps).\n\nGit hub link for the source code\n\n
sh\n Images of the website\n
\n\n> ## Task 3 - Promises\nImplement the above recipe program with promises and list the potential benefits and improvements of using the same.\n\nGithub link for the source code\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n> ## TASK 4: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu:\nUbuntu is a linux based operating system used in computers . As I have seen it is more \nresponsive than windows, and as it all the compatibility of linux commands it is more efficient than windows.\n\nI have used the following commands to carry out this task:\n
sh\n1. Creating a folder named test : mkdir test.\n2. Change directory: cd.\n3. Knowing the current directory: pwd.\n4. To create empty folder : touch file name.\n5. For creating 2600 folders: mkdir M{1..2600}.\n6. Concatinating 2 files _file1.txt_ _file2.txt_ and displaying contents in another file \n _output.txt_ : cat file1.txt file2.txt>output.txt\n7. Displaying the concatenated contents Command : cat output.txt\n
\n\n> ## TASK 5:Task 5 - VI\nLearn the basics of vi and create a markdown file in vi illustrating the various features of vi that you found to be fascinating.\n\n\nVi is a powerful text editor included with most Linux systems, even embedded ones\n#### Commands in VI:\n\n- To open an existing file : vi /path/to/file \nIf we don't have an file VI will create a new\n\n- To edit a system file : sudo vi /etc/fstab \n\n##### Once you open a file in VI you will enter in Command Mode\nWriting anything in command mode results in unexpected behaviour.\n\n- Use x key to delete a character.\n- Use dd to delete an entire line.\n- To copy and paste , select the text and press v key and then press y to copy selected text. Then to paste press p key.\n\n#### Insert mode:\n###### Insert mode allows to enter text in VI\n\n- To enter into insert mode : 'i' key\nOnce you entered the text entered is written in file rather than treating it as a command.\n- To come back to command mode press : Escape\n- Type :wq and press enter to write the file to disk and quit vi.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n