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BLOG · 4/4/2023


A small report on completion of the assigned tasks.

Vinay Basavaraddi
Vinay Basavaraddi
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Link for the report in doc format: Is it there? 🔎\n---\n###### And now the report goes on and on . . .\n### Task 1: 3-D Printing\n---\n| Date: 01/04/2023 |                                                                                             | Slot: 04:00 TO 06:00 pm |\n|:--:|:--:|:--:|\n\n                The task of 3D printing was carried out in the lab using the Cura application on the Creality Ender-3 v2 printer. It involved printing an Illusion Cube using white PLA filament. The STL file for the cube was taken from the Cura website.\n>The procedure for the task:\n>1. The STL file of the Illusion Cube design was downloaded from Cura website and later modified using Fusion 360 software.\n>2. The STL file was opened for slicing in Cura software.\n>3. Settings for the printer were set up, including the filament type, temperature, print speed, and layer height.\n>4. The file was sliced to generate the G-code, which the printer used to create the model and later was saved to an SD card.\n>5. Insert the SD card into the printer and turn it on.\n>6. Navigate the printer menu to select the G-code file and begin printing.\n>7. Monitor the print progress and adjust settings, if required until the bed part finishes.\n\nThe 3D printed illusion cube turned out amazing. And the complex pattern of the interlocking part was printed perfectly. It created an impressive optical illusion when viewed from certain angles. The white PLA filament gave the cube a clean look. Hence the project was successful.\n  \n3D printing is a hobby that allows for endless creative possibilities. Recent progress in Nanotech and 3D printing have led to the development of muscle printing and printing biomedical applications. It has also been merged with 3D printed tissue engineering scaffolds, with a focus on the development of muscle printing. NASA 📽️ has been exploring the use of 3D printing in various ways, with construction systems on the Moon and Mars, and for experiments involving dust and slime mold growth on the ISS. It has helped to reduce costs and increase reliability.\n\n| View 1 | \| | View 2 |\n|:------:|:--:|:-------:|\n| View 1 | \| | View 2 |\n\n### Task 2: Weather API\n---\n| Date: 30/03/2023 |                                                                                                                  | Slot: Online |\n|:--:|:--:|:--:|\n\n                A collection of procedures, protocols, and instruments used to create software applications is known as an application programming interface (API). A software component's operations, I/O, and similar types are expressed through an API. It specifies features that are independent of the corresponding implementations, enabling changes to either without impairing the other.\n  \n  \nWeather APIs are widely used in web dev for displaying weather information. These APIs provide real-time weather data that can be used to create engaging and informative websites. In this report for the task to get familiar with the API’s, a website was created using a weather API from OpenWeather.\n\n> Procedure followed during the development:\n>1. As shown in the reference video, the similar process was followed with few variations.\n>2. Firstly, sign up for a free API key from a weather API provider, where I used the OpenWeather website.\n>3. Refer the API documentation to learn how to make API requests and retrieve weather data in specified formats.\n>4. It is then bought on the VS Code to make API requests and parse the JSON data.\n>5. Different styling techniques can be used to design the website and display the weather data in a visually appealing way.\n>6. Host the website on a server or web hosting service, if required.\n\nIn conclusion, creating a website using a weather API is a straightforward process. Whole thing is to choose a reliable weather API, obtain an API key, build the website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, integrate the API using AJAX, and display the weather information on the website. With this knowledge, you can create engaging and informative websites that provide real-time weather information to your users.\n\n### Task 3: Working with Github\n---\n| Date: 04/04/2023 |                                                                                                                  | Slot: Online |\n|:--:|:--:|:--:|\n\n                GitHub is a popular platform for software development and version control. It provides a range of features for managing and collaborating on code, including, \n>* Version control (allows to track changes of code over time)\n>* Collaboration (provides tools for collaborating on code with other developers)\n>* Issue tracking (allows to track bugs and issues within the code, manages them through the issue tracker)\n>* Documentation (tools for hosting publishing documentation for projects)\n>* Integrations (It can be integrated with a wide range of third-party tools and services)\n\nThe task of getting familiarized with GitHub integrated workflows, Issues, and pull requests involved understanding the process of creating issues, branching, and submitting pull requests. To complete the task, the following steps were taken\n>1. In the GitHub account the specified repository was forked which said that it had issues. Forking allows developers to create their own copy of the original repository without affecting the original codebase.\n>2. Then, it was cloned to my local machine using the Git command line interface.\n>3. The files in the main branch were checked to spot out the issue to work on.\n>4. A new branch was created on the forked repository to fix the issue.\n>5. Unfortunately there wasn't any mistake in the main branch. \n>6. Nothing except the comment part was altered to make changes to fix the issue and commit the changes to the branch.\n>7. Then a pull request was submitted to the original repository for the changes to be reviewed and merged.\n\nThrough this process, the concepts of creating forks, issues, branching, and submitting pull requests were learned, through the github documentation and few of them were applied. The workflow of GitHub was also understood in a practical manner.\n  \n  \nAfter checking the main branch the pull request was submitted for review. Here is my Pull Request for the task.\n  \n  \nHence the task was completed and it was a way for learning the stuff usually ignored in using GitHub for purposes such as the work of collaborative or contributing to open-source projects. I firmly believe that the understanding gained in this task will be beneficial for future contributions to other open-source projects.\n\n### Task 4: Command Line Interface - Ubuntu\n---\n| Date: 22/03/2023 |                                                                                                                  | Slot: Online |\n|:--:|:--:|:--:|\n\n                Ubuntu is a popular OS for its security features and robustness and is widely used in personal or professional settings. One of the most powerful and flexible aspects of Ubuntu is Command Line Interface (CLI), which allows users to interact with the system using text commands. Dive in the report and let's explore the Ubuntu CLI and its features.\n  \n  \n> The following are some of the most popular and basic commands:\n> | Commands | : | Functionality | \ / | Commands | : | Functionality|\n> |:-------------|---|--------------:|:--:|:-------------|---|--------------:|\n> | ls | : | Lists the contents of dir | \| | cd | : | Changes current dir |\n> | pwd | : | Print working directory | \| | mkdir | : | Makes new directory |\n> | rm | : | Removes a file or dir | \| | mv | : | Move or rename files |\n> | sudo | : | Elevates code privileges | \| | cat | : | Concatenates files |\n\nThe task was completed by executing all the subtasks as shown in the image. Refer to the code below or this for more clarity.\n\n export \PS1=$ "\n $ pwd\n /home/cg/root/63e2386864f09\n $ cd /etc/..\n $ pwd\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//reads your location\n /\n $ mkdir /tmp/test\t\t\t //creates directory\n $ cd tmp/test\t\t\t\t\t//dives into mentioned path\n $ > blank.txt\t\t\t\t\t//creating blank file\n $ ls\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//listing the contents of the folder\n Blank.txt\n $ for i in {1..2600}; do mkdir F$i; done\t//creating 2600 folders\n $ > count.txt\t\t\t //a blank file to count and list them\n $ wc -l count.txt\t\t\t//initial count = 0\n 0 count.txt\n $ ls > count.txt\t\t //listing all the files in current folder into the blank file\n $ wc -l count.txt\t\t //final count = 2600 + 2\n 2602 count.txt\t\t //as both the count.txt and blank.txt files are included with new \n 2600 files\n $ echo "This is the file one." > file1.txt\t\n $ echo "This is the file two." > file2.txt\n $ cat file1.txt file2.txt > file.txt\t\t//concatenation of two text files\n $ cat file.txt\t\t\t\t //display of the concatenated content\n This is the file one.\n This is the file two.\n $\n\n| About | ... | Image |\n|---:|---:|:---:|\n| Main Code with following Outcomes | : | CLI Initial |\n| The Final Contents | : | CLI Final |\n\n### Task 5: Kaggle Contest - Getting Started with Titanic #\n---\n| Date: 24/03/2023 |                                                                                             | Slot: 12:30 TO 03:00 pm |\n|:--:|:--:|:--:|\n\n                This report summarizes the submission in the Kaggle contest which required the use of ML to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck and was guided by Alexis Cook’s Titanic Tutorial which helped to get familiarize with the platform.  \n  \nThe objective of the task was to get familiarized on the platform and use the tutorial to build a predictive model that determines the survival rate of passengers on the Titanic based on various features. It required Python programming language, data manipulation techniques, and ML algorithms.\n  \n  \nThe tutorial provided a step-by-step guide to building the model and the pandas library for data manipulation and scikit-learn library for machine learning algorithms. Predictions were submitted on the Kaggle platform for evaluation. The model achieved an accuracy score of 77.5%. # 👈\n  \n  \nParticipating in the Kaggle contests provides the opportunity to explore the data science and machine learning skills of a real-world problem. The platform can also be used for accessing the datasheets to analyze for the projects, participating in the competitions, maintain the notebook, interact with the community and also provides the Kaggle Learn for users to develop new skills and techniques.\n\n### Task 6: Working with Matplotlib and Pandas\n---\n| Date: 04/04/2023 |                            ��                                                                                     | Slot: Online |\n|:--:|:--:|:--:|\n\n                Matplotlib and Pandas are Python libraries used for data visualization (range of graphs and charts as line, bar, scatter, and pie charts) and for data manipulation and analysis, respectively. Matplotlib is a widely used tool for creating high-quality visualizations in Python. Pandas is commonly used for data cleaning, filtering, and transformation and for handling missing data and working with time series data.\n  \n  \nThe task was completed with the help of the reference article provided which went as follows, using the Replit, a cloud-based IDE that allows for easy collaboration and sharing of code, website in place of Jupyter:\n>1. Importing the libraries in python.\n>2. Loading the dataset in CSV format using the link provided.\n>3. Then the graph part can be initiated using the functions of Matplotlib such as .plot(), .bar(), .scatter() with respective parameters as shown in documentation.\n>4. The resulting plots were displayed within the Replit interface in the output section.\n\nThe task was completed successfully by working with these libraries. It would be so helpful as just with a few lines of code, complex visualizations can be created and interpreted.\n  \n  \n| Line Graph | Bar Graph |\n|:----------:|:----------:|\n| Line Graph | Bar Graph |\n| Scatter Plot | Histogram |\n| Scatter Plot | Histogram |\n---\n### Here goes the part 2 . . . # 👈"

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01