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BLOG · 10/3/2023

Friendly Neighborhood Youtubers

Vakesan M
Vakesan M
Friendly Neighborhood Youtubers

Here are some youtube channels that can help you learn/improve your skill and knowledge. Very often people ask me which YouTube channels I follow to help out with projects, here are a few of them in no particular order. Missed someone you think is a must-add to this list? Do reach out! Adam Savage: Adam Savage from Mythbusters needs no introduction I presume. Ben Eater: For all you electronic hardware enthusiasts Jeremy Fielding: For all you mechanical/ CAD designers. EEV Blog: Another Electronics Channel for cool projects. Makers Muse: All about the 3D printing world. James Bruton: Another maker who uses 3D prints to bring complex mechanisms to life. CNC kitchen: Taking 3D printing technology testing to the next level. Integza: Rockets, Rockets, and more Rockets! Along with some cool 3D printer mechanisms. Electroboom: Needs no introduction. Great Scott: Another amazing electronic hardware engineer. Simone Giertz: A youtube creator who builds many cool things. Andreas Spiess: Go to YouTuber for communication-based electronics projects. Spark Plug: A lot of everyday models to practice from. Fusion360 Beginner playlist 1: A tutorial to cover basics in Fusion 360. Fusion360 Beginner playlist 2: A 30 day beginner course on fusion 360.

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