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BLOG · 8/1/2024

Vishal\'s D-P-001 course work.

Vishal Garande
Vishal Garande
Vishal\'s D-P-001 course work.
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Task 1 : 3D Printing\n\n>> This is very interesting task in that I learnt the working of 3D printer, different techniques of 3D printing. Also i learnt to use Ultimaker Cura software for slice the model and generate the Gcode. I also learnt about bed levelling, optimum Temperature. and other settings of 3D printing.\n\n\n## Task 2 : API\n\n>> An API ( application programming interface), This is an intermediate layer that processes data transfers between systems. \nFor example nowadays we are using apps like Swiggy, Uber, Zomato etc. in these apps we see the option of a map to track our delivery partner location. Now these apps take the map through the Gmap api system.\n## TASK 3: Working with Github\n\n>> I created a Github acount for the first time.I was really fascinated by this platform. It is very usefull platform, Since then, I have been using github very often.\n\n## Task 6 : Working with Pandas and Matplotlib\n\n >> This task will help you to improve your coding knowledge. It is really interesting topic where you will use to Plot the graph (bar/ line /dot ) of any data , it is really interesting. i did this task with the help of given referral link and YouTube video. To plot these graphs To plot the bar graph and line graph i have used the data of daily push-up.\n\n\nIMG_20240112_175126643 1\n\nbar_graph_(1) 1\n\n## TASK 7: Create a Portfolio Webpage\nI have created a responsive personal portfolio website using HTML and CSS to showcase my portfolio - about myself , social and more.\n\nIMG_20240127_171932407_HDR 1\nIMG_20240127_173659673_HDR 1\n\n\n## Task 9 : Tinkercad\n\n>> Tinkercad allows you to design and simulate electronic circuits right in our browser. You can add components, connect them, and even write code to control the circuit's behavior. It's a great way to learn and experiment with electronics without needing physical components. \nBy using ultrasonic sensor, Arduino, LED screen, i have created a circuit which measures distance between the object and sensor.\n\n\n\nIMG_20240105_030830519 1\nIMG_20240108_013831854 1\n\n\n\n## TASK 10: Speed Control of DC Motor \n\n>>This was my first task. First i simulated it in Tinkarcad and after that I did this in the lab.\nBasically, the Arduino sends signals to the motor driver, which controls the motor's speed and direction. LN298 like a bridge between the Arduino and the motor. By changing the signals, we can make the motor move in different directions and at different speeds.\nThe potentiometer can be used in this circuit to control the speed of the DC motor. By connecting the potentiometer to an analog input pin on the Arduino, you can read the position of the potentiometer's knob and use that value to adjust the motor speed dynamically.\n\n\n\nIMG_20231116_134409992_HDR 1\n\n## TASK 11: LED Toggle Using ESP32\n\n>> This was a very interesting take. Here i learn the working of ESP32 . The ESP32 is a microcontroller board that can control electronic components like LEDs. To toggle an LED using the ESP32, i connect the positive term of the LED to a pin on the ESP32 and the negative term to the ground.\n\n\nledd\nIMG_20240111_153351009\n\n\n## TASK 12: Soldering Prerequisites\n\n>> Again it was a very easy task, where I learned about soldering like how to use iron, flux and performed it on a perf board to make an LED circuit.\n\nIMG_20231108_135529710 1\n\n\n## TASK 13: 555 Multivibrator\n\n>> Here i learn working of 555 Timer IC , the duty cycle can be adjusted by changing the values of the resistors and capacitors connected to the circuit. The duty cycle is determined by the ratio of time the output signal is high (ON) to the total period of the signal. By adjusting the values of the resistors and capacitors, the calculated value of resistance for the duty cycle is 65% , and i built the circuit and checked out using Oscilloscope. The observed duty cycle was 65.98%.\n\n\n\nIMG_20231116_160925502 1\n\nIMG_20231116_141541808_HDR 1\n\n## TASK 14: Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit\n>>K-map and deriving the logic circuit\nThis task was very interesting, where i built the circuit for a burglar alarm. The alarm will buzzer in these conditions\n\nDoor is closed (0), key is passed (1)\n\nDoor is open (1), key not passed (0)\n\n\n\nlast pn\n\n\n\nMagnificent_Bombul 1\n\nIMG_20231111_144259427 1\n\n\n\n

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01