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BLOG · 12/4/2023


the post is about the report of the provided any 9 common task out of 15 is available here

Anjal K Nair
Anjal K Nair
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

TASK 1\n# Distance measurment using Ultrasonic sesnsor and arduino\n\n## ARDUINO:\n### \nIt is an open source electronic platform . it consists\nof ATmega328-8 bit can be able\nto read inputs from dif erent sensors and we can\nsend instruction to the microcontroller in the\ provides Arduino IDE to write code and\nconnect the hardware device like arduino lie arduino\nboards and sensor.\n\nAlt text\n\n## ULTRASONIC SESNOR:\n###\nAn ultrasonic sensor is a device used to measure the\ndistance between the sensor and an object without\nphysical contact.This device works based on time -to\n-distance conversion\n\nAlt text\n\n\n\n\n## WORKING OF ULTRASONIC SENSOR :\n### \nUltrasonic sensor measure distance by sending\nand receiving the ultrasonic wave.The ultrasonic\nsensor has a sender to emit the ultrasonic waves\nand a receiver to receive the ultrasonic waves.the\ntransmitted ultrasonic waves travels through the\nair and is reflected by hitting an object. Arduino\ncalculates the time taken by the wave to reach the\nreceiver from the the sender with the help of a\nformula\n\n### FORMULA: DISTANCE= SPEED * TIME\n\nWe know the speed of the sound in air medium is\n344m/s\nIn the code ,the “duration” variable stores the time\ntaken by the sound wave travelling from the emitter\nto the receiver .that is double the time to reach the\nobject whereas the sensor returns the total time\nincluding sender to object and object to reciever\n.then, the time taken to reach the object is half of the\ntime taken to reach the receiver\n\n### DISTANCE= SPEED OF SOUND IN AIR * (TIME TAKEN/2)\n= 344 * TIMES TAKEN/2\n\n## COMPONENTS REQUIRED\n- Arduino Uno R3 board\n- Ultrasonic sesnor (HC-SR04)\n- 16 * 2 LCD display\n - jumper wires\n\n ## PROCEDURE :\n\n The simulation of the given task is done with the help\nof tinkercad the following are steps used to setup\nthe task\n\n1. connect the echo pin of the sesnor to D2 pin of the\naurdino\n2. connect the triger pin of the sesnor to D3 pin of\nthe arduino\n3. the Vcc is connected with 5V power source\n4. Ensure that the gorund is connected properly\n5. to get out put in external display we shld connect\n162 LCD display*\n6. connect the SDA pin of the LCD Display to SDA\npin of the arduino\n7. connect the SCL pin of LCD display to the SCL pin\nof the arduino\n8. connect the GND (ground) of the LCD display to\nGND of the arduino\n\n\nAlt text\n\n## ARDUINO CODE(LCD MONITOR + ULTRASONIC SESNOR) :\n### \nc++\n#include \nLiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x20, 16, 2); // Format -> (Addres Widt Height )\n#define echoPin 2 // attach pin D2 Arduino to Echo pin of Sensor module\n#define trigPin 3 // attach pin D3 Arduino to Trig pin of Sensor module\nlong duration; // Declare variable to store echo time duration\nint distance; // Declare variable to store the result (distance)\nvoid setup()\n{\nlcd.init(); // initialize the lcd\nlcd.backlight(); // Turn on the Backlight\npinMode(trigPi OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an OUTPUT\npinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an INPUT\n// Serial Communication is starting with 9600 of baudrate speed\nSerial.begin(9600);\n// The text to be printed in serial monitor\nSerial.println(\Distance measurement using Arduino Uno\");\ndelay(500);\n}\nvoid loop()\n{\ndigitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);\ndelayMicroseconds(2);\ndigitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);\ndelayMicroseconds(10);\ndigitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);\nduration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);\ndistance = duration * 0.0344 / 2;\nSerial.print(\"Distance: \");\nSerial.print(distance);\nSerial.println(\" cm\");\nlcd.clear(); // Clear the display buffer\nlcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Set cursor for \"Distance:\" (Column, Row)\nlcd.print(\"Distance:\"); // print \"Distance:\" at (0, 0)\nlcd.setCursor( 1); // Set cursor for output value (0, 1)\nlcd.print(distance); // print Output in cm at (0, 1)\nlcd.setCursor(4, 1); // move cursor to (4, 1)\nlcd.print(\"cm\"); // print \"cm\" at (4, 1)\ndelay(100);\n} \n\n## APPLICATION ULTRASONIC DISTANCE MEASURMENT SYSTEM :\n1. Used in RADAR system\n2. To measure distance without physical contact\nwith measuring instruments\n3. Used in object detection in security system\n\n\n\n\n\n### TASK- 2\n# SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR\n\n## \nWe can control the speed of the DC motor by simply\ncontrolling its input voltage to the motor\n\n# SPEED CONTROL USING ARDUINO AND L298N MOTOR DRIVER :\n\n## Materials required\n1. 12V DC Motor\n2. L298N Motor deiver \n3. Power Supply\n4. Arduino\n5. Push BUtton\n6. Potentiometer\n\n## L298N MOTOR DRIVER :\n###\nThis is a dual H bridge motor driver which allows\nspeed direction control of two DC motors at the\nsame time .\nThe module can drive motor that have voltage\nbetween 5 and 35 V ,with a peak of current upto 2A\n\n\nalt text\n\n\nThe motor driver has two screw terminal blocks\nfor motor A and for motor B ,and another one for\nground pi the Vcc for motor and a 5V pin which\ncan either be an input or output\n\nThe Enable A and Enable B pins are used for\nenabling and controlling the speed of the DC\nmotor .\nThe input 1 and input 2 pins are used for\ncontrolling the rotation direction of the motor A.\nThe input 3 and input 4 are used to control the\ndirection of motor B\n\nAfter the connection are ensured upload the given\nbellow arduino code into the arduino board\n\nalt textt\nalt text\n\n c \n/* Arduino DC Motor Control - PWM | H-Bridge | L298N - \n*/\n#define enA 9\n#define in1 6\n#define in2 7\n#define button 4\nint rotDirection = 0;\nint pressed = false;\nvoid setup() {\npinMode(enA, OUTPUT);\npinMode(in1, OUTPUT);\npinMode(in2, OUTPUT);\npinMode(button, INPUT);\n// Set initial rotation direction\ndigitalWrite(in1, LOW);\ndigitalWrite(in2, HIGH);\n}\nvoid loop() {\nint potValue = analogRead(A0); // Read potentiometer value\nint pwmOutput = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0 , 255); // Map the\npotentiometer value from 0 to 255\nanalogWrite(enA, pwmOutput); // Send PWM signal to L298N Enable\npin\n// Read button - Debounce\nif (digitalRead(button) == true) {\npressed = !pressed;\n}\nwhile (digitalRead(button) == true);\ndelay(20);\n// If button is pressed - change rotation direction\nif (pressed == true & rotDirection == 0) {\ndigitalWrite(in1, HIGH);\ndigitalWrite(in2, LOW);\nrotDirection = 1;\ndelay(20);\n}\n// If button is pressed - change rotation direction\nif (pressed == false & rotDirection == 1) {\ndigitalWrite(in1, LOW);\ndigitalWrite(in2, HIGH);\nrotDirection = 0;\ndelay(20);\n}\n}\n\n## APPLICATION OF SPEED CONTROLLING OF DC MOTOR : \n1. Controlling the movement of robotic vehicle\n2. Movement of motors in paper mills\n3. Movement of the motors in escalators\n4. Other industrial use\n\nimage\n\n![image]( export=view&id=\n1DqYnU6B1WWsML9kkQd5U2kQt6w7_vJXg)\n\nimage\n\n\n\n\n### TASK-3 \n# 3 D PRINTING\n\n\n## \n3D printer a machine allowing the creation of a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many thin layers of a material in succession.\n\n## HOW DOES A 3D PRINTER WORKS\n##\nThe 3D printing process turns a whole object into thousands of tiny little slices, then makes it from the bottom-up, slice by slice. Those tiny layers stick together to form a solid object. Each layer can be very complex, meaning 3D printers can create moving parts like hinges and wheels as part of the same object\n \n \n\nalt text\n## STL FILES :\n##\nSTL is a file format commonly used for 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD). The name STL is an acronym that stands for stereolithography — a popular 3D printing technology.\n\n## G-CODE FILES :\n##\nThe GCODE file is the standard file format that most users will be familiar with. This is a plain-text file, where each line in the file represents a new command for our 3D printer\n\n## SLICING :\nthe act of converting a 3D model into a set of instructions for the 3D printers is called Slicing\n\nalt text\n\n## TINGIVERSE : clickhere(*\n\n*Here is this task we used a website called as tingiverse .\nThe website contains numerous amount of STL file which we can download and later convert it into G-Code with the help of some slicing software called as ULTIMAKER CURA AND CREIALITY these both are the slicing software which is used to convert the STL files to G-Code format\n\n## TERMS USED IN 3D PRINTER :\n\n1. BED TEMPARATURE\n2. INFILL DENSITY\n3. NOZZLE TEMPARATURE\n\n## BED TEMPERATURE : \nits the temperature of the plate or platform where the model is printed and the temperature of bed will be completely depended on the filament we use.\nThe filament used in this is PLA filament (Polylactic acid) the bed temperature for this filament will around 50-60 C \n\nalt text\n\n## NOZZLE TEMPERATURE :\nits the temperature where the filament melts and flow to form the model the nozzle temperature is also completely depending on the filament we used\nhere we have used PLA filament so the nozzle temperature will be around 205-210 C\n\n## INFILL DENSTIY :\nThe infill density defines the amount of plastic used on the inside of the print. A higher infill density means that there is more plastic on the inside of our print\nit gives an idea about the strength of our model\ngenerally the models used for visual purpose will be having a infill density of 20%\n\n\n## working with 3D printer in marvel lab :\nimage\n\nimage\n\n\n\n\n\n### TASK-4\n# 555-ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR\n##\nAstable multivibrator using 555 IC is a simple oscillator circuit that generates continuous pulses. The frequency of the circuit can be controlled by shifting the values of resistors R1, R2 ad capacitor C1. Astable Multivibrator Using 555 Timer.\n\nalt text\n\nThe given task was to make a 555- Astable multivibrator which have the duty cycle of 60%\n## DUTY CYCLE :\nDuty cycle is the ratio of time a load or circuit is ON compared to the time the load or circuit is OFF.\n the task given for us was multivibrator with 60% duty cycle \n which means that the circuit will be ON for 60 % and OFF for 40 %\n\n THE FORMULA FOR DUTY CYLLE IS \n DUTY CYLE=(R1+R2/R1+2R2) %\n\nTHE CHARGE AND DISCHARGE TIMES ARE\n\nT1=0.693(R1+R2)C\nAND \n T2=0.693 * R2 * C\n\n alt text\n\n\n\n## MATERIALS REQUIRED :\n1. BREAD BOARD \n2. JUMPER WIRES\n3. CAPACITORS OF 0.01 MICRO FARAD\n4. RESISTORS OF 1:2 RATIO\n( WE USED AS 10K AND 22K)\n\n## APPLICATIONS OF MULTIVIBRATOR\n1. its used in traffic control signals \n2. used as timers in laptop and mobiles\n3. large applications in electronics industries \n\n## WORKING OF 555- ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATORE IN MARVEL LAB\n\nimage\n\n\nimage\n\n\n\n\n### TASK-5\n# SOLDERING PREQUISITIES\nSoldering is a joining process used to join different types of metals together by melting solder\n\n## SOLDER :\na metal or metallic alloy used when melted to join metallic surfaces.\nWe used the solder which was an alloy of lead and tin in marvel lab\n\nalt text\n\n## SOLDERING IRON :\nA soldering iron is a hand tool used to heat solder, usually from an electrical supply at high temperatures above the melting point of the solder\n\nalt text\n\nPRECAUTION : we should not touch the soldering iron while using it ,it may cause injuries\n\n\n\n## DESOLDERING WICK :\nits a copper braid that is used to remove solder\n\nalt text\n\n## SOLDERING FLUX :\nthe flux removes oxides from the metal and also it helps in wetting\n\nalt text\n\n## SOLDERING STAND :\nthe place where the soldering iron is kept\n\nalt text\n\n## CHISLE TIP :\nthe tip of the the soldering iron, its depends on the materials ,boards and components we use\n\nalt text\n\n## MATERIALS REQUIRED :\n1. SOLDERING IRON\n2. PCB\n3. LED\n4. RESISTOR\n\nthe following materials were soldered in MARVEL LAB and the the connection was given to LED from and external source .\nas a result the LED started glowing\n\n## WORKING OF SOLDERING TASK IN MARVEL\n\n\nimage\n\n\nimage\n\n\n\n\n\n"

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