This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.
1)Task: Get familiar with the command line on ubuntu and do the following subtasks\n\n###### This was the first task that I did. I knew the basics of UBUNTU, so it was easy for me to complete the task.\nI first created a folder named \test_deeksha".\n\nCommand used: mkdir
\n\n\n###### Then I cd-ed into that folder.\nCommand used: cd
\n\n\n###### I then created a blank file and listed the files in that folder.\n\nCommand used: touch and ls
\n\n###### We also had to create 2600 folders. I used the for loop in linux to do that. Inside the for loop, I used the mkdir command. 2600 files were created.\n\n###### To do the last part of the task, I used the nano text editor and wrote some text. Then I concatenated both of those text files using the 'cat' command.\n\nCommand used: cat
\n\n###### This completed my Ubuntu task. \n\n
\n>\n\n\n## 2)Task: Tinkercad\n\nI was new to the Tinkercad platform. I first had to create an account. \nThen I used the reference article to understand the task. We had to learn how to measure the distance using an Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino.\nI learnt about Ultrasonic sensor, it's working principle, the formula to calculate the distance measured. \nI connected the circuit as shown. Had no problem while connecting the circuit.\n I copied the code from the resource article and pasted it .The coding part, I did not understand. I am new to C++ so I was not able to understand the code. But one of the MARVEL co-ordinators explained the basics. But still, the coding part is a bit confusing.\nHopefully, after learning C++, I will be able to write the code on my own.\nI learnt the basics of Arduino while completing this task. Also learnt how to use Tinkercad platform.\n\n
\n>\n\n## 3)Task: Github\n\nI had heard about Github before, but had never used it. This was new for me.\nI watched some videos to understand more about Github. Then I opened the MARVEL github task through the link provided.\nI first started doing the task through the git bash terminal. \nI forked the repository. Downloaded the zip file.\nThen opened the Git Bash and cloned the repository. Then created a branch and named it Deeksha/fix. But then when I tried to pull request, I faced error. I was not able to link my github account to git bash. I tried it a lot of times , but was still not able to link it. \n\n \n
\n\n\nSo then, I closed the git bash terminal and tried to do it in the github website only. I made changes to the code. Then I was able to create a branch, pull request, and then merge with the main branch. Then deleted my branch. So this completed my github task.\n\n
\n>\n\n## 4)Task: Kaggle\n\nI was new to Kaggle. I first watched some YouTube videos to know more about Kaggle. \nThen I entered the Titanic ML competition. I first had to watch the tutorial on how to do the task. It had a lot of python code. I tried to understand the code as much as I could.\nThen opened the Kaggle notebook and typed the code.\nI got the csv file at the end. I submitted the csv file. This completed my Kaggle task.\nI learnt the absolute basics about machine learning by doing this task. I still have a long way to go to actually understand machine learning and enter competitions on my own, but this was a nice first step.\n\n
\n>\n## 5)Task: LED Toggle using ESP32\nThe learning objective was to build a web server that controls ESP32 outputs pins. Here we are using LED for executing this project.\nI started by building the circuit. I connected two LEDs to the ESP32 as shown in the following diagramm – one LED connected to GPIO 26, and the other to GPIO 27.\n
\nThen I copied and uploaded the code to Arduino IDE.Also made the necessary changes in the code\nThen plugged ESP32 board to the computer.\nTo access the web server, I opened the browser, pasted the ESP32 IP address.\nThen I checked whether the web server is working properly or not.\nThis completed my LED task.\n
\n>\n## 6)Task: 3D Printing\nI first read the resource article provided. Then downloaded the STL file from the internet, opened it using Creality app. Then sliced it and put the file in the Sd card.\nThen insetred the card into the 3D printing device. \n\n
\n>\n## 7)Task: Soldering\nLearnt about the basics of Soldering. Read the resource article provided.\nThen one of the Coordinators at MARVEL taught how to solder on a perf board. \n
\n>\n## 8)Task: Speed control of DC Motor\nSimilar to other tasks, I first read through the resource article provided.\nUnderstood about PMW, about how we can control speed of motor by controlling the PMW output.\nAlso learnt about the L298N motor driver which allows speed and direction control of two DC motors at the same time. I then connected Arduino and L298N motor driver. I then connected the circuit as shown.\n
\nThen opened ARDUINO IDE and copied the code. First trial, there was some problem with the connection. So had to redo the whole thing.\nThis completed my DC speed control task.\n
\n>\n## 9)Task: Working with Pandas and Matplotlib\nI first created a text file with the extenion .csv.\nThe text file had marks of various subjects as shown below.\n
\nI then opened Jupyter notebook. Imported the csv file and printed it.\n
\nI then plotted a bar graph and a line graph for the above data.\n
\nI was not able to plot a scatter plot for the above data. I didn't really get what to assign for the x and y variables for the above data.\n
\n>\n## 10)Task: Active participation\nI took part in AR WIZARDS, an event conducted during IMPETUS 23.0.\nWe had to track images and objects using AR technology that revealed a 3D model with a unique number. This unique number served as password. The password gave us access to a word document which had broken code in C++ and Java. We then had to debug the code to create a functional program.\nI haven't done any MOOC course yet. But planning to do one after the SEM 1 exams.\n