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BLOG · 4/4/2023

MARVEL Common Tasks (CP) - Part 1

Refer GitHub to know more about my Work

Prajwal G
Prajwal G
MARVEL Common Tasks (CP) - Part 1
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

---\n#### Daily Report in Document Format : Prajwal G\n\n---\n# 1. LED Toggle using ESP32 \n### Date : 15/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### To create a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs or output using the Arduino IDE.\n\n### Materials Required : \n#### 1. ESP32 development board\n#### 2. 2 x 5mm LED\n#### 3. 2 x 330 ohm Resistor\n#### 4. Breadboard\n#### 5. Jumper Wires\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\tMake connections as shown in figure.\n#### 2.\t In the provided code \n Replace xxxxxx with your network credentials\n const char* ssid = \xxxxxx";\n const char* password = "xxxxxx";\n#### 3. Now paste the IP Address in the code in Search Engine(Google Chrome …)\n\n### Image(Reference) : \n Circuit\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGitHub\n\n### Resource Used : \nReference\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Thus created a standalone web server with an ESP32 that controls the LED connected with ESP32 GPIOs or output using the Arduino IDE.\n\n---\n# 2. DC motor speed control using a microcontroller\n### Date : 16/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### To explore basic techniques for controlling DC motors and control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board.\n\n### Materials Required : \n#### 1. Two 5V DC motors. \n#### 2. An Arduino Uno.\n#### 3. A motor controller module with the L298N chip.\n#### 4. A battery.\n#### 5. Jumper Wires.\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\tConnect the first motor to motor controller module Out1 and Out2. The order does not matter.\n#### 2.\tConnect the first motor to motor controller module Out3 and Out4. The order does not matter.\n#### 3.\tConnect the positive wire from the battery pack to pin +12V on the module.\n#### 4.\tConnect the negative wire from the battery pack to pin GND on the module.\n#### 5.\tConnect the GND pin of the module to the GND pin of the Arduino.\n#### 6.\tConnect Arduino pin 5 to module pin In1.\n#### 7.\tConnect Arduino pin 4 to module pin In2.\n#### 8.\tConnect Arduino pin 3 to module pin In3.\n#### 9.\tConnect Arduino pin 2 to module pin In4.\n\n\n### Image(Reference) : \n Circuit\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGitHub\n\n### Resource Used : \nReference\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Thus explored the basic techniques for controlling DC motors and control DC motors using the L298N motor driver and the Arduino board.\n\n---\n# 3. TinkerCAD\n### Date : 15/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### To create a TinkerCAD account and simulate the following using ultrasonic/infrared sensors, estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor. Convert to a Share the simulation link.\n### Materials Required : \n#### 1.\t Arduino Uno R3 board\n#### 2.\t Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)\n#### 3.\t 16×2 LCD Display\n#### 4.\t Jumper Wires\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\tConnect the Echo pin of the sensor to the D2 pin of the Arduino.\n#### 2.\tConnect the Trig pin of the sensor to the D3 pin of the Arduino.\n#### 3.\tNavigate to Tools and select board and port.\n#### 4.\tVerify and compile the code, then upload the code to the Arduino Uno R3 board.\n#### 5.\tMonitor the output in the Serial monitor (Set the baud rate as 9600). \n\n### Image(Reference) : \nimage\nWhatsApp Image 2023-03-16 at 22 24 48\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\nTinkerCAD\n### Resource Used : \nReference\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence created a TinkerCAD account and simulate the following using ultrasonic/infrared sensors, estimate the distance between an obstacle and the sensor. Convert to a Share the simulation link.\n\n### Difficulty : \n#### At first I used 16×2 LCD I2C Display so there were no readings on LCD.\n\n### How I solved : \n#### I used 16×2 LCD Display.\n\n---\n# 4. Working with an API\n### Date : 17/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### Using any API build a user interface where you make API calls and display the necessary information.\n\n### Software Required : \n#### 1. Android Studio\n### API Included : \n#### 1. OpenAI API\n### Library Included : \n#### 1. OkHttp library\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1. We'll start by building the user interface for our chat app, including a text input field and a list view to display the chat history.\n#### 2. And we will setup the OkHttp library and using it to make requests to the OpenAI API.\n#### 3. Finally, we'll bring everything together by adding the code to send requests to the OpenAI API and display the responses in the chat history.\n\n### Image(Reference) : \nImage\nImage\nImage\n### Sometimes a too much processing task can lead to failure\nImage\n \n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGitHub\n\n#### (in this I have forked the code from another account of mine because I was facing difficulty in pushing to this GitHub account. The another GitHub account is completely owned by me)\n\n### Resource Used : \n#### API : ChatGPT\n#### Library : okhttp\n\n### Method to use : \n#### 1. Download the code and open it in Android Studio.\n#### 2. Now generate your own API key in OpenAI website.\n#### 3.Paste that key in in 101 line by replacing ‘your_api_key’.\n#### 4. Finally run the code in your Android device.\n\n Else I can provide Signed APK bundle on request.\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Thus created an Android APP using an API and finally built a user interface where it makes API calls and display the necessary information.\n\n---\n# 5. Resource Article using Markdown Language\n### Date : 18/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### Write a technical resource article on a topic of your choice and post it on the MARVEL website\n### Website Required : \n#### Marvel Official Website : UVCE MARVEL\n### Procedure : \n#### 1. First go to Marvel Official Website.\n#### 2. Then go to Writing section and then go to resource article section.\n#### 3. Now it’s time to write a Technical Resource Article.\n\n### Image(Reference) : \n image\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nDeepFake Technology\n\nGitHub\n\n### Learnt about different Markdown language symbols.\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence Wrote a technical resource article on DeepFake Technology and posted it on the MARVEL website.\n\n---\n# 6. To get familiar with the command line on Ubuntu\n\n### Date : 19/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### To do the following tasks :\n#### 1.\tCreate a folder named test.\n#### 2.\tcd into that folder.\n#### 3.\tCreate a blank file without using any text editor.\n#### 4.\tlist the files in that folder\n#### 5.\tcreate 2600 folders in this folder where each folder is named like . For example, M90 or B56.\n#### 6.\tconcatenate two text files containing any random text and display them on the terminal.\n\n### Software Required : \n#### 1.\tUbuntu \n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\t Open Ubuntu software and run the command lines.\n#### 2.\t At each step notice the process taking place.\n\n### Image(Reference) : \n WhatsApp Image 2023-03-19 at 19 11 19\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence got familiar with the command line on Ubuntu.\n\n---\n# 7. Working with Pandas and Matplotlib\n### Date : 20/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### Using pandas and matplotlib, and a dataset of your choice, plot a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot.\n\n### Library Included : \n#### 1.\tPandas\n#### 2.\tMatplotlib\n### Software Required : \n#### 1.\tGoogle Colab\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\tOpen Google Colab software and import the required library.\n 1.\timport pandas as pd\n 2.\timport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\n#### 2.\t And plot the graph as per requirement.\n\n### My Work(Reference)\nGithub\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence learnt to plot a line graph, bar graph, and scatter plot using pandas and matplotlib. \n\n---\n# 8. Create a Portfolio Webpage\n### Date : 21/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### Create a website to showcase your portfolio - about yourself, interests, projects, social media, profiles and more. It has to be responsive and also pushed to the git repository. \n\n### Software Required : \n#### 1.\t Visual Studio Code\n\n### Hosting Site : \n#### 1.\tGitHub Page\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\t Create HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT files as per requirement\n\n### Image(Reference)\n WhatsApp Image 2023-03-22 at 23 27 18\n\n\n### My Work(Reference)\nGithub\n\n### Live Website : \nPrajwal G\n\n### Resource Used : \n#### Different YouTube videos\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence create a Portfolio Webpage\n\n### Difficulty : \n#### Firstly I faced difficulties like learning HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT which were absolutely new for me.\n\n### How I solved : \n#### I had good knowledge of App Development which indirectly helped to learn the programming languages related to web development in a quick span of time. And both had a lot of similarities which made me to build in an attractive way.\n\n---\n# 9. Kaggle Contest\n### Date : 23/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### 1.\tMake a Kaggle account.\n#### 2.\tParticipate in the Titanic ML competition.\n### Software Required : \n#### 1.\tGoogle Colab\n\n### Library Used : \n#### 1.\tPandas\n#### 2.\tMatplotlib\n#### 3.\tTree\n\n### Classifier Used : \n#### 1.\tDecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn\n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\tCreate a Kaggle account.\n#### 2.\tGo to Titanic competition page and download the test and the train files.\n#### 3.\t Now go to Google Colab, where you will import the above 2 files. And work on each of them to predict the chances of survival of each person based of various conditions given.\n#### 4.\t Then finally submit the predictions in Kaggle website.\n### Image(Reference) :\n Image\n\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\n### Kaggle Profile : Prajwal G\n\n### Resource Used : \n#### Different YouTube videos\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Finally made a Kaggle account and participated in the Titanic ML competition.\n\n\n### Difficulty : \n#### Here I was suppose to use various libraries , software at a time which made me bit slow to complete this task. Even these were new to me.\n\n### How I solved : \n#### I went through many YouTube videos and various things and finally got the idea to solve the problem.\n\n---\n# 10. Working with GitHub\n### Date : 24/03/2023\n\n### AIM : \n#### To Familiarize ourself with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task. \n\n### Requirement : \n#### 1.\tGitHub \n\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\t Fork the project from given Marvel GitHub link.\n#### 2.\t Then clone the repository.\n#### 3.\t Now create a new branch named Prajwal_G/fix.\n#### 4.\t Now go to main file and commit the changes and create a pull request to the original branch.\n### Image(Reference) :\n image\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Got familiarized with GitHub integrated workflows (GitHub actions), Issues, and pull requests with this task.\n\n---\n# 11. Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit\n### Date : 27 /03/2023 \n\n### AIM : \n#### To Describe: For 4 cases, based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed and determine the karnaugh map and make a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits.\n\n### Requirement : \n#### 1.\tAND gate\n#### 2.\tPower Supply\n#### 3.\tLED\n#### 4.\tSwitch\n#### 5.\tPhotoresistor\n#### 6.\t1K ohm Resistor\n#### 7.\tPiezo Buzzer\n### Procedure : \n#### 1.\t Make the connections as shown in figure.\n### Image(Reference) :\n Dazzling Bombul\n\n\n### My Work(Reference) : \nGithub\n\nTinkercad\n\n### Resources Used : \n#### YouTube Videos\n\n#### Truth Table : \n| LDR(Door) | Switch(Key) | Buzzer |\n|-----------|-------------|--------|\n| 0 | 0 | 0 |\n| 0 | 1 | 0 |\n| 1 | 0 | 0 |\n| 1 | 1 | 1 |\n\n### Karnaugh Map : \n| LDR/Switch | 0 | 1 |\n|:--------:|:-----:|:-----:|\n| 0 | 0 | 0 |\n| 1 | 0 | 1 |\n\n\n### Simplified Equation : \n#### Alarm = Switch AND LDR\n\n### Outcome : \n#### Hence Described: For 4 cases, based on door lock/open and key pressed/not pressed and determined the karnaugh map and made a burglar alarm using simple logic circuits.\n\n---\n"

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01