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BLOG · 6/1/2024

IoT Level 1 REPORT

Marvel - Where things Turn into REALITY

Chandan S
Chandan S
IoT Level 1 REPORT
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

TASK 12:


The very first task I performed after getting into MARVEL was Understanding the Working of Soldering. After Having this task Completed , I was able to understand the Working principle and Basic necessary Precautions that One should look after, before proceeding with the same.

In this Task , I was able to Solder LED Lights with some of the Resistors on a Circuit Board .

![Image] (

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Task 11. LED Toggle Using ESP32.

The above task was one of the easiest way to build a web server that controls ESP32 outputs pins.

Through the above mentioned task , I was able to control the ON and OFF functions of a LED light by inputting the ESP32’s IP address into any browser within the local network.

This task was one of the most loved task by me , as I always personally thought that controlling Things(like LED etc) through a mobile was quite difficult but no sooner did I got to witness that , This process was so Smooth!!!

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TASK 10. Speed Control of DC Motor.

In the Above mentioned Task , I was able to learn to control the speed of the DC Motor by simply controlling the input voltage to the motor. The basic components that were used in this Task were , DC Motor L298N motor driver, a potentiometer, a push button and an Arduino board.

This Task was directly performed in the Lab with the help of our domain coordinators and below are some of the pictures of the same !!!

So depending on the size of the motor, we can simply connect an Arduino PWM output to the base of transistor or the gate of a MOSFET and control the speed of the motor by controlling the PWM output. The low power Arduino PWM signal switches on and off the gate at the MOSFET through which the high power motor is driven.

Example Image


After having a view of the above mentioned task , I was able to understand that , It is always better to have a simulation demo before starting off with the realistic materials of the project .

Tinkercad really helps an individual in handling Risk and factors that would damage the overall project!

In Tinkercad, I was taken up the task of measuring , The distance between Sensor and Object using Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino.

The circuit components that I used for performing the task include

*Arduino Uno R3 board

*Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)

*16×2 LCD I2C Display

Ultrasonic sensors measure distance by sending and receiving the ultrasonic wave. The ultrasonic sensor has a sender to emit the ultrasonic waves and a receiver to receive the ultrasonic waves. The transmitted ultrasonic wave travels through the air and is reflected by hitting the Object. Arduino calculates the time taken by the ultrasonic pulse wave to reach the receiver from the sender. *Jumper Wires

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To Understand the Basic Working principle and duty cycle carried out by a 555 Oscillator.

In the above mentioned experiment , The stable 555 Oscillator circuit is used for generating highly accurate free running waveforms whose output frequency can be adjusted by means of an externally connected RC tank circuit consisting of just two resistors and a capacitor. The 555 Oscillator is an oscillator used for generating stabilized square wave output waveforms of either a fixed frequency of up to 500kHz or of varying duty cycles from 50 to 100%.

output “ON” and “OFF” time periods are determined by the capacitor and resistors combinations.

The duration of one full timing cycle is therefore equal to the sum of the two individual times that the capacitor charges and discharges added together and is given as:

Below are some of the instances of us performing the 555 Oscillator Task. Example Image



Application Programming Interface

To understand the Definition, Working and its Application,

API Helps two different software’s to communicate and exchange data with each other. jQuery plugin was used to display current weather of any city using the API. Using this plugin we can access location, currect low temperature, current high temprature , current weather description, weather icon, humidity level, wind speed, sunset and sunrise timings etc.

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TASK 15: Active Participation:

I Actively Participated in KAGADA 2023 under project presentation track.

We had come with the idea of making smart bin at the event.

We did really gain a lot of learning and experience in the event.

I have enrolled for Full Stack Web Development Course in UDEMY where Angela Yu is being my instructor .

It would still take a couple of days in order to finish my Course and get a certificate !!

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TASK 8: Writing Resource Article using Markdown

Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags.

From this Task , I was able to learn the methodology of writing in a markdown file.

It is only Possible to this task , That I was able to understand the format of inserting a file( i.e photo/video)in a Markdown file.

It gave me insights about adding photos from Google Drive or may be a Video from a You Tube etc!

I have written a Resource Article on HARNESSING SILK WORM WASTE FOR ETHANOL AND ALTERNATE FUEL. Hope MARVEL finds it useful!!!\n\n

TASK 07. Create a Portfolio Webpage.

To understand the Basic principle that is required to build a Website and host it in Github.

To understand HTML , CSS that is required to build a website.

Below attached link takes you to the website which I created ,

It consists of HTML 75% and CSS 25%.

I Basically have created , a Motivational Meme by uploading an image , The background of the website is kept in black and the text is in white .Example Image


We were asked to make a Kaggle account, visit the website and complete the competition i .e TITANIC ML COMPETITION

We were supposed to use Machine Learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck considering some of the elements which include Their Gender, Age , colour etc.

After diving into the world of Kaggle, Through Our 1st Project in it, We were able to find out an average of 0.7% of women were able to survive and an average of 0.3% of the men were saved !!

Below Link is attached which directs you to the Kaggle Website of my Project.

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01