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BLOG · 4/4/2023

Learnings of Marvel Common Tasks

Through this report I am presenting my learnings untill now as Coordinator Probationer.

darshan j
darshan j
Learnings of Marvel Common Tasks
This Article is yet to be approved by a Coordinator.

Task 4:\nDate:16/3/2023\n\nI completed the task about learning basic Linux commands. Learnt about commands like pw c mkdir and learnt that / means starting from root directory and ~ means starting from home directory. I also learnt about how to move from the home directory or root directory to the present location.\nI also learnt how to create folder within folder and also creating different directories using a single command. I also learnt to create folders and files using touch command and also how to write into the file using cat and echo commands. I also learnt how to create multiple folders.\nPic 1\nPic 2\nPic 3\npic 4\n\n## Task 9:\nDate:21/3/2023\n\nI Completed the task about measuring distance using ultrasonic sensor and displaying it using I2C LCD. Here, I learnt about how to write the code properly and how to display the information using I2C LCD. I also faced a lot of problems using it because the LCD was not displaying anything. After spending a lot of time, I learnt that we had to change the type of LCD to PCF8574 -based and then it worked and finally I got proper output.\n\nGithub Repository Link:\n## Task 12:\nDate:24/3/2023\n\nCompleted the Task about Soldering practice in presence of coordinator. I learnt that the board on which we solder is called perfboard and also learnt that we have to solder on the surface with holes and a larger circular disc enclosing it. I also learnt and brushed up on soldering LED and resistor properly. I also learnt that we will be using a soldering tin to solder and also a copper wick to correct any mis-soldering. \nfig\nvideo link:\n## Task 13:\nDate:28/3/2023\n\nCompleted the Task about Astable multivibrator using 555 timer. Here, I brushed up on designing astable multivibrator using 555 timer and also designed it for 60% duty cycle. I learnt about 5V breadboard power supply and how it is used. I also learnt about how to use modern type of DSO’s.\nVideo link:\n\n## Task 11:\nDate:30/3/2023\n\nCompleted the Task about LED switching using ESP32 DEVKIT DOIT module with 30 pins. Here I learnt about how to use to ESP32 DEVKIT DOIT module by connecting it to the pc using usb cable and how to use GPIO pins to program them as output pins to instruct the LED’s to on or off using the buttons available on the created IPaddress using the code. I then tested the code by giving instructions from the computer.\n\nGithub repository link:\n## Task 3:\nDate: 1/4/2023\n\nCompleted the Task about creating Github repository and modifying the error code in it by creating a branch and editing the python code and then I committed this change. Then I created a pull request to merge the changes made in the branch to the original code. I learnt how to use GitHub, how to create repository, how to create a branch, how to commit changes, and how to create a pull request to merge the modified code into main branch.\n\npic2\npic3\n\nGithub link:\n## Task 2:\nDate: 3/4/2023\n\nCompleted the Task about creating a weather app which gives the weather details when we type the city for which weather is required. Here I learnt about basic things in html and also about using a jQuery plugin for creating API app. I also learnt about adding extensions of live server such that we can open a port connected to the internet and display widgets properly.\n\nGithub link:\n![fig](\n## Task 15:\nDate: 3/4/2023\n\nHas Completed the Task about completing a MOOC course on VLSI SoC Design Using Verilog HDL. Here I had learnt about the VLSI design flow, writing code in Verilog HDL, various modelling styles.\n\nGithub link:\n\nI have also gotten a certificate for participation in a placement practice competition called ternate on 5th August 2022.\n\nGithub link:\n## Task 6 :\nDate: 4/4/2023\n\nCompleted the task of Data Visualisation using pandas and matplotlib. I learnt how to plot different types of graphs like a line graph, a bar graph, a scatter plot. I faced many difficulties in installing the essentials like pandas and matplotlib. For this, first I had to install pip module and then install matplotlib and pandas. So, I learnt many things like how to plot multiple plots on same graph, how to fix the intervals.\n\nGithub link:\n## Task 8:\nDate: 4/4/2023\n\nCompleted task 8 about writing a resource article about Data Visualisation using matplotlib and pandas. Here I learnt about how to write a resource article and how to properly embed images.\n\nfig

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01