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BLOG · 3/4/2023

MARVEL Coordinator Probation common tasks [Part 2]

Bhavid A
Bhavid A
MARVEL Coordinator Probation common tasks [Part 2]

MARVEL Coordinator Probation common tasks- Documentation [Part 2]\n\n## 8. Kaggle contest\n\nTask Initiated:17-03-2023, 19:00\n\nCreated a Kaggle Account.\n\nWatched the resources, found it difficult to grasp.\n\n19th March 2023, 18:00\n\nRestarted the Kaggle Task. Started with tutorial tasks on Youtube [1] and read the suggested Kaggle notebook [2].\n\nInstead of implementing it on Kaggle Notebook, I implemented the task on Jupyter Notebook, so I had to spend time on installation.\n\nWent through the steps, got to know about the functions, libraries , data sets, how to analyse it, and the logistic regression model throughout the course.\n\nSo I thought about the problem of what factors could have contributed for people to survive this shipwreck- could it be gender, place of embarkment, wealth etc. and started to work on the same.\n\nThough I said API was challenging, this was the hardest challenge I faced in the tasks so far because initially I was so demotivated that I couldn't understand anything about ML, data science and was intimidated by it, but I was able to pull through.\n\nI was able to predict the survivors with an accuracy of 0.76 (out of 1).\n\nPictures:\n\n\n\nFig: Submission Page\n\n\n\nFig. Rank\n\n\n\nFig. Working with the data on Jupyter Notebook\n\nJupyter Notebook\n\nSubmitted Data\n\nTask Completed: 19th March 2023 , 21.30\n\nDifficulties Faced:\n\nInitially I felt very nerve-wracking as I couldn't understand the head and tail of what's going on.\n\nBut I enjoyed it as it was a very steep learning curve and was able to get through this.\n\n## 9. Active Participation\n\nCertificates:\n\n-We had taken part in IMPETUS 22.0 Silic-o-hack and won 1st place for the same.\n\n-We had taken part in Kagada 2022 - Project Track and won 1st place for the same. Without MARVEL, we wouldn't have taken part or probably won the event.\n\nLink to the Certificate\n\nMOOC participation:\n\nI registered for the MOOC Course Analog IC Design by Prof. S.Aniruddhan at NPTEL. I started the course on 27th January 2023, but had to discontinue due to the end semester exam.I  had watched 2 week sessions and will be picking it back now though I am not eligible for the certificate.\n\n14th March 2023-20th March 2023\n\nWatched 1st 2 weeks of the course.\n\n\n\n## 10. Astable Multivibrator with 60% Duty Cycle\n\nTask Initiated:20th March 2023, 20.30\n\nI have done this circuit countless times, so I just quickly designed the circuit with pen and paper and ran the simulations.\n\nDesign:\n\n\n\nSchematic:\n\n\n\nSimulated Output:\n\n\n\n21st March 2023, 09.30\n\nAfter collecting the required components I rigged up the circuit.I used Arduino Uno as the Power supply. The desired output of a square wave with 58.75% Duty Cycle was observed. Since I knew how to operate the oscilloscope, there were no issues.\n\nCircuit:\n\n\n\nOscilloscope Output:\n\n\n\nTask Completed: 21st March 2023, 10.00\n\nDifficulties faced:\n\nFinding power supply.\n\n## 11. 3D Printing\n\nTask Initiated:20th March 2023, 21.00\n\nWent through the 3D printer resources\n\n21st March 2023, 07.30\n\nDownloaded Creality Slicer and the stl file I wanted to print-Lithophane of Gojo Satorou (Anime Character).\n\n21st March 2023, 09.30\n\nSliced the stl file and saved it as a gcode file for print after saving it on the SD card but didn't come out well as the orientation wasn't good enough. Failed after 2 tries to print.\n\n\n\nFig. Slicing\n\n21st March 2023, 15.30\n\nGave the file to print after reorientation and reslicing.\\n\\n\nFig. 3D Print\n\n\n\nFig. Comparison\n\nThe Final print is completed.\n\nTask Completed: 21st March 2023, 17.00\n\nDifficulties Faced:\n\n-Found it difficult to take in so many terminologies at the start.\n\n-Obtaining white filament was difficult as the Lithophane would look better in the same.\n\n## 12. Karnaugh Maps and Deriving the logic circuit (Burglar Alarm)\n\nTask Initiated: 22nd March 2023, 20.00\n\nI first analysed the case of the question which said it has to only ting when the burglar enters, so I designed the Truth Table and K-Map for the same.\n\n\n\nThis was followed by circuit design and simulation.\n\n\n\nVideo\n\nSimulation Link: TinkerCAD\n\nTask Completed: 22nd March 2023, 21.00\n\nDifficulties faced:\n\nNone\n\n## 13. Soldering\n\nTask Initiated: 20th March 2023, 20.00\n\nRead through the material provided for soldering.\n\n23 March 2023, 15.30\n\nOne of the coordinators -Abhilash- explained the whole process once. This included using the flux, about the solder, the way to position the element to be soldere how to fuse the contacts with the perf board and how to desolder using wick.\n\nWith the above knowledge I started to solder a simple LED circuit and it turned out fine without any issues.\n\n\n\nFig. Soldered Perf Board\n\n\n\nFig. Functional LED Circuit post Soldering\n\nTask Completed: 23rd March ,15.50\n\nDifficulties Faced: \n\nNone\n\n## 14. Plots using Pandas and Matplotlib with any dataset\n\nTask Initiated: 24th March 2023, 20.30\n\nAfter a lot of trouble finding a good dataset for tennis, Ihad to settle for a cricket data set for most runs in cricket\n\nI went through the matplot documentation and saw the functions required to plot the graphs.\n\nAlso I went through the data set to see which plot I can use to plot which data.\n\n25th March 2023, 07.30, 15.30\n\nI first read the data from the csv file and displayed it in the notebook. Also I printed the number of rows and columns. The above data set did not have any missing data.\n\n\n\nAfter much deliberation I came up with the following plots.\n\n- Bar Plot: Player Vs Runs Scored\n\n\n\n- Scatter Plot: Average Vs Runs Scored by the Player\n\n\n\n- Line Plot: Number of Centuries Vs Player\n\n\n\nTask Completed: 25th March 2023, 16.40\n\nDifficulties Faced:\n\n- Getting a gradient color for Bar Plot\n\n- Getting names besides the data points for Scatter Plot\n\n## 15. Create Portfolio Website\n\nTask Initiated: 28th March 2023, 20.30\n\nFirst I went through the tutorias on HTML and CSS. Once that was done I worked on the basic outline of the website on HTML by creating different sections. After that i did some basic styling using CSS. Since i was  newbie in JavaScript, I only incorporated the toggle function and scroll for the website.\n\n29th March 2023, 20.30\n\nI added more sections-Hom Education and Interests. Worked on styling of these using CSS.\n\n02 April 202 22.00\n\nWorked on finishing the website-fine tuning the interests section, adding the contact section. Styled the same.Added smooth scrolling.\n\nFinal Website\n\n\n\nRepository of the Site: Repo\n\nPreview of the site: Preview\n\nTask Completed: 02 April 2023, 22.00\n\nDifficulties Faced:\n\n-Styling some sections\n\n-Javascript Implementation\n

K. R Circle,
Bengaluru 01